chiestra ini thé second week of the Festival season which opens at RkaVinia Park this, Friday evening. Mr. Lange replaces RcadHageman. whose appeara nces will be postp.oned until a later date owing to, illness. .Mr. Lange is widely known, both as; an orchestral playe and as a conductor. lRe was employed for many v ars asviolinist in major $ymDohony orchestras.of the continent, and 'later as conductor in Frankfort. where hie assisted Willem Mangelberg ithe Mý\useumgesellschaft concerts. and for three years, directed the Frankfort Bach society. In 1923 lie .becamne the assistant concert-master atndasi*.çtanit 'çonductor of the New York Phuilhriiiiiiic. In 1931' he was appointed a rezular conductor. there and lias retainied the position ever silice. flùrng 'loscatiis recclit leader-' slîip of the New York Pbilhannonic, tlie great Italian Maestro especially requested Mr. Lange to be ail of his rehearsais to add bis judgnlient of orchestral balance and color to aid the final finisbed interpretation of bis program, a signal honor rarely conferred by the fiery genius of the haton. nmMmi mma. 'Savuuus uiayor of J*vanston the president$...ôf. the three other.villages by Felix I.;StieedfC-K and iettrs snt0-orte .1to ilvorth village manager,"at he fe tion of the Kenil*orth village- counw~I The ,eter poinmç,$ ot, that a syn' on the b wtaý chronized systemi,..ô know in Evanston ar ,s kilro~ avenue,. in WilmIWeètte as Mamln street,* in ICenilwôrtb as Green -Bay road, 'in Winnètlca*-iCenter streéret, in Iiiib-ý bard, Woods as Linden avenue, and lu't Glencoe as Glencôe& road, will1 be needed. especiall)y .when"te ecIon between Emerson street and McCormick boulevard in Evanston,, nowm-o dergoing widening ýand repairs, will be openeéd to tbrough traffic;,. The city officiais -of Evanston rei7ealed. in reply to Mr. Streed's letter, that. tbrough gasoline tax money, the ,, direction s..Wmgthiterruptions, rai street, an orities are w f the Wihnette g to cooperate, boundary be extendea to ýella street, the lune. members, after )perative action v'ould seek the have the opportunity to judgeý for themiselves. as, a special feature of Nf r. Lange's prograins will îe the p)erformance of the cycle of the four Blrahms symphonies. Offering a wide range of emotional and musical content, the four great symphonies of the master. Brahms, -are rarely heardini the cycle form, and afford an unusual opportunity to ail lovers of great syrnphonic music. 1 mette (JItimmut club atteiWed the internatiQolco,,z'eiiiionr of t/he serv'ice organization in J)ollas, last week, they. received a hearty, typically Southeril welcoppiz, as 's showua by the pictures above. Board Naines Two Special Police Officers for Beach and North M ýstern railway, which are paralleled y the highway, would At its adjourned meeting Tuesday introduce difl ulties, which would to be sol, ýdby a study by highnight the Village board appointed have way and traff experts. Charles 0. Lance, 1407 Elmwood ave-.1 At present f -re are traffic lighits at nue, and joseph Rengel, 2630 Glen- Lincoln and C view road, as special police offilcersI tracks o: the Cicago Address .. . ...... ....... ..... car. and might have be'en serio injuired but for a set of, good brâ ,A Famdiy Courtesy Card will bÉïssaüe4r'to-each coniributor ~recoverisng at bis home. IL