garden planning and çare, oiI anld plant phYslology anid related tg'UbJetz. DY. Fonder.lio associated witl the Caldwell seed company at 1002 ýShermaàn avenue, Evanston, where he makes hi. 'headquarterai. iCOTTONY-MAPLE. SCALE, ID CO$ Usa Many hoime owners are complain-. ing about the'unsightly whitish masses prescrnt on the limbs of their maples boxelders, and linden trees. These are the egg masses* of the cottony niaple scale, a scale insect whicb attacks these three trees especially., Unfortunately, them proper co-ftrol of the -cottoxiy map e sale cap MTTRE-ISS Remade. Low as $ 095 UNlveraity 2820 the insect, very conspic2oUs. t thei saine time a sticky fluid or, "honey dew"'is produced which gets on the leaves and permits. the, gro.wth of a sooty flungus:and also prevents the proper respiration.,of. the leaves. The injury caused- by' this "'honey ýdew," combined'W.ith the devitglization of. the tret ,by the constant sucking of the many, matuire insects constitutes. a*serious. menace to the life of tbe 1It was poinited out that a great tree. need exists for such an exhibition, 'to Sprayimig R.t Control include,,competitionsand, displays for, Que possibility of controlling or, rid- botb, amateur 'and professional grow-, ding a tree of the cottony maple scale ers,-of -flowers, fruits, vegetables, and at this timîe is througb spra'ing witb nuts. a* kerosene ýemulsion. On a small ýThe exposition has been. incor-, scale this is not much of a job but if porated *as a non-profit -educational a numnber of trees are. involved the institution, with 0. T. Henkie; vicepreparation of sucb an emnulsion- re- president and genéral manager of quires a great deal of time,'and'labor.. the Union Stock Yard and Transit The emulsion can be made by m'lting company as its president. It will be held under the, auspices. of the Stock Yard company and staged by an advisory group of prominent horticulturists. ounce of soap shoud be disKochi t. Cooperate cd in one pint of water and into Dr. August Koch, of the Chicago should be beated 2 pints of kero- Park board, who is vice-chairman of ýThis emulsion should then bc the advisory committee, will lend bis :d by mixing two and one haif active support. He is welI known to Lree gallons of water with each Chicagoans for the spectacular seaIn spraying, every insect on the sonal flower show he has supervised sbould bc covered with the di- at the Garfield Park conservatory. S. S.> uililul ia v m u%,ý Eighteen leadlng horticulturists from five states met in Chicago on July 2 to discuss plans for the event. Dr. J. C. Blair, head of the horticultural departinent of the University of Illinois, and chairmgn of the x' advisory- committee, pre7-.ý position's sided at the meeting. ,Ail present expressed enthuisiasmý over the 1pos-, sibilities of thé:show for uniting the interests of American, horticulture. SIwnnman Avenue. at Grove. Evanuton 'vY f rom the trees. The eggs will then fai) to hatch and the number of the scales. can be greatty reducéd. If the eggs are hatching at the time the spraying is done the control of the young insects will be much more complete if a good rotenone or pyretbrum stnrav rnterialis 2dded.l Mrs. Edward J. Lehman, of. Chicago, who is president of the Illinois Federation of Women's clubs, stated that she represented 80,000 Illinois women and assured the cooperation, and support of the federation. Others from Illinois on the organ-, izing committee are -B. B. Melgaard, Chicago, president of the Central States Dahlia society; O. V. Morgan, Elmhurst, president of the Men's GarenCl~h nf Ampri T1T 1- .rp JForest avenue, ,and Mr. and Mrs. H. jA. Gould, Jr., and Herbert III, 113Q Dian. * n±...o*-. .u. -744 JLake The Rev. J. H, Gockel, 406 Prairie avenue, are leaving Saturday avenue, is leaving Tuesday for Valfor Stone Lake, Wis., wbere. they wiIl paraiso, Ind., to spend a few days studying at Valparaiso university. spend two weeks.,