wedding goWn,,a long court train, aiid, a lace veil which was brought from Brussels for the,- occasion,' the bride passed .down an aisie of liles to a chancel cecorated in green and white. Huckleberrv leaves covered the choir loft, and 4,efoe these weve urranged~ white gladioli, white liles and large candelabra. Pearis and crystal trimmned thc sleeve.s of the wedding gown f rom wrist to above the elbow, and a band *of the same trimniing edged the neck. A lheaddress also of pearls and crystal beld ini place the lace veil. The bride's flowers were liles of the va]ley and or hids. A white and silver wedding was chosen by Miss Elizabeth *Alger, daughter of Mr. and *Mrs. .HIal. Wesley Alger, 184. Shrdnroa d, Glencoe, for ber marriage' Wednesday. evening to Richard C.,Johuùston, Jr., son of Mr. and: Mrs. Richard C. Jobnston of 321 Meirose avenue, Kenilw,orth. Tlieceremony was -performed at -8:30, o'clock in Christ chuirch* in*Winnetka.' Weàring ýa bigh-Iustre ivory satin July 17 bias been set as the da-te, for teannual picnic for the officers, directors. chairmnen and eomniittees of the Ardeni Sore association. Nwhich, include Ivomen from Chicago, Evan ston, Wilmette, Kenil%%orth, XVýinniet- ka. Gle'ncoe, Ravi.,ia, 'Highland Park, Lake Forest. Lake Bluff, Libertyville, RBarrington. 1and ýBannockburn.,T'Ée festivities at the- camp m-ill istart 'at 12 :3O* ith a picnic lunch serveilout 1111(er the treés.. to, he folloNved by: a prograni, ini 'vhili ail the youingsters at ca .np îi-ilI take p)art. Frienids (4f Xrclen Short' aloare invited 4to attend. Mfrs. Robert B. Gregory is honora.ry president of the Arden Shore association. Mirs. Harry A. Seller%of Ravinia i,, the president. Miss A\nna Belle Ferrier is exectitive head of the camp. XVilIis H. Hutson is chairman of the Wilrnette board, whose other officers art Mrs. Rov R. M'arquardt, vice - chairman; M rs. Ernest H. Freemnaii recordinig secretarv; MNrs. Willard Thaver, or effect, pulued sleeves and fu ltts. White chiffon ami highi-lustre white .satin were %vorn by the six bridesmai4s, Mrs. Lucian B. Wilkinson of Highland Park, Miss Hortense PageWood of Evanston, Miss Julianna Holmes of Chicago, Mrs. Laurence Thompson Knott of Riverside. Conn.. XUBoI-7he Drake Phiot., of4 lace t'ei broupht front aboa<rd for the occasion and a wvedding dres ofhigh-lustre ivorY satin wcere wvorn by Miss Elizabeth Alger, daughter of Air. and Mrs. Ha! Wesley Alger of Glencoe, forrnerly of Keniluorth, fo>r her marriage last Wednesday ct'cning to Richard C. Johuston, Jr.; Soli Of ir, and Mrs. Richard C. John ston of Kenilworth. The cerepnony took place af Christ ciuErch ini Winnetka. IEvanston, Mrs. Williami Winters of -and Mrs. Owen Garfield of Long -illil illu-iren ivnoe mtr n camp 'for unidertiotiri.,hed boys %wound up ats 1935-'30 seasoin wit h a Hometomiing celebration, the camp wa.s ia fury of preparation for the summer camp: %vhlich opened recently. The llrst group of grandmothers, mothers. and children some five, hl.undred strong-arrjved june 25, on, either the Chicago and North Western, 'or the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad, bnth of ,uhi'. Hosts on Fourth ton. Mr. and Mrs. W. C.» Buethe, 1351 Mrs. Samiuel H. Clarke, .135 Fuller Greenwood avenue, entertained a large alen, Winnetka, entertained her grouP of friends at their home on the bridge club on Tuesday. 1Pourth of July.