Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1936, p. 32

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muet reach thUiC Otor T 'iueuuuy. the current imue. uuuu [wcenCl,. lu our superiority, over the commion, peoples -of the ,,MNut4t,, that gentlier ilPofl the sif lie$ earth. Once again. we have parad ed our culture 1'han tlred eyelids upon tlred eYeé. a nd Our edvilization before the North shore music loyers, to enumierate whomn less erudite. ofI, other tnations Would re quire more pages, than a ,"Who's Who in that ail eyes May .behold and America," are fortunate this summer in the splenail minds- grasp the 'indisput.ablr fact that,' thanks ta adid opportunities presented to, theni to -listen ta eris o orhestr concerts of a bigh -*rder. two favoring Providence, Nve-are ymphny rchstra gave the, initial The hicgo "FACE VALUE" not as they, but.cast in a, finer FriRavinia ai series are, a wonderprogram -of a twenty-coflcert "President Roosevelts promise last, August, that inold. Ves,, we scheduled being A marvelous .peoday evening. its final appearance business would have a ýbreathing speli' bas been fui people. fkillowthe plle. The manner inwbich we f or Sunday .afternooii, Auigust 2. On followed by the most drastic change that bas Illinois theing Wedniesday evening., August 5. come, in twenty years in the systemn of taxation celebrate. our emancipation 'five of series a, open Will orchestra Symphoiiy. affecting business,"ý said David La-wrence in 1a from the tyrannies of a forrecent issue of The United States N4ews, in which eign potentate, and express fre weeklv concerts on the esplanade of the he discussed the tofiscatoMy law 4e oýeoul busi- ýôum unswerving dévtion to ness concerils. to distribute funds ordinarily car- the Declaration of Independon Wednesday evening, September 2. Thus for ence and strictly Américan principles, proves ried as surplus to provide capital during 1cmn seathan two moliths the ether waves will carr tmore it. It must needs be done by shooting off firesons or years. He calis it a "social reformi in thc te strains of sweet music froni the north shore, of a tax measure," and asks: "What shaIl crackers, Roman candles, skyrockets, shotguns or while thousands who know and appreciate "the guise bie said now of the promise given the whole anything at hand that will make a big noise, and univrsallanguage" will revel in the celights of country not quite a year ago to the effect that ta heck with the consequences. The greater the prformances given and directed by artists of the administration had about completed its pro- carnage the more successful the celébration. This national and even world-wide reputation. Mr. Lawrence then quotes from a let- year 346 funerals followed the Fourth, and the gram'> Too mucb cannot he said in comînendation of ter, writtep to President Roosevelt last August number cared for in hospitals is uncounted. Grinthe efforts of those groups wbich have been inning Death rode in niany an automobile, lurked by Roy W. Howard, of the Scripps-}Ioward'news- music ample playground space is provided; that there are înany vacant properties available,,and that yard playgrounds .are, after aIl, safest f or'. back -children, no real fault cati be. found witbh the Glencoe board for,,an.action that might well be, emrulated .by other villages.. Motorists-have long utbe street p recognized, that children flavmin présents one :of. their greatest hazards, and will receive with relief, the ne-ws that, in atlaton community it is to be remioved. to a police si hefore friend could cgtch up with him. Once again %ve Americans have, demonstrated Wimte a-rokiteeggmn lsn believe, to achieve stili greater progress in future vears. It is a matter for *congratulation that, thé public life, have becorne convinced, and sincereIy believe, that you fatliered a tax bill that aims at series to be given by the Illinois Synmphony orchesrevenge rather than reveniue-revetige on busitra is to be open to the public witbôut charge. To this letter President Roosevelt reness.' Hundreds of loyers of classical music who might plied with a defense of bis policies, concluding not otherwise, have that privilege, will thls hbe witb this promise: "This basic prograîn, howenabled ta etjoy the con1certs. ever. bas now reached substantial completion and the 'breathing speli' of which you speak is here--' very decidedly so." "The tax plan presented to Congress violated %-ONTEMPT The President. is said to be trying to reach. a decision as ta what he shall do with Surplus jlii Farley-take hini oul of the postal department or out of the canxpaign. Leave hlm in the 'postil department, '.\r. President. Anyone wbo .-an türn a $65,000.000) deficit into a $12,000,000 surplus is too great a gentus to lose. Most entertaining are the diaries of the nighit club ladies, the niurdered and the murderer. Also elevating. If it be true that one-half the world cing a cba triail volatang9 is flot>ac!epted1 1on the More than 150 couples were married, at Reno, ,Nevada, Sunday. You just can't beat Reno., It get'm coniing and going, Congratulations ta Jacqueline jean Benson, a Chicago baby born january 14, weighing 12 unces. She now weighs.iine pounds. THÉ PHlA.NTO% RtpoRTER. i

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