. lw di ICous for 1 U- nfO Tr DbO0ue oEG T«he Iast book wfritten by ,Heoiry Jiustii,, 5Smith 01 Gle>scoe belore his death hos rrcepitly ýbeeti >ubushcd. b>* Willett, Clark & Corniicm of -Chicago. Enuitled c'The Master of the MayIIozoer," it brings ta, lité t hadowy i~g ùre of the captain 1of tefanionis vcs'sel. 'I lqw SUSPENSE AND SURPRISE Eden Phillpotts, veteran rose grower and author of more than fifty volumes of fiction, told an admirer that a new scene has neyer failed to tell hini a new story. "I go to a place with an empty mind original and of the police, bard to match -A Close Cali was told hi m îs rhe drama 1would Ie idsurprise. 1june 30. Whet