Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1936, p. 3

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* The advisory comni:ttee namied last weelc to assist Superviser Mrs. Gertrude M. Thurston and the Township board ini the admiinistration of relief in. New Trier, met Tbursday evening of, last week and organized by selecting Stanley P. Farwell as chairnian, and Frank D. Leomis as assistant.,, In. addition te the advisory ceinmttee, New Trier township will have the benefit of the. long experience in relief. work of Seymour. Olmstead, who took over bis dtties in the township offices july 1. The officesj, it was announced, will remain in the Winnetka. Village' hall, but. will be changed from, the health department te that of the Parký board. where more space is available. Pop. PeW Lv The advisory committee also discussed the matter, of a 'spécial levy te raise anoney te carry on the relief rnade at a special Town meeting which will be held at the Township offices Tuesday afternoon,' July 14, at 21 o'clock. Mrs. Tburston says it is evident at this tume that a levy of net more than two miuls,. and perhaps o ne and one-haîf milîs will be sufficient. 'The law permits three nulls, if necessary. 63 Famifies oMRelief Weatber conditionsà onth Fourth ofW July and the Week-end were jtis't steôrmy enough te keep mobt boutsin the .barber,. with the resuIt that the Wilmette 'Coast Guard 'station re-ýAt 2:2 O'Oclock Saturday afternoon the look-out man' at the statiôn sighlted à ane capsized ,by choppy seàs and twe Mnnin the water. Tbey were Gordon Grant, 1048 Nortb Shore avenue, Rogers Park, and. George Fink of Burlington, la. The campe, which was about a haîf mile; off, Grosse Point in Evanston, was towVed ports only on boat picked u p over the holiday. te the barber and the young men gaven first aid atý the station. Monday the crew gave assistance to the Hauki, 42-footý cruiser fhem Chicago, owned by Roy M. Boyd of 432 Belinont avenue. The Hauki grounded on the sand bar at thé entrance te Wilmette barber, and ceast guardsmen pulled it off. Six Pires in Week;. Damage Tu Slight Plans noWunder cônsid&ràtion cali fer a celebration on an elaborate scale, with amusements ai;d pleasuia for old, and Young alike. The geun4i arrangements are under the 4ïrectien of A. C. ,Pearson,' Jr.,: and -AI: Jensen, with a. corps. of àssisýin comniittees miade up of hmici Commerce members. While es plans are stitI in embryo, It islB 1ol that they include athletic evepts, Invite Public to See such as races and games for boys, SReview et Great Lekes girls, men and weuet. There will Rear Adniiral John Downes. U.S. be a varietjr of rides, such as a merry-go-'round, Ferris wheel, autoý mobileý ride and swings. viall age e sL«&6l Dan« The concessions, uiost of which. will be conducted by local business dan' men. will nffer the be1 . ;.e,.gaiL- Recent improvements undertaken by the, Kenilworth Park board as a part of the work ef. the Kenilwortb, Park systen are the. trimmüing of trees on KCenilworth and Melrose atvenuùes, and the planting of iris along Green: Bay. road -frem Kenilwerth avenu e north te,ý the village.' limits. Green Bay road, south of Kenilworth avenue is afreadyi improved. with, sbrubbery and other.planting. The. iris along the north section cf ithe bighway wilI, complete this part of the village plan for beautifying Ken-. ilworth. The trees on the twe main, streets are heing trîmmed :te form a wÀide archway, acress 'the rmail as was done with the trees on. El street. in Winnetlca. spensored by the . Wilmette Chamber of Commerce. This annual feattare -aifair was interrupted severalyer ago, and now, M. response. .te a général demand, lin been resumed. It Wis always a gal occasion i the life of the viDgc affording .ecellent .ùô#' tnity fo fiiy vpicnics and .reOni6nh,. homecomings, and get-toiethers Of vadneus kinda. 13, Six fires, al of minor ;nortance. 2~.t1 obtained a small loan frein tbe Winnetka Relief and Aid funds te, enable it to carry on until it receives the $1.362 as its share of the distributed balance in the bands of the IERC on july 1. Anticipation warrants later will be issued te raise needed funds until the newly imposed tax money becomes available. The estignated needs of New Trier for a month, based on a relief load roadon July 4. George Arndt is the. owner of the second car.: Sunday the department .was called to W. P. Lyons residence, 1015 Greenleaf avenue, where a gas steve was on ire. No damage was reported. .the 01 Ile wi ENTERTMIN FOR SISTER Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hoffman, Iffl avenue, was struck at the intersection Lake avenue,ý entertained fourteep of Eighth street by a hit-and-run guests at a picoic'supper the Foui'th Three runs were miade by the de- driver. Police apprebended Robert partment Tuesday afternoon, first te Hammes, 17, years old, 422 Linden 1Wilmette a izrass fire nt T.neist and avenue, who 'was, cbarged with leavavenue, driving east on Greenleaf ARREST MOTORIST Sunday evening sbortly before Il o'cbock, Miss G. P. Clucas, 624 Linden e inrown tote feour. wNinds and the heurs given over te unalleyed pleasure. HAVE NItSEIt SCHOO E oneiay stoeked always re speiln eeded 3La1 L lItUys a. Miss Barbara Crowe and Miss Jean dressers and chests with plenty of Keith of Kenilworth. who are students drawer space. at National College of Education, are conducting a nursery shby rymmNte:Won'scOiY hlub o Wllmetee schol ver meu pte: 'Eicluy bofp ilcndted ing f rom 9 o'clock on. I______________ HAVENURERYSCHOL WILMETTE 4300 mether te visit her iunt ;ln, Re. Pa., for two weeks. .mrs. Mc and Dorelle returned borne last dey. m. -

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