ymIWr.ight'.. o The camp at 194 Souts. Wright capacity cati accommodate 210 boysWrgRy Wilmette - John Allen, Robert and their leaders. William Bartlett, Curtis and twelve cars Bartlett, Th cm truck Fisher, Mark Follans-jack rown, Scouts:,en o Tcewiinhe second sec-beonHaBuPrriGrg detrainedfromi the they ofteFaba Redding, Lawrence, Schuber. Jim nAtg.~ tion WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Steen, William, Steen, Kimbal Urion, hour later every boy was sSitting Don Anderson. Larry Barnard, Stewtrout cookHill. down to a dinner of'lake annr bloningart Barnard, Bob Ellis. Malcolm cd i th deectble -Robert -Wcigel, Edwin Maescr, Bob 1 'lion. au Public Accounts, atn oCe transmnitt .ed in responseto cal of the.Auditor of e rtik Wtzel, 1jim Wolff, .Jim Abele, 'Bill 'hefnishofdnnPatu on. t Bv business of innrthetrckFanckboner, Warren Rapp,, William fiis% Bv he o, pursuant to lawand shÔwing condition at the close Randolph had, arrived, with the baggage andWhie, orman Hoffman, the 3th day of Junei.1936. Robert Travis, Lewis i- M cCàndlish, h i si n d t ýSprague thes bo s w r Walworth. David lags.Travis, Period camperS at Chapin. Dan Coyne. second. The REOURCES. Kenilworth-Robcrt Lindbergi XViCamp Ma-Ka..-Ja-Wafl are: Waukeà agaL~ Sou.Grg MLrn.Jh gan-WVillis Alford, Aif ChristinsoIa $ ...................... ....... banks.. rom Simmons.: Cash and due f Elvin Dorman, George. Dietmeyer, o nesn .... 1................ i Wnck Outsidc chýccks and othier cash itemns Dunne, Stanley Gamble*, Bryan James -and/orý obrBignxBi direct y, atoo obligations, Government States 7.2Z$ Husted, Herbert Litchficld, Johnny ............................... oguaranteed fited ully ooeBrig Robert Njckcrson, FredCakHny Coager, Litchfield, ageroo, Howrd tler,Geore ............. Other bonds, stocks and securities, FeReutlinger, Bertram Rubin, Rober eorgBerBlFnney 1 PHowar WetzllitlB Nick 71....... . Tinsley, iTomai ee Loans and discounts ........................ 'Schwatz, ilFiny 10016 Benard Gocrier, Kenneth Kuehl,- BetnBkr O0verdrafts .......... .I....... 1...Ï...........~.. McStrm ley, Edwin McKeown, John Lawcnc Lucie Mtaw Banking bouse $1SO,00.00. Furniture and fixtures $1.00......S,151.15 K-eown, David Milton, William MunretncKinlcy, wsn. 3,1.15 . a Swta LCrl ............. ......... Other real estate .. 3,..... .. . ... HlMaKnlayson, Gordon Powell, Henry Rich. ort Bruce Aas, Other resources.... ......... ........ Rich, Tom Shockey, Sidney llan adStanlev Ben n Mrue Adnmsten. Van Cleave,- Raleigh :,Meviii 1 tern.Smith, $3405,3IIL8 ......... Grand Total Resources Williams, Bill Leslie. Si Williams, Woods. Park-Howard Highland Leon Drummond, Fralick, Haworth, Emerson Parker, Sykes Da, Wood, Donald Dick Smart. John Chandler Webster, Kelly Brent. WilOwen Cleveland. Robert Elvin, Dexheimer, LIABILITIES liam Bromstedt, Fred Eugenc Hochuli. IJohn Guilliams, Raymond Johnson, Hayes. Walter Ison, Steve Kopper. . .......à........ ............ IRobert__Johnson, Donald M1aechtle. Hoge. Dick John The ance, *'~ Wilnette State IJank. .127360 . * apital notes................ Deuxand dépOSits ........--........ ... 4 ....... :.......... .......... ... Time deposits Total of deposits: Secured by pledge of loans and/or investNot secured by pledge of boans and/or-ifvcst'. .... 3,093,7530 ments ..................... $3O6SM 'i...... Total deposits.... ....... .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. Dividends unpaid ... .... Other liabilities ........................... i4 .... Grand Total Liabilities .......... Donald Hamley, Ted Harris, Adidis Joncs, Howard Keefe, Albert Lewis. jEliott. XValHa,,es. Bob Alan.. Matthcws, John Mosser. Deerfield-William Horne'. Van Clark Peterson, Hyett, Charles Piper, Lowry Wilson, lace Williains. Ross White, Robert and WVaring Wilson. John Kahn. Richard Settig, Eugene 'Northbrook - Warren Roseman, Scott, Dey Watts. »Spencer Englebrecht; John Biishby, Scouts fromn out of the councilM.\orris- Bushby, David DayJae Burkhardt, Bertram McGinniis, Henry Hintz, Robert Howard, Phil Day. Donald ____________________________Richard Hirsch, Jerry Hallberg, Farguhar, ILake Bluff -~ Charles Hummer. 1George Illich, David Stiles. Gordon Altorfer, Ozier Armstrong,. Davis, Davis, Bobisennetfl Cushman,* John State of Illinois Gounty 'of Çool this 6th day oi July, 1936.* Subscribed and sworfl to before me Mly commission expires Feb. 9, 1937. . IX L ~ ÇOIWtIS of al makes, watehes e specialize ln American earn cok n mantel Also or Swlss. W Notary Public. (SEAL) 4, shop Deau y auty 1137 Central Ave. Wilmttc 79. prices. 144 PAGLIARULO D. W flàette 1681. Wimei Ave. Watches regulated free of charge.