OUR SUMNMUR FOOD BARGAUNS ARE MOST ATTRACTIVE «Eat *ofte,* and ightly on ho.tsum mer days" 's.y diet experts, "and in al types ot weather, sphen you are tired, EA T." Here's a fine list of good things from which te make selections ... ail priced fou' and debsvery included. M h M Gintger Aie Ais. RIbeelor. ad Li'me Rickëy fo help: keep cool tfhese forriddas Fncy Crab Méat, For :refrehing and -delicate luncheon, 4-oz. 9c Doz.05 .Keeps sala'ds or sandwiches. Mix with chopped sandwich pickles end University Salaed Dressing. ob n A splendid summer item f keeop on the panfry shelf. Fine in summer salad& as Weil as, when served. hot. Cranberry Chili and serve for break- 3 forS5 i AY~ *1 I for19 fast or beore lunceon.or dinner. Ifs différent, and ohp so rich in color. Pad-OMgît l pots and pas19c M~ brighf amishnig 12-paA size.. A splendià potato subifufe. Cook and serve with' Creéla mitS. o plenty of fresh. rich buffer. 3'foýOIo e- 3for 50c 19c, Sandwich Pickles Thin and crisp and spiced jus+ righf. No luncheon; cold suppe. or gcnic mneal complet. withouf fhem. 4 r 15C 1 Shredded Whealt J c An ideal summer breakfast food. good wth lots of juicy, fr.sh g So Sa lad Dr.ssing Nothing bette for salads or sandwich mixtures. If doesn't psy to make if yoursoIf when if con b. bought ef isi.price. fruit. Ripe Olives JUJMBO SIZE BUFFET TINS 'Queen Olives. **c Uneeda Rakers Solty Twist Butter Pretzels quart 3 7C pi 2 3C Wottermelons Lusdious pink meat--sugar sweef and juiky. 49c .3 do,.l 9 Leg of Spring Lamb Rub well wth pure olve oil and roast fo a golden, brown lb. goodness. Serve witli new buttered carrots. 33c 29c Oranges for Juice Nothig more refreshing these summer days thon cooling orange juice or orangeac Beef. VeaU. Pork 1 Gr@umnd for L@af c Servehot toriight--.lioe colci tomorrow. a 0 INo I. 1 C@rrylag t. Do WINNETICA 718 Ehm St. Wlnnetka il- w. "i.ur to Tou JUJLY 16,.1936