PARk rock Mrs. ( ne. lu Hubbard hln le 3 coettage * VW0ode,. bedroonis, bath. L'x, lavatory. Hotý water ohl heat. E.quip)ped wth electrie refrigNice erator and gas range. large, :sized lot. with niany Stucco. 3bedroons, 1 ba th. Porch11. 2-car garage. In excelA .very livoble. lent condition. homie located close to grade and Outstanding "achools. hI g h .. $8.000 buy!............. péer among recondltioned bouses la exceptional WIlMF, TTE.-22.04 CHESTNUT, AVE. and the prîe at...................~ 000 Trýue- down-east Colonial. This* 6 rnw, 21/2 lbath hoÔme.of quallty, Her-e* is a- brick bulIt' recently, vonstruction, 18 one Of our Most e(snugh to be called ne*, but mast attractive offerlngs., 'he Inter'.ld be properly Iettled. ior la as charnîlng as the ex'rhere are, three bedrooms, two terioir. Driv.e by and then eaul and, one-half tule baths,; a large, Mr. Smith, Wln1in.-2700-Bni... linen closet, and other ample 18-5. The living. room Q.<* pace. hae a natural firepflace and there WlxN'NETKA-9 10 (.REENW%%OOD AVE. White Colonial home on beauis a breakfast nook on the first, Large The. building Is In fine flour. tiful landscaped lot; porch:,- overlooking sererned shapie, and ls located on a very, There la a t%o-car garden. 3 bedrms., 2 batha. Anl îîlce lot. unusual value. . Mr. Pietmch, brick garage and the heat, la hot 18.55. In homes. of this type Winn. 2700 -Brn. watêr. this. a bargaîn consider we 6000 at. ................. Cool eeeluded porch ls but !mie desirahle feature.,o! this 8 rm. Thiis hoie la really a niagnificient The price also gets Eniglish brk. homne on I 00-ft. at 5«7. lawn. Straiglit. 5y .an mnagnlfien!ce from thé, tact that There are th(- owner must sell. Priet-d to. buyer's advantaegé. '%ir. W. Jo>hna;on, (ire. 18.55fouùr bedrooms, three and unehlai baths, and a gorgeous sunHol. 1855. ruQn. ,.b~e.hieat is biot water and »ItONÊ ONE01P garage is dtached. 'The vîI"ýrr th, arehitecture fis Engliali and itaIo4ated in a beautiful neighborhood 4rast of the' tracks vonand EVANSTON-522 DAVIS ST. \i-iuent to) transportation seacools onan êxceptionally large ,Greenleaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 lot. Evet'y detail has been cared WINNETKA-790 ELM ST. for to perfection ln thia grand Brlargate 1855 hone and it is certainly a bar- Winnetka 2700 $21500.00 zain at............... HIGHLAND PARK-5S . ST. JOHNS fllghland Park 1855.l Iu Highland Park we have an excconi'tnlent1y a in buy i.eltionaI LA SALLE ST. MAI .F~IE-34S. loatêkd~ and beautifully wooded C'entral 1855 l,5-00..00 *,0ex200 lot .............. i ii é is pVI &VtL. "unis n*îse, RIs nu5 QUINLAN & TYSON., c.ý Exc]uslve Agents Evauston, luI. 1571 Sbeftnan Avenue WiI. 602 uni..26000 Ro.Pr. 2616 OWNER. MVED EAST. MUST SACRIFICE WINN. WHITE Scol. 4 bedrms., 2%' tue baths. 2 htd. 9xIg Sun. rins.: liv. ri., master bedrmus. 25xl5. Beaàu. yd. 60xlÏ0; ou, 2-car gar. Cost $22,200,ý qulck sale $13.500.. 76X175 lot, 4 betlrms., 2 bathg.,: glsd. sun & slp. -pch.; $12,000, only $4.000 tsh Glencoe 4 .Stone, Englisli type hon. Hot %vater bathq.. bedroonis, oil héat. Attached garage. Large lot. ;rounds attractively landmscaped, many *large ti'eem andl Ila-ventral mnuch ahrubbery. Brick Colonial with 4 bedroonis, Iex» ., -pi4ng-porch, 2 batli, 1 !av. Hot water oul heat. 2-var air heated garage. Large well landascaped lot located ln Northt-aat Olenvee;Close tb tranlbtrtation a.nd achool .-.- $18,500 4 White Clapboard Coblonial. hedrooms, bath, and extra lavat4nry. Hot water 011 heat. 2-eal detached garage. Nlec- lot with large trees and well planted Ifouse newly wihshubbery. decorated and, painted. In (14leoe.................$ý12. E4AST KENILWORTH $1,OOO CASH ,e, min Clab.,. tue «bath; lovely section WlnInetka; liv. rm. 21K1.2, s;uný rm.; w~ooded 75x190 lot: 1-par. A bargain at onily $10.500. On JuIyý4th Phone Kenilwortl' 3737 Kenilworth 5540 562 <i'reen Bay Rd. 3 -Convenient Local Offices <Op nMSu Witzleben Realty Co. SACRIFICE!! ' sot sti' is JE A CLIENT WHO HAS TO -etmniedlately their new homne Arorth; will accept a very rea>ffer. Thlihome lu. of finest con- English brick svth stucco triln. : é;' bedronnia, slieeping p:c, tilt.hatbs. ierde-tached garage. Nicely wooded lot located ide ila very desirable eaat 2.0 sect ion .............. English brick mwiti stone triml.:~bdroonîs, 2 baths. Attaclied, >'-car garage. Paneled library. Foèrved warm air gas heat. lteady for ovvul>aue3, ln theý $ ,0 . veryneur future îîorch, bath. Sun rooni. Furnace nýil heat. 2-car garage. Located ilu soutbeast WNiliiet te. Fluain>erd by ,IHOLC............. .$4.0 I. CUSACK rms:, 2ilgbaths., recreat. 2-car gar. I~ni~. 6886 wil. 1660 MlOL 6886 I11LTNS-lte "SIGN IWTH CUSACK" 2 j 111LTNS-IttC Thhliisnnd. Eng. brk., 4 bedrmis., b;Aths, iopen terrace.. att. gai'., oUl. Priced for immediate sa le. 80xl65. Easy ternis. BATH, r beaut.Iliv. trs. bic sen 556 Grecnwood Ave. s iak 15, 5attract. lav ,ato'y ; 2- Completely modernized -, bedru*is., 2 bath homie. Lge. ser. pcb., neîv 2var gar. 1 block sch., trans. Vq T X~T'T1 rA 7.7 416 Cumnor Rd. $ 1,500 Cash-Winnetka $100 PER «MO. INCL. INTEREST - ND and principal Will buy this modern 4 bedrooni Colonial bouse ln fine con- R. B. WHITAKER CO.* 140 CMNTER STREETE. WINNETKA cost are C'O. a AeU WINNICTKA 3250 Il1. N -t j 460 Winr '-4tpj