CRATSE 7- mainsSt. wso PHONE UNI. 721 Estimagtes J7ith ut Obligation' Your delicate Summner Formais will be comefuIIy cI.amed -et Scouts present the, account of w nat w un es a u b-.woukln'It uIder st- -il "Girl Scouts they have accomplishèd during the ail." year 1935. The Girl Scout, as seen the dinosaur at The love* of Girl Scouts and tbefir] through her programn, grows more for adventure-thceir zest for leaders exuberant and has greater variety the landscape on the oitler side of of activities than ever before.1 1Enrolimeflts in the comuing case-study hili-implies no0 ttrning. away, ourses in real estate appraisal to, be Acetive Membersbip, December Si3, 193à: the these of and 8,1. fron, f undamentals, Girl Scouts............... is firmest -fthe given. by the 'Amierican Institute of Real 29:748 fnamnalsoe Brownies.............. whicb the9 Estate Appraisers of the National Assoof lack the for flexibility adwrkrs.... dut Leaer ciation of Real Estat.e Boards, in cooper.a,aur bas, disappcared. 382,971 dino Is Total.......... ....... stesîi l GilSotncs 3$6,816 tion with the, Sçbool of Business of the .............. 15,677 Increafie for year Brownle. slasle.siet Gr.Sotn packs. Total troops1 and of Chicago'durinig late july 4,328 and always différent; for .,the girlst lJniversity already .reprsent 18 states Communities.............. August, and serves 'are alîke, but various in Il stuLt îs - -solows. from PeÉnsl:vania, personality and environte.iit. Texas, 4; Illinois, BADGESAWARDED letsý;éNw York,.5; changing life; yet it our ofý part1 a 3; badges Missouri, 3; 182,890, lorida, ;, 3 there".wee In 1935 f hch3 3;i Californiia, cu ale o h being rsoe 3; New Jersey, 3; Oklahomia, 2; Ohio, awarded, the ,most ,popular lier-values. -deprIved 'Micbigan, 1; Virg ,inia, 1; Health. Winner. with 14,678 awards; change bias ber tô be self-reliant, Indiana,..2; Trennessee, 1;-pKentucky, 1 Minnesota, help which in em Scholarshp-133;H eager-mindecpbelk 9 2; Washiington, D. C., 1; and Canada, 1. group-68,3,2 : Nature : and Aýrts friendly, 2 covered-wagon of gran.dmother her Golden Eagletawards Scbeduie of the courses: group--26. days. 20Real Estat e Apprasali1. July 1. bappens often itfunda-o for this reasonl with Deals incluüsive. 1.. August and the" that the. newest trails ini Girl Scout-. mental princplesof valuation. . . ôf residential property. the of study appri)aisal 'critical a as (sucb LARN THESCOT August il. A.4ppraisai Estate 2. Reali Girl Scout prograin by impartial 3-15 FROM THE DINOSAUR inclusive. Deals with the appraisal u turn tb tend educators). aud, piêàl iômine roliete5s, Ïlud4ing sci.xxisa rV of 4rornv her anld Scout .Abo-ve the Girl and, apartxient properties. well-beaten business but neglected to Ioonwd the skeleton of the biggest back Estate ApprailUI 111, Auguet Real 3. Iatcblife; to the inclusive. Deals wlth the appraisal ~dimosaur. A scientist of tbe museurn ways of American 17-29, for nieighbQrs. of the larger and morecomplex investstaff, who likes Girl Scouts, told of string out, notto only. satis- mient leroperties. emotional the strangers; exciting days (millions of vears ago) but Courses 1 and. Il repeat the remnarkworkinansbip. honest of faction wben gigantic lizards ruled the earth. 1935 ixn ably successful courses given .last year. OId tbings were cherished ".But tbev curled up and died," be ideas were« Course 111 goes into a phase of appraisal concluded. **Tbe earth changed in and miany fruitful new wbich bas tiever befûore been covered in the dinosaur*s day-as it has ini ours tried out. And how we grewv! case-studv courses. Cite Rapid Growth -and he just couldn't keep up. He George L. Scbrnutz, M\.A.I.. Los AnThere are now 382,971 Girl Scouts, made tracks the size of a wasbtub. for_1935.1 is dean of tbe courses. cent ge1es, per 10.6 of IHe could gulp, a bale of watercress. Ian inicrease Leading Appraisers Go to Sehoul Agftin ____it .ing' The july Home of the 'Montfl is a bungalow, tbe first bungalow to have the distinction of choice iii the >-eries Of miointbly selections nmade by a conunittee of the N'ation1al Association of Real i\lc('all's Estate Boards, presenited M Miagazine, and being bulit by rea1tors in, Jcities over the country, under the Homne of thec Month plan. The bungalow plan was submnlitted bv Charles S. WVanless of' Spriingfitld, Ili. and is being built by. inie other bis smiall 0-Ki.-Hi. brother, l3obby, is at 5500' 1131 Central.Avenue s and Service Phone Wilmette 81 Mrs. Frank Nelles lias taken the Neil Williams bohuse. at 533 Brier Street, Kenilworth, for the summer.