£ to the hm on the wm $souup new. 1936 Dodge long befoeo 1 bought.-one. Now that I have one -am juat buroing With enthusi- ýyexpect somt.e sor formation obtained by one of yourl of reward. reporters. Clr.G...Miller Ithe fail of 1935 1 moved to 3219 fotind Lake. avenue, Wilmette, and after a week's residence there that MOTHERS VACATION our mail was. delivered tbrough the Ves, Mot/ser deor> t ue s you. Glenview* P. O. This comiplicated the situation considerably for me Just as you said im would; the same as yqu, hence I decided to correct it. 1 in- We try to cook as good. taste doesn' it Buét vesigated througb. the P. O. the scoured. I proper person to approacb. T/se hause seerni kinder -vaca)zb, our neighborbood for.deaisan W/se» 1 corne homne ai Ptig/st, then aproached RalPh: E. Church And lacks' the srnell of- cookùa, with ail data, on, hand.:lHe took the. To teinpt rnty appetste. ashing9ton and. matter up when in tô check T/er's noone there to greet mne, sent was. an investigator upW further.on the' plausibiity-of-4he W/zen I corne in t/se door,. say,, u'hy .don'b you tuipe your fret, change. Within a few months a 'To Vou're trackîng tep t/se loor.. notification was sent to Wîlmette, P, O. of the future change in the deNo one is here ta tell me, liier., To'tske t/se girlâge out, be tô *I do not wish this credit close t/se door behind ine, To mea as served only given me as I she'; cooking sauer kroz.t. W/sen dium through which Mr. Church Hie could get ail the particulars. And w/se» the dinner>s ready, served his community by obtaining this service for tho'se residents who truly needed it. Please correct it by .giving Mr. Church the credit lie truly deserves.ý I would bave taken l:ll-z-2tersoner of this letter is to correct the in- Vois «an save many of your bawthorns. VoU Ca» save your healtby red cedars. VoU Catt.be,.active 'in your block. Vois Ca» help others to know a red cedar, but. if: you do you, wiIl need to .work quiclcly. .Elizabeth L. McCaulley,. Phone Winnetka 1675. W,) . (Mrs. Tender-made Ham Wins, "League of Matrons"' "'You buy, you taste, and youvre converted.' That's what iîs bound to happenonce you 'meet up' witb. the new Tender-made hani whiclx, recentIy made its debut on thé nmarket," states Wilson & Co. "Not only do the 'leagues of matrons',,edorse it as the grandest, easiest-to-prepare dish of the summer, but husbands and' youngsters (especlally those going through the tootbless age) marvel at its tenderness and mild sweet fiavor. "So tender* is Tender-made bain that you cati cnt it with a fork just as it cornes from the market. In fact, it is ready to serve the minute And I start to serve t/se food, NTo onse say.r, go tvash your hands, Hotu can you be so rude. And alter dinner's over, but we had And 1 sit down fa rest, I mniss your sterîz reminder, See insle back cover JOr, /save you ordered oil, Tite /souse is getting. cold, SW/sy tait untul its gone, Vois rnust like like to hear mne scold. T/se screens need taking dozun, T/se latun has gpne to hay, The w/sole place looks. dis gracelfi, 'W/sût millt/se seighsbars say. And w/sen at last I go to lied, *And iny t/souglibs begipi ta roain, "You can purchase Tender-made ham ini any one of three way s-as a whole ham, as juicy center-cut s lices k»io%%n as hiam steaks, or ,as butts and shanks. And the uses are legioncold buffet platters, whole 'Sunday' ,barns, salads,ý sandwiches, and left-, over dishes.of ail kinds." CIVIL SERVICE MOTORI, mnc. i. 4, WI..etka. Ilini.s n5*.tmef522 Conter 51v. M Bo Rapp S.G CHICAGO Jvil e, Wis. avenue, spent last week-end at janes- IJamnes L Aider, 931 Greenwood