Cala July Event at Shawnee Club July at Shawnee brings ,one. special event of particular, interest. the Lido party, and the regular; round of, social ,a.nd club evets.July 24 is thie t ime of whattheclub believes ivilibé Shawnee's biggest event of th e season. if the Nveather mian smniles -kindly,. the lawn will be, attractively decorated and tables will, be placed around. aspeciall. constructed dance -floor. Is Entertained at Preside.nts Homle Oij Friday, July.3,,,the ;board and, chairmen of, the 'variou.s f the Wilmiette 1o11.itees *Garden, clubs met at the.honie. of hi .j the presidentMs (leilhehil, 04 Forest av',enue. * .fter: viewing with i nterest and pleasur.e. the beëautiful"-flower garden se, colorful with blooming plants. and after strol'ing oYer the sniooth, wvell kept Iawn tothe pool1 and cool green, fernery, the party assembled, inside the spacious. home to partkeoa daintv luncheon. In th. afternoon a board, meeting ivas coniducted by thie president. For those wbod prefer dining inside, the -dining, room and adjoining terrace- will bie available. Surprise and special features will high-iight the gressive bridge game with partner evenilig. Monday, july 13 is the nieat regular weekly bridge luncheon day at the club. with luncheon at 1, a proand pivot at 2, and tea at 4:30 o'clock. On adjournment, the party %vent over -to the home of Mirs. W. W. ~Kerr. 707 Forest avenue, where the meeting of the entire club wvas helci and the programn given. Trhe speaker, Mirs. Henry W. Drucker. 1125 M-\o- haNk road, gave a most instructive Culture. 'Mrs. Drucker recommended Mrs. A. J. DeBerard is hostess for juIy. Tuesday evening at 8. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hamxnond are ini charge of the contract bridge gamne. a weekly event. eveings The buffet dinner bridge enèh T1hiwqgiav and on Sun- and interesting talk on "Delphiniumi obtaining a littie book entitled "How Leonian of Morgantown, W. Va. Mrs. to Grow Delphiniums," by Leon H'. Drucker displayed soine' fine specimens of blooms grown in her garden. There wvere beautiful specimens ini president; Fred J. Pioger of Evanstonwas made treasurer, and Harold E. Johnson of Evanston is secretary. and W. 'Mons of Kenilworth, Harry Ricliard R. Lippicott and Stanley serve on the board of governiors. shalh of Wilmnette wa.s elected vice- Chnambers 4-W8rhastR aliroad ave~ini choice spec ializes also nue. who of D. Post of Wilmette. were elected to, photo by DuBois-The Drake Huebner of Chicago was A. C. to 1'J'lîters The z'ecddiing'(i f Miiss liiieida at the house her o'clock, 8-30 ai 10. lune of evening thc on soleinnized aiacle and aminf, Mr. and Mrs. IEdward lWlalici-s. have taken at 43 Keniiworth avenue. Kcniit~orthl. for the scason. Mlrs. Walters was the bride's only attendant. flilli'ami'Veg was 1fr. Huiebner's iest jmanl. A sinall receptionl v followed laec crejnon.y. Af ter a laoievnoon in Bermuda. Mr. ýiiiiiediatelat 43 Kenzil-zoih avene for the reinainder of biillc anid lIrs. Huebner liis summa mie r. columbine. After the program, tea was served. Members then betook themselves to the garden to admire its distinctive beauty and displav of exquisite bloomn. The Chicago Plant, Fruit, and FIowrgently requests fruit and guild flowers-just. a few flowers froni thsewho can spa re them. Such gifts Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Peterson, 227 Birhday Dinner Dr. and Mrs. Frederick 'W. MerriRaleigh road, Kenilivorth, will enterwill enteçtain eigbt guests for field tain thirty guests at dinner and of Nashville, Tenn., aud Mr. and airs. ibridge Tuesday evenfig at their homce dininer observini tomorrow evening Ky. On Green. oBlling ElImwood avenue, to cel ebrate 1014 s at of "hom anniversary of the birthday RaW iàday 1;r. and Mrs.. Loucks enter- anceMrs. Merrifield'si birtbday. megowerî. Lee Robert tvnsd sixteen at a picnic sispper. To Give Dinner Bridge bunday atternoon in onor Mrs. iiGeorge bouse guests, otQI iCi Griswold and Miss Helen Griswold of Council Mrs; Griswold and Bluffs,. Iowa. Miss Griswold ivili. be here for abouit. a wveek,