"ExclusiveteSor the.ý Story'l "The miost important film, froni the standpoint of techuical achievement, , to, corne from England," is the comment. made by' criticsz who have seen."Things to Corne," the picIure to be shown at the Teatro de! Lago Sunday and -Monday. This propheticuý dramna,. based (.)i 'H. G. We'lls',initeresting, book, îs; the. story of, a world. over-run by war (1940), collapsing into barbarismn, redeemed by surviving scientistg. The. exploration of the planets. is a ýpart of. the concluding events. The, magnitude, of the production witb its imaginative scientific developments. of the ýcoming cenitury ïs impressive, and the musical accompaniment particularly fitting. Th-e ~picture is prodpced by London FilmUnited Artists, and among those in the cast are Raymond Massey, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Edward Chapman, 1Margaretta Scott and Ralpb Richardsoli. Tbursday, Friday and SaturdaY William Powell and jean Arthur come to the Teatro del Lago in the sophisticated comedy-m e 1 o d r a m a, "The Ex-Mrs. Bradford." The storv, embellished with sparklirig dialogue racketeering. ing because of the acting of Franchot Tone, Madge Evans, anid Stuart- ErWin. Stutart Erwin, a crusading -reporter,, crooks,.but. Franchot Tone, as legal adviser, bloécks their capture. Eventually Madge. Evans and ber mis-ý treated merchant father ..appear on the, scen e and the crooks commence, to lose ground.. The, principal gangster in the picture is -joseph Calleia. Wbat it lacks in glamour is m ade up by bhistorical interest in "Rhodes, Jaitet Gaynor Plays the lcad in the Empire. Builder,"., the attraction "Suall Ti'ou'n Girl," the picture at the Valencia next Tuesdàay'and coming to the Teatro del Lago Wedniesday. The film gives a sincere Thursý.dai,. Fridoy. aiid Saturday of picture of Cecil Rhodes, diamond next wcek. The other principal role Tmserand fpirnder of thie Oxford in the /ll.* iutaken by Rob~ert scholarship bearing bis namne. Taylor. perable an .Walter Huston gives formance as Rhodes, while Oscar FILM BEÀUTY PRISED' Homolka does an even' better job in Madeleine Carroll, co-starring with the role of Pan! Kruger. Basit Syd- Gary Cooper in Paramount's "The ney is said to be a fine Dr. Jamesson. General Died at Dawn," bas been Peggy Ashcroft hias the femininei termed "more beautiful than Romlead.1 mey's portrait of Lady Hamilton, y," the attrac- wbich is practicaly perfect," by James "A Message to on- Friday and -day of this Montgomery Flagg, foremost Amer- Thefilm is outstandc- orun -~ try bis hand at. deep sea fisbîng. unexpected danger., Ilar- A Lt. Lnoted yachtsman and fly fisberThe work of thecast. and director bara Stanwyck as a CiAing aristocrat, uban rote, mi ian, the titled Briton is a com- is something ont of the ordinary. lit and Wallace Beery. arative novice at the sport. the snpporting cast are Ralph Muirgan, James Gleason, Erie PMort,ad Second weeJc Robert Armstrong. 'BRIDE'S FIRST JOBI RAVINIA FESTIVAL Jean Parker's first screen a ssign -__________i________ HANS LANGE,. Cuest Conductor 8:36_P. M., ¶hursday, Frlday, Sat. ent since ber marriage last Marcb 'riter, is the feminine lead opposite 'red MacMurray in Paramounts DGeorge MacDonald, New York B T B TT E R FI M I M GUIDE sCol HourHJI\Ld Ladies-Tap e-.s Phone SEN ERICKSON wilumette 4b92