has decided that. ber. ïfterest in, tennis can be st be satisfied by teaching, rather than in competitive play. country. In 1931 she went east playWith ber husband, who also is a wvell ing at. Rye, .Sôuthampton, and Forest known nationally ranked stair, Mrs.ý MflIs. Two years later she. again went east, making a very impressive showirng- at Forest His, where she lost :a, bard three-set .match. to Dorothy Round of England, then ranked iiumber two in the world. Wemr Builde Of Ch&eacter Mrfs. Kamrathi believes. firmnlyý in the value of: tennis. as a builder of character. While she does flot overlook the exercise and copetitive features of the game, she believes that the othervalues outweigb these. Ten"nis, in her opinion, -is a fotrm of self .expression vhich -will .do tmuch toward building Poise and self-confidence., Further, it is an* activity which can be.a source of stimuùlating satisfaction ail tbrough life. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bush of 721 Greenwood avenue,, have as their housé guest MIrs. Bush's sister, Mrs. D.* P. Scott, who returned witb them the first part of the week after they had visited 'Mrs. Bush's mother, Mrs. Ida S. Perry at ber home in Kankakee Iast week. our face IiftedFiguwatively speaking, of course . but iterally ýwe are: havinig 1extensive beauty treatments, a coniplete.reiuve-, nation. We're going to be entirety redecorated, we're ý.enarqing departments, addiriq HAVE HOUSE GUEST more fltftng -rooerws. c.hanging this and that to make shopping at Stevens even more pleasont and convenient. Rght now we have carpenters and painters ail ovor the pace.. but to compensate you for any inconvenience in shopping, * school convenes at Kamurath played an exhibition match, nue. 'Sunciay at the club July 4 and was defeated 9:45 o'clock. 6-3. Mr. Kamrath, with AI Winston of Indian Hill, played an exhibition Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pollack, Pri*Scilla, and Charles Sanlcey of 1406 singles champion, and Norbert Burg- Washington avenue, have returned ess, Big, Ten doubles champion, de- férm a motor trip through the east. Most of their trne was spent at feating them in two sets. Boston and New York City. While other in Boston Priscilla, registered at Simmon s college. match with Norman Bickell, Big Ten lt's to your advantage to now... savings" are tremendous on drosses, coats, sportswear, accessories.. in fact every department lias amazing Remodeling Sale values. Mr., and Mrs. Joseph Dug2 and h. ýSchunIc qt Iowa. their were and lane, daughter, Jarvis, of Hi the guests 1àst week-end Mrs. S. H. Clark, 135. Winnetka. LOGAI A. STEVENS., inc.. 1624 Orrlugton