bought practically ALL 12 miles of shoreline around this magnifî- 1West of Chicago. Then they: [IlStotked the lake with 5,000,[Pishiùg officially. Conditions. o0pened at Wonder Lake Septemàber, 1934.1J [21 Set aside60 acres as apermanent pheasantcover and, hunti ng gounds for owers 3 Made the> lakýe STRICTL PRIVATE, so onlY owners c uld fish or hunt. 141 Refused to sei propertY further than 1'/2« to 2 blocks from the water[5i Set aside great big sand beaches with piers everY ./X mile BE MORE s)there would a1ways£aciitiesfor' b.achk tha~n.-ample children, grown-iips, and boat landings. [61 Priced'the proPertY so l0w that everY one-even ordinarya wage earners, could afford Country home. on [71 Arranged financing termscost yearly the that low so homes is less than a season's rentai for a ptie.swhere. 000 Bass and Pike, and pr'ohibited fishing, for3 Years 50 tels could grow and breed under, ideal cent wèoded Spring-Fed ' Sand Bottom Lakce, just 50 miles jzorth- other special. edition gives the 5Itar the opportunity to foretelthe newspaper of the future. .This year's visionary endeavor was -called the Newspaper of.'the Radio Age, which ragme nts, featured untisual. typ and introduced interpretative com- niencement exercises for 2MU Drake university seniors were held june 8, with Mrs. Franklin D'.IRooseveit, wft of the president of the United States, delivering the commencement address. ment, set in -italic typei, at tbe beginning'of news !stories. Miss Mockler* is' the. daughter. of Edward Ray Cuillen G:iven LawDegrce at (io Edward Ray Cullen of 1226 Ashland avenue, was awa rded the degreeof Dôctor. of Laws (J. D.), by the University of Chicagyo at the 184tb Convocation exercises, liheld in.theI Gothic chapel of the university rediplomas were Mrs. A. H. Weberý of'Evanston is cent1y. A total cf 909 bachelor's de-.' 505 including çonferred, fromn at the Georgiàn- hotel recoveig degrees and, advanced was grees, and 404 injuries, she received When she E. Vincentt. George Dr. struckby an automobileinfrontl'of certificgtes.. Rockefeller, theof president retired the. -Hotel on D!ecoration day. *She founctation, delivered the acldress, on hospital wasý taken to St. Francis "The Pain of Thinking." where she spent several weeks. W. ,A. Mockler and, will be. a senior in the School- _0 Journalisni next year. She formerly attended New Trier High sehool. . Prancis J.: Budiitger, for ManY years a resident of theénorth shore and 1representative 'ofthe Fraiklit Lite Ihurance company tit this vicinity, has qualijied for mtemberfShip in the Quarter Million Dollar Club fr-floewtr 1936, it J.aà bee apmounced by H. Mf. Merriarn, presidepit of the company. The distinction coming to Mr. Budinger is ini consideration of "having fui- -holders and beneficiaries." illed with marked ability and distinction the requirements of production of new insurance, conservation of policies in force,» and especially service to polic- are a :ew: 4 lmous.. KuglSbStyles $104 well, W 15.,'having visited Mrs. and 1 Mrs. Mr. and, mother, ner's father E. P. Fatch of 611 Washington ave- Sceened porch; view of the lake froxu every whndow.; inside toilet; white with green trim; high attic. $0 Price, including land ....... BOAT INCLUDED nue, for two weeks. TAFFETA LASTEX shirred ail over turned from a short triP to New York, where Mr. Peycke was called on business. Raleigh road, Kenilworth, have just re- 5 Rooms. $1,5 160 CENTEK STEÈET WINNETKA WONDER L W.&.W..d