Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1936, p. 10

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Marie Briel ajr.urnuu,, Julle, ai z 0cluc A Introit: *,The Lord. 19 in His Holy address lu 921 Nlnth street, Wilmette. alse .the Autbem by the,. Quartet: "ýPr Lord,0 My soul".......West Oftertory Anthem: -The. Beatitudes'.. ... g ... P- ........ ......... .. .Shelley Orgu ostùd'ý "Peldeand Fugue ..... Baeh In E mninor" The quartet for S3unday! morning w111 be as followa: Miay A. Êtrong, soprano; Florence Farrar, contrato; Russel Nelson. tenor: Xaurice'Bililson, baritone.-. $niall chulidren wili be cared for durlng the worshlp service throughout the sunimer. ais nouai. 1Anyone wliblng to place puipit flôwers. on any* Sunday morning l-fiauked to phone Mrs.. S. B; Leemani, W.Ilmette 2434. Sunimer Sehool 'for Church Workers.Long Lakce. JIL, Juiy -20 to 26.Edutc aThere tion- Inspiration - Recreation. vil be clisses for (çhurch achool teachers. Luther leaguers, Mlsionary Women. etc. For further Information see the pastor. We Invite: yôu to worip with us nexçt Sunday morning. m.p.h; iempster street, j,,îmwoocu avenue to> east, limits, 2D m.p.h.:. Crawford avenue, -Simpson street: to Glenview. road, 35 in.p.h.; Ridge road, north, limits to. Harrison street, 35 m.p.h.* (This last namned' W Ridge road in the northwest section of the,, pity, -not Ridge'avenue.) The signs are being erected ini Evanston- as part of . a state-wide. program of indicating speeds in. certain, Zones within municipalities, it was exrplained., State officiais confer with city *fficiais as to the proper limits on varions streets before the signs, are -erected. Whilethe state traffic code provides sp>eeds of 20 miles in business districts; 25 in residential arcas, and 35 in suburban (non .built First,Con grego.atioal. John, G. lndiey, mInlister The Union service lu held ln the First Baptiot, church,--Wilmette and Forest The Men*s clama le, meeting -each avenues, aàt Il a. mi.. Mr. Hlindley ls Aunday mnorning at. 9:45 o'clock. Alil the guest preacher. Hlmtheme b "Fools .-ther departments of the Chureh sehooL of Reason"I and ls one of aSpeclal Seriem hiave disbanded until feul. The. chnrch offlce will be open on Mondaysi dîring the. month of Juiy but %vil] îiôt be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. lu m .4p) areas it also prvides tha ah ¶'hwougout July~, Mr i. fndile residence at the manse and la avallabie solute maximum speeds may be cstabfor pastoral services ln cither parish Iished on certain streets afte-r studies or ln the conmi$ty at large. ART TDN have been made and signs are crccted stating the speed allowcd. The specds stated on the signs, it was eniphasizcd, are absolute maximums. while the limits stated above are flexible, dcpénding u p on traffic, weather, visibility and other conditions. Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue James T'. Venektameri. minister lie mnor *the n "The 1 in." il' mositfavorable ever'conditions require lowcr speed for. safety, drivers must drive more slowly than the allowed maximum. Howevcr, under no- conditions are spcsabovrc those statcd on the signs permitted. contions. W hen-, Inîlaý merlýs Igon." We George and E. L.

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