COLDI D'RINKS grandchitd, and a sister, NORTH JUST A SHORT WAUC 1 WEUNERS and,1 -11 y -One _'. HAMBURGERS* - vars. >VSe1<L Lackamp of Ctevelanýd, Ohio. >Funeral-services were conducted at the. homtnéIhusday by the Rev. Alfred 'E. Meyer of the .Ravenswood Evangelical church, with burial, at Waldheiu. Mas. Lawrence W. Hayes and her three children of 1221 ,lmnistreet,, Winnetka are leaving ýSatutday ta eisit her anotbCr in LoganisPoat, Imd. Mr. Hayes is driving them ta Logans-, return early in the week. but wll art Hayes p famùily maved ta Winnetka The f rom Glencoe thàs,sring. iCANDY- GUM CIGARETTES *PEACOCK.SS ICE CREAM, ,*Mailiers!,You need, no+ hesitate.ta allow your children ta eat ai oui, stand, as evelrything ýis sonitary and wbohlesamne. We imnvte your inspection. "Bo"Gordon of the 011 Weill announces thse addition t. his service of tihe PURE OIL SERVICE STrATION P@uth and Lie. .. . WU.meft. (Just Northa of 'V' TrWnaI> mette. Thei famity moved here i 1919, and remained until December af 1934,: when, because 'of his ili health. they 1returned ta, Chicago. He was born July 25, leu2 in Harsted, 'Norway. He was.a graduate of the University of Horton, at Osto,. Norway, ýwith a. B.S. degae.. He :camne to Arnerica at the. age of.21, and'for, ýanny years was consuttinig engineer for 1the ýLink- Beit company of Chicago, ithe lackhawk Manufacturing' companyand Chain Belt coxnpany of Milwaukee., january 1, 1912. Mr. Berg was married ta Mae Olive Mattbews-of Chiduring the residence ofte who, cago. famiy hee, wa5 active in club and. church h circles. havîng senred as 'chairmnan of the Hanse comrnittee of the Wihnette Woman's club during the building of the present club bouse, and' as president af the WIlffIette Garden club. heir son is a graduate of New Trier High school, and is now a. senior at Purdue university. Mr. Berg was a member of Landmark lodge, A. F. & A. M. No. 422; Fairview chapter No. 161 R. A. M.; Montzori Commandary No. 53, K. T.; Medinah Temple A. R. 0. N. M. S.; American Society of Mechanicat Engineers and Western Society of.Enirineers. Mr. Berg was welt known in Wil- From 1I-P. m. i. 9 P. o.-Thursdoya July 9M .46p. m-.riMoy. JuIly10t* oed froue, 9o,0. We Will Give AFree Motor Ansysis and Compression Test WilIi Each Purchase of One of Pure Oils father Mas. C. were C . arnaflan, 700 held Friday Central ofavenue, afternoon at Roseil chapel wth interment of the aubes ini Rosehill cemetery. Mr. Hawkes was 95 years od when be died on May 31 at bis home in Sierra Madre, Catif., and had enjoyed good heaitti until last December. His son, M.-A. Hawkes, was here for the services and visited Mr. and ?Jrs C'arnahan at their The 0801 Weil Service Station Pure,011 POUVII end Md. Mme. WIU..ef t.5344 Matthieson, bas severat been years. a frequellr -Her «stor here -for and she Wis., Linden, home was et attended Beloit college..