Jobs for Sale Opportunity for young man witli wide North Shore açquaintance to make a profitable connecztion with, large North Shore, automobile distributor handling aà line tha't embraces, the complete automobile price range. Pirevious automobile selling experience unnecessary but applicant must be willing Worker., Suitabl e finaincial arrangements w ill be md for1 the man -selectêd. ýApply Mr, Mather. 1840 Ridge Ave., Evanston, 11l. Sundav, June 28, a group of Sea of the irst inhabitants ofthte country Scouts unider the commanid of Skippe r IW. C. Huggins had a real. tow job with thieir power. cruiser.- On that day the Chicago Tribune Sailing Regatta for Small Boats was beld, at'the new Montrose Harbor in Chiýcago. A 'numiber' of Snipe Class sloops from Wilmette, harbor, were towved down for the races., bi.s tow 301) gave the. boys flot only a very pleasant trip and a fine view of the-events, but served to give them a real chance to use> their seamanship in g, practical cause. IFAST: WORK-.. and some of- their ceremonial dancing displayed by the followers of Indian lore, the, class wbich is taught by Bob Bowditch, famous authôrity on Indian lore in the mniddle west. Montv Joyce, the, G-man Whol aàways gets. his. man because he iîs a "M.Nonty," is. organi.zing.a Camp MaKa-Ja-Wan unit of the famousforce. Eacb memnber wil be provided with a police star and an opportunity 10d do some e IWhy 743 Sherman Avenue, Evansfon ce Ce SNYDI1'-RD INC. ONEUYIEAR TOPA GREenIeaf 7141 I piirchas. t. $50 or more with sall down payment mnd 12 months f. pay the basce. Our business has grown s. rapidiy that we now have' 4 decoralors to serve-,youo nd thra is no charge for esianates. Just phone us for an estimafor wifh samp les. -J have your home. distas*.ful t. you,,when you con consolidat. your E...ON YEAR TO PA Drepeties Shades-ers--Venefian Bihnds--Vudor Porch The Blackfoot village held an unusual camp fire Tuesday -night. Whetn On, the afternioonof the. Fourth of they.foliowed the sound of a. phantomn July, one of the Snipe Class Sloops horn to their council fire deep ini the in Wilmette 'harbor was moored' with virgin wood surrounding the-camp.' its sails raised but with no one The War - lu Oa aboaid. As the wind 'Wâs 'ràther Friday inaugurated the Red and brisk the vessel eventually broke froin its niooring and. ran wiid in Blue war, three days of intense comthe crowded harbor. A number of, petition. The entire camp is divided boats took up the pursuit but she into two units, and during the period was not brought under control until of competition will wage battie in Edgar Goelz, one of the Wilmette Scouting tests, track meet, basebali. Sea Scouts, boarded ber f rom the Capture the Fiag, water meet *and Coast Guard skiff and sailed ber back will end with a stunt night at which to her nloorings single-banded. Gocîz each village will put on an original certainly gave a practical demonstra- act of sonie sort or other. tion -on the-scout motto, "Be Pre- the budget plan. Have the work done while on your vocation.' t iinabrtnuday was obtainied, xnclud-, ing some £nammoth floral displays of fire, and including the usual rockets,' Sposéd of Shawnee, Cheyenne and sky bombs, etc. Chippewa villages, opposed Blackfoot, S Menomninee, and Delaware villages. rArtillery Poloists to *The ganie was won at 9:30 when the ~* latter villages succeeded in capturing Invade Oak Brook Field the other's 'flag. The second artillerv- invasion o~f Oak Brook will be mnade on Sunday when the flashy Lieutenants. HarEnsjoy a Feest rison, Zimnmrinan nd .IA I,. -i -amnp lNla-K~a-ja-ýVan on WvednesIday nigbt enjoyed a moonilight game of Capture the Flag. One team, com- 1608 chiçeo Ave.. , vnto Unvriy07 0973 stride The construction work of the arch- the sc ery departinent is also done in the The tent under the supervision Feild. -handicraft of David Morris', teacher of history road.' ne will start at 3:30 at 3, 22nd street and York,