Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1936, p. 42

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»AVIS CRAFTSMEN FOINITURI PHMONE UNI. 7nie Eailuatn W'Ith., Obigailen À -- New York, and Boston,' returning home bh.y way of Niagara Falls. They visited. the. campuses of Brown' university, Amherst, H4arvard,. and Yale, s0 that Lowell, Jr., will be able to decide on bis college wben -hie-finishes high school iýn aniother year. SMrs. Albert S. Webster, 1601 Tenth street is -maklng satisfactory con~ valescence after returning homefrom tbe.Evanston bospital last -week. Mrs. John P. Oleson,' 240ý Woodstock avenue, Kcnilworth, basas ber bouse guest tlis week Miss Harriet Van Dame of Sarasota, Fia. -0_ Chare and jack Beglen, daughtcr ~and son o M. nd Mrs.Hary F. idBegIen, 75 Robsart roa d, are eaving ~~ today for caméi at Stcarfisb Canyon, Stearfishi, S. D. - returned from a motor trip througb the east. They wentt to Washington, Mrs. Thomas Grimes returnced to PM& ro ow Pfté02-ber home in Niles, Michi., Saturday after spending a weck with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wicdlin, 120 Ij Among the citations which com-, prised the lesson-sermonl was the following from the Bible: "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believeci on1 him, If ye continue iiin y word, then ý are .ye .my .disciples jndeed; Adye shall know the truth and the trutb shaif* make, you free"(on 8:31,32). The ýlessoni-sermon also ificluded tbe following. passages from the. Christian Science. textbook, "Science and. Heàlth witb Key to ýthe Scrip-., t urcs,e' by Mary Baker.Eddy: "Divine Science derives its sanction frôm the Bible, and the divine origini of is. demonstrated througb the Science Mrs. F. R. Kilner, 430 Sheridan road, ce of Trutb in, healing influen and ber ýdaughter, joaû, are sailing hôhy sin. 'This bealing power and, sickness July 8 on the President Roosevelt of Truth must bave been far anterior, fora two months' trip tbrougb EU- to the period in which Jesus ived.. It willtbey rope. After landing at Havre ancient as 'the- Ancient, of days.' spend about a week in Paris then1 is as through Al Life, and extends ives It take a trip up the Rbine valley to thiroughout ail space" (p. 146). Switzenland. Tbey expect ,.to spend coe,.Iideble timei. n Scotland and England whcre they, are to look up some relatives. The trip is a grad& uation present to Joan, who graduated from joscph Sears scbool this "Wbat Is the Baha'i Teaching Remontb, from her father. garding Healing?" is the subject on which Mrs. .Howard C. Ives will speak, Mrs. Charles Robb, 816 Greenileaf at the Sunday afternoon service hield avenue, witb* her daugbter, Nancy., in Foundation hall. Baba'i Universal Miss Harriet Dicker- House of Worship at Linden avenuie nice, and came up frorn Jackson- and Sheridan .road, Wilmette on July who staff er ization iWihnitte. A feature of the afair will be a bathing beauty con test, the winner of which will represent the league in the natioal contet at AtlanticCity, N. J,,, and also at Galveston or Houston, Tekas. Selections of entrants for the'Riverview event. are being Made in local contests throughout Chicago, and suburbs. The Wilmette contest, it is statéd, wjll be held on a date to. be announced later, at Teatrodl Lago and WMinmette theater. Details have flot yet been, completed. Baba'i Teachings on Healing, Nexmt Topic 5 !If 3:30 n'vlock James R. Walker of Kansas City spent Iast weck witb bis mother, Mrs. J. H. Walker, of 1535 Lake avenue. He took bis niece, Mary Janet Lerscb of Evanston, back to Kansas City with him for a vacation. Mrs. J. H. Walker's sister-in-law, Miss Mary Walker of Chicago, is spending a, few dayswith ber. given uncier the -pices of the Banla) the for WTinnIetka ôof aus community friends of Winiietka; Wilmettc, Park Ridge, Evanston and Chicago. At about three o'clock the picnic began on tbe Winnetka beach; at about five o'clock they adjourned to the bouse where a littie later a buffet supper, was served. A number of young Baha'is, just from the Louhçlen Rancht. 716 returned Craig, Hlarvey Mr. and Mrs. Lakce avenue and their daughter Flint, Mich_.,wbere an intensive wveel, at the Loubelen Sumerschool' was jKangeroo Lake, Fourth of Juhy.,, ng to their urday to motor to Saranac Lake, Y's Harbor, N. Y., to attend the medical and law r over the convention of Silicosis. Thcy Wil be away for about two, weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Zimmi-erW. Mason, man, 219 Sixtb street, left hast Sat- "àK "V-o-

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