Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1936, p. 51

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The six north shore niexi are: Captain 1Edward Albert Evers, 1020 Sheridani road, Wihnette, comimaiding~ officer of the vessel, and senior oifficer of the squadron, Lieutenant Carl..Alfred Peterson, 144 Maple avenue, Wilmette,. and Etisigns James David White, Jr., 984 Spruce street, Minnetka; Frederick ,Favor, .516' Fifth street,. Wilmnette; James Edward Sproul Baker, 347 Maple avenue,, Vilmtte, ýand1Léonard Edward Meyer,. 1422, Gregory avenue, Wilmette. lenln addition to the officers almi l'istedme of thé naval'reserve. al ineinbers'of thcl4th battalion, Chicago, 75 ýmarine corps re serve% will bc taken aboard at Great Lakes Naval Training station to bc tanded, at Muskegon when the two forces and the, national guard cooPerate i stininmer maneuvers. of the local police, but has been establi shed by the Healtb the bauds are being mnade to find a way 1Mrg. James D. Swan, Jr., of Delear acceted.efforts Cente, to abate the nuisance. Police Chief van, Wis., is in the Evanstofi hospiofeped CeTer, lnc os o tkare o .ncdosnttkecr Cloyd McGuire expresses the hope tai recovering from a recent operahi sick, babies. Its purpose is tb ni- ta rvt acmnmitie yto o ct pedct pedcts î~ o ct anandb struct the mother ini regard to theéhtpiaewthe .baby's .feed.ing and 'weigbt. The re- property owners enjoying riparian Mrs; Harry.A. Brown, 819 Ashland o ths bve nded benrights from July I1througb, the bathsuiscinc oter a- ng season,-will be effective in keep- avenue,ý has recently recovered from Th. mos gatfyng mtend ifing re . most oo erai ing alienis off vacant beach property. an illness of two weeks. carrying out, the pliysician's. and ____________ nurse's' orders, whicli Is essential to best resuIts. I "Van~ Gogh Paintings Will Corne to City in August The next Chest. clinic, will be held Monday, .July -)0, frorn 1 to, 4 p. M. Twenty-three patient% attended the last Chest célinic , hich ivas held1 on Monday,,May 15. The patients who ithis:clin.ic are given are.:registered -in fo low-up instructions by, the nurse in charge,- constanItlv w'orking to if tuberculoeis. combat the spread Spu tum tests are made. X-rays are taken, and sanatorium cases administered. il advtied by the doctin. The Wilrnette Health Center is l'le mucb publicized exhibition. o to give out free literature on glad paintings. and drawings Iy the Dutcbý, tuberculosis and otiier diseases. upon Freiich painter, Vincent \-an Gogh, request. It is opel> 12 mionths of the -,viIl corne to the Art Iiistitute of year, froni 9 to 4 daily. The nurse Chicago on August 26 and continue! in charge is on duty 'frorn 9 to 5. through September 23. It was first Hem office boums are troni I to 2 P. M. brought to. America by the 'Museum daily. and by special appointment. of Modern Art, New York and sinceý then has been sbown nii a number of gala vlusfort/ iof JIyWeek-End. The coming double holiday means activities and festivities. Wihether -youre going away or staying at home you'l ueed things for your pleasure and comîfort. ln this issue of Your Home Paper are niuerous timely suggestions liited i the messages of Paiîntings and those of lus ,cri.I is sonething of a inystery to understand the hold Van Goghi's paintings have upon the public. Some say it is because of the extraordinar3' life this erratic painter, others beled 1wv c ause of his strong, daring and primitive celor, and still others because lie is strikingly original antd creative. 'Wiatever is the reason thiere is ne of bis record breaking qmueton netka, on , unday auternoon. fifty were present. The prograi by tee of Mr. Wells' students, follows: Itallan Concerto (three movome ......... AÀ nold .Mil ler.... 90. Firat movemeii Op. Soénata., Scherzo . . . . . . . . . . .. .ý1DVflI-ý4a er . . AI1exander, W. A. Ceo.......... Am.krsu Motel .............. 38 ............... .Indre, Pie ... ... 4 Jicyrer Mlettrie Shop ........... 8 7 Ilium's, lue..... .......... Blook Nook4 The,..............88 4,8 Doulevard Dreg Store ........ Drsueb'ls Slember $b>p ....... li MU Brama Bros.. 011 C...ever Bfrmner Bros. OeeaBone s..........I Nortt Shore NeMhgrtioa. New Bronx Inn................... 46 Brtyant & Strattea Coflefe . . .$8,39 . ........... l16 Pat e.................... .... ......... Pulaag, E. E G.&Vo ........... P alin, Peae*, C. 1). .............. Peaeoek I.. Crean .......... P4ke Lak.e J.ige ............ PuleServies Co ............. t' 40 a 4, 290 I ..... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. Jack Mcmvis, son of Mm. and Mrs.1 M. B. Mervis, is spendilig the sum-,f rough , t mer mining at Great Falls, Mont. -0- . . .. ....... . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .

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