Saturday A4 as tiiiwd in "SJi 4uw......................... bebiii. Bob Kenidig was-tird -i"SuFlia ý.. . .... 2-15-10 2-15-46I ver Spray,", less thian 1 minute behind( Skipit 2-18-481 *Twin Star." G ider >The resuits. of this race left the three. Pegaàüus... . ....... 2-23-92 2-24412 lcading 'boats . i the "A" series %'%th B"ii e2-24-45 ... tCarol T*i W o ires ooy Pres*1wnSar" in first placei Swing . It ... .... 2--0 ....... with 116 points, Bob Kendig's ."Silver 'Sagitta SPray'" with 11 0,points,. and, Max 1-av- Katydid ii.............DNF DNF .... fodand-Gordon N iti Adey.. ~Jofies' "Trw'inkle Dit........ ford o ere t1 sidys Waagethe 1 with .101 Points. ",'kipit,", . .. .. .2-22-18 ... .49-0 * .. AANIl '. *Ail SALE Kiight Star, tied %vithCharlie PajeaU s T*iù star ......... "Flit" for fojurth place with 98 points. S8wing' It .................. Sunday's race wvas the second of the -Ail Baba Asterisk s sandw spcalsrls awa sailed in a liglit Waîrus. ....... .. eatrybreeze over the' sanie course as Twlnkle Ditto ... Wody Pirie led the fleet, Neo, Satrda. BVI 28 mnuts1aead of the second Gale Star.tocross the lhue which -was "S'ing itia ury It," sailed by the'Alford brothers, new- 1Pegasùs Airel corners to the Sheridan Sh'refiet or etSagitta Howard Nlortoii*s "Alil Baba" fiuishedIFlut................DNF .3--2 .3-29 2-33-15 1-19 3-05-23 3-05-41 ...3-07-33 .3407-49 3-07-58 082 314-58 > 3-15-51 Summer, Apparel Ail Ilemaininq JEarly SURSTA-NTIAL R1EDUCTIONS Legion to Observe Fourth North Shore SniPes Huge Demonstration Take Iligiz Honors in With The Anierican Legion Fourth of Chicago Race Sunday July committee, headed by Col. A. A. The iuorth shore, Wmtt Harbor Divisioiîal Fleet 35" ran away with the honiors of the leading event of the Montrose Harbor regatta hield under the auspices of a city newsnanerSuiida2v 2f*PVflflli. sprn Merchandise F~AR BELOW #COST MARTHA WEL JIERED SHOP Sprague, has made plans for the effici.ent handling of a capacity crowd of nearly 100,000 people expected to witness the l60th Anniversary celebratino of the signing ofthe Declaration cormiitte starting and fnnisnmtg posts, and fromi there broadcast to the thousancls of spectators a'011g s.hore, by public address systemi. Valuabie prizes were distributed, and ini addition to the "Place Honors," the special trop1ues for **The Best Appearing Boat" wvere aivarded to Bill Park's *'Slver Hind" first, and to Ed Spence's Clearwater Florida snipe *"Fuzzikini" second. . tic Pageant. -T he- selecting of the. "Quéen of the Great Lakes". from among the entrants who have successfully reached the finals, will be one of the features, with the entire evening's program crowned in a spectacular burst of glory of an inspiriug exhibition of Fireworks. The performance which is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p. ni. until 10 :30 will be cranimed with action 'and 44- 'day and Suiiday, the fl ;regular Fleet races c 'Iiliýtfp l 'LÇ uur 1; "m11 ban~ Martin Mintz, sol' Of Mr. and Mrs. The C. L. Frederick faniily Of 2ý50 Thornas M. Min-tz, 50j Crescent place, mil leave Monday for Marshfield, Sheridan r oa d,' Kenilwortb spending the'summer at their sum_ Wis., where he-wil visit on-a fanm for a nionth ýor 'six weeks. mner home at Delavan, Wis.. .are as CHUCAO, su.t~ MI*Iga. ULUNOW