Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1936, p. 56

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1935> Ford V-8 Coupe......$2 .Special for Week-end.. FOR flEN U-PATUMflh nomeA. vl, ait. 50*r ,ICEUX fa AL80 FoLLOWINO LOW PRICES $496 1935 Plymouth. coupe.... ...... 1935 Ford V-8 Tudor, 14,000 miles. 450 KROLL & SMITH, AGENTS 1933'Chevrolet Coach........... 315 WI-lmette 500 1932 Plymouth Coupe, rum. seat- 246 424 Lno Avenue 1929 Studebaker Sedan.......1465 2LTN;9-ltc LaSalle Twn. Bedan,,trunkç, 1980 Bide mounts ........ ......... 225 1929 Ford Sedan, one local owner.. 125 5 ROOM APARTéMEN'T,2 MS ER 1, bath.' Heat and, water inciuded. GET îACQUAJINTEDWITH Avallable August L_ $45. -NELSONIZED"1 TRUE VALUE Values it, Means Btter at a Price'You Can Afford t6 Pay Glencoe 305 663 'Vernion Avýe. ÉHONE WILMETTB 260o 92LTN9-ltc 77A-LTN9-Itc 2 FLATS. 1 WIT H KITCHEN EE, with ýpullmaný kitchen. Clothes closets, rollaway. For appointrnent caîl Mr. Hill1, Winnetka 1544, or seS Janitor at'Smith building, 503 Chestnut Street, Wincetka. 92L9-ltp 4ýROOM APARTMENT, 1ST FL. NEW,l dcoa..n* -A XW îtl%àê 9-OI'29 Nash sport coupe...........$ 76 4% ROOM &I"ART*U3NT W ITE 2 bedroomu, large elving room, kitchenetteo and dînette. Tile-wall bath. Freo tranup. KenilWorth 5288. 97LTî»i$lte refrlg.., $65. Avallable Auguet lut. oUSES» FOR REËN?-PUXNJMWD The Linden Crest Bldg. VERNON AVE. 8 UIOOM HOMEý EXCEPTIONALL 1 Vieil furnished. 100-rt.ibeavily wooded anllandscaped lot. Sun rmn., 2-car gar. Ideal home for sumnmer. Available July anid Âugulst. Responsible famtily can miake excellent. arrangements for this property. 410 Linden Ave. Artistic Brick axd:Stone Attractive 3-bedroom atucco ln excellent condition on lot 50x 165.. 2-car garage. East of' tracicu lu South, Winnetka. Close to . graflmr uchool and hlgh school, transportationl, and shopping district. High ipvestmleflt pousibillties. $8,000 wili take It If sold Immediately. See Mr., Taylor. 'Dutch ColExceptionally onial ln Wlest pretty Winnetka, wIth perfect la.wns and landscapiîîg. Three bedroomeu.2 batbs. Hot water oil heat. $5,600 long terni, 10w Interest mor tgage. Price $14,000. Bquityof $8,500 muet be all cash. Ask for Mr. Taylor. ,mIc. Eddington & Allen, Wilmtette AIReal Buy! Brand ncw Englibrick. Three. large bedrooms, 2 baths. Every. modern convenience. 2-car, attached garage. Onley $14.000. Termq. Unusuiliy -well-built stucco bouse. Good east side location. 4 large bedrooms,. sleeping porch. 2-car garage. Lot 50x, $2,500 cash. Balance 173. EFGLC 4aii. Ileautiful English brick. Cholce east aide location. 6 bedtooms., 3 tile baths. Nice lot. Bank ownor says offer $22,500. Wilmette 408 Coparfe uly NO SALES TAXI CRARMING. WURNISH-ED HOME Mear Inidian UIIl1 Club, 3 bedrms., sleeping porch, 2 bath%* large screened porch, lovelrYyard. To Sept. lut. OTHER DESIRABLE RENTALS ?URNISHED OR UNFURNIBRHED Winnetka 1267 9314'N9-ltc BEAIYTIFUL 8 ROOM, 3 BATH, BRK. residexice, completely furnished. Winnetka's most exclusive residential section. Available July 22nd for 2 months. Rentai $150. GRE. 0471 MR. BTRGENER 98LTN9-ltc 962 Spruce St. WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES W ANMTED'IflT T R Frances J. Wi1nscott 95 dr............... 29 Pakar sdan 145 '30 Ford apt. coupe .............. 150 '30 LaSalle sedan ................ '131 Chev. viet. cpe...........175 131 Studebaker Dict. 4 d.sda 196 $30 Bulck sedan................ '31 Nash ued., 6 w. w., w4i. tires ... 196 250 '31 ]Bulek 4 door sedan .......... '32 De8oto 4 dir. sedan, side mt.-. 295 325 '33 Chev. coach................. '32 Olds 4 dr,. eed. cite- dean.......8325 425 '34 Dodge coach ................ 134 Pontiac eonv. coupe.......... 476 .196 Glencoe Colonial Type Frame. 4 bedro',ms, 2 baths, uboiver. Hot water oil heat. Unusuaiiy large airy rooms for this price house. $12,000 Attached garage ...... W %TTWITTH OPTION '36 Forvd del. tudr radio, htr. ... 4951 Lake Shor(e Motoirt OLDSMOBILE DEALERS 1017 CHICAGO AVE. 77A-1LTN9,tc I Use~I Car S -ileCenl NEi w nei.. 180Ce 135 eves .$195 FOR RENT1-6TORE AN4D OFFICES nished. on and Large. N. W. LARGE, LIGHT SPACE, GOOD LOCA[. Cal tion. Apply to Bob Gordon, 516 Fourth 1, 1021 Street, Wilîmette. 104LTN9-ltc N-ltp ,ApT. FOR RENT-2 STORY BRICK SHOF. Highland Park Ideal home for family with chlldren. Near transportation, school, and good beach. East ro! railroad in Ravinia. Five bedrooms, 2 baths--one bedroi)m and complete bath on first floor. HOLC loan. Owner's business takes him to another state. $13000 Price reduced to ...... Automobile Repair Shop y july on paved alloy. Suitable for furniture, 16370.paint, or general repair shop. Phone 14LTN9-Itp ,N9-ltp WILMETTE 1724. 11330 2x36, % blk. from C. & N. W. depot 71'0 Paruk Ave., Wllmette 2098 8*LTN9-ltp WNEK at 41Ridge VE. V. WINN. 81 97&TN9-lte' PRICE: $26,OOOR ie 2 colRoms Nce or ole, rnbath FOR REINT 4 - 5 ROM HO E AND $20 per Road, McGUIRE &.ORR, Imc. EX~CLUSIVE AGENTS B. WI41lTAKER CO., 140 CENTER STREET W11NETKA WINNUTKA3250 r 111LTS9-Ite Winnetka 2669 8ILK-lp9LTN9-ltp PHONE WILMETTrE 1172 50DvsS. .*111LTN91ltc vntnQenefiN

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