CAILOB *IMBAKT IttlouelJ 1724 Orrin Ave., Evanstoei <re. 0227 OinonHotèlet uld L The 1Bs@*Yom us The bo*$T.uYom MARSH'ALL -PIELDS EVANSTON STORE 1891-the last year o f the life of Charles Stewart Parniell. As the young wife of- Edinund Leamy-ole, of Parnell's- loyal fl Iowers, the editor. of bis paper, United Jreland - .Mrs. Leamy was, in the mn1idst of the. fateful happenings ýof that. period.* She probably knows more of what 1actiallyhappened than. any one now living,,in this country, and there are f ew even in Ireland wbo shared ber experience. In lier portrait of Parnell, the mnan stands out in al bis strength and keenness, incorruptible, in a g n e t i c., Whàt caused the revoit within the party-the Parnelli ",split"'?,Whatpart d:ad Gladstone play in Parnell's defeat? How dîd the common people feel about their leader? Wbat actuàIly happenetl in Committee Room July choice of. trhe 150ko-tne-Monti club, 1037 pages by 'Margaret Mitchell. But so entrancing is the story that the reader does Miot 'regret asingle one ofi The autbor plunges innîediately -into plantation 1hf e in GeQrgia before the ouibreak of the Civil Nrar. Young men and wonien revolve in mtie gay w,,1irl. of dances, barbecues, andà visits bou the counitryside. carefree, oly a, suggestion of war' clouds fietting across the horizon. Alnost overnight these people are* swept inito thie, vortex of campaigning and, fighting. XVbole families are deciniateci. houses pIundered, an entire, stratum .of soc iety crumbles. *Scarlett O'Hara, the Most popular among the young girls in the crowd, expeiaeei he wort that the Civil War brought to the south, and, unbroken in~ spirit but bitter wjth determitiation, leads ber shattered kinsfolk and several other individuals back to security duwing the reconstruction period follo ing the war. Vital and energetic she does imuch to dispel the niorthorn notioni îhat al southern women 4re languWd, helpleçs fools. Froni start to finish the novel is the biography of- Scarlett, set against a 15? Wiiat Jed the Jbshops~ to align .Mvargaret. Mitchell is.the yotuaeg tc),uui Jroua the sou ti ýüwhose siaez ,sovel, "'Gone lYith Mue Wid," julst >adished bjy Macmillan, has been chosen as thec Book-of-the-Moitth OMNIBUS VOLUMES" for somnmer' r.ading themselves against Parnell? Mrs. Le4uiy bas. written a chapter of Irish history wliich shoulci interest 1rish men and women of today wherever they ffly be, thé world How often have you .asked your-. over, and wbich will give those who -What ship i5 that?» "To what self: are flot Irish a. clcarer conception of does she belong?" "What counfne forces the deep intrigue and powerful she represent?" '"When and try does at work behind the scenes in this where was she buit,-". These are "Skips and the S.a". Answers Ail Queiries to READ.. *Det.ctive mist@!ies. *Wsern storles THE bout if. traeie, o sij1a i i pi>""5 Threaded through the succession 91 C.Salbot-Booth (ACopaeton- fanious events mus still another therne,. ad hE th'e love story of the heroinie. It is tu ab t ooh ( pltn be yE . C expected that the belle of the coiCentry).be It supplies information about the munity would bave the pick of the men construction and operation of ships, and find the niost happiness. But Scartypes of. mierchant and naval vessels, lett, neyer fin4s happiness; she lets itaids to navigation, andl general sea slip through ber fingers, and the final lore. Especially . valuable are the1 pages of the novel drift off insubstantielaborate color cbarts of national ally into speculation and corne t rest on '-"'p'> secion Book « vels were Latter Ictory. r tw.o previous v and Lirnhaim'