Repairing and Remodeling, WINNETICA2480 15-LT 843t: ROOF LEAKS REPAIRD wtt cm. Perri Ave, Dalla111. INTERIOR A, EXPEI Wl Bent MatetitilEstiliateiq and' Cr.-H. MAIl 1606 Howard St. Painting anl ýowe5t rrîcets apies furnluhed. ION, & CO. RoesPark 8044 Ïg"42LTN7-4t'p 0412. phone- Wilmette 2715 Or. Universlty 16A LTNS-4tp 0E. A. THUUR8By PLAOTEftING & STUCCO IREPAIRS Wilmnette 3387 1716 ilgiand Ave. >1&A-LTN5-4tp PAINTING STrUCCO 1VCY REiABUfiABLE. ho Rftg. Co., 10456 1A-LTN41-26tp 611il Youll have more lim for leisure this summer if you many these fro. requireinents yorhome mainienafloe reliable offerings. Not ony are there listed the ussual servup-top. your grounds and home in servime for keeping required ces poutof-the-ordinary, find',those also shape but youll. needed from time -te time. Consult this page whenever YO're.looking for home Services. DECORATING. HAVE YOUR WORKý doue now at reduced prIces. -i ýref.. and Interior and Exterior 236*3 forpestimate.142LVTN -ltp G. H. MADISON & Co. Roègers Pic.>8644 1607, Howard st. 42LTN7-41 Paintin8 %-rkmansl4ilp. Cali Davis8$31 or MAXI voua SUMIR MOINJOYAbLI $y Painters and Ijecorators cati For catimates anld saiples, pâ rts OVÉÏi40 GENRÂLCONTRACTOR, years buAiIng.Noào. oo small or too large. FUI, satisftitiontguaraiiteed. Cai Uni. 1150 or Wilm»ette 93033-.'John FRANCES DA1Y NUR8EUY 5.TS-t Vidon. COM'.PLETE GARDEN SERVICE D'Y Attention Mothers! Good care given te DAY OR CONTRACT, BEST REFS. flidren utnder 4 yru. by traied nurse Information RE4S. PRICES. FREE ESTIMÂTES. V.wv *ow xateu, For futer 41A-LITN7'4t% 35t-89. Wilmette cati 7T8ti 38F8. and ,ÎhÔb WioerKA weidiflg. automobile machine PILLING TOUR HOME NIIOS PROM THIS PAGE' E.NELSON Décoratlflg adInelr WILMETTE1891 42LTN8-4ti' O. Durkoop & Sons GLEN4COE 184 5 Alfred Renschin 421.TNS-I tit Expert paintng, paperhstnglng and lntîew Exclusive terier decorating. - 42LTN7-4tp stpplig effets. PAINTING, PAPER IIANGING AND ail decorating. Reas. A-I wk. Gre. 3677é. Jobbem J PHfONE KENILWORTH 16J.TN5-26tP iW7& C. IINSULTION VO._ PAVLIK BROS. 280-820 TREN E 1RVICE -THORNmILL 33lOS. IU AD UNDER T1WHE SURGERY 2'TLTN8-tP LAUNOUY Uni. 4518 Banik Bldý. Roge 41BORATIN% 417 Main M.J. KREBS 42LTN8-ltPo otp E - cOL] 1advertisersýcas/i in on home UPKEEPf Black 0 jphone ett. 1056 ~iTN'tfec