,.dsp JculJy 2 and 3 JUICE ORANGES) C011làiVabências PLA1S.Richelieu Ma'mmoth Sug.. 2No. 2 No. ... CORN. Baby Stuard Golden Bantam BABY FO0D. Gerber's 8 varieties............ STRAWBERRY JA. Finest purefr uit....... ztisàî 2 tins 25e 3 for 25e .1r 23c 2 .doz. 5à5C. bsk, i2k' PEACHES. Georgia Freeistone. DEVILED HAM. J UNDERWOOD'S 21/ . "25 C SWEETI CHERRI1ES..Large, black.lb25 CARROTS. Sweet California...2bunche s. I3c 2 quarts 1-7c GREENBEANS. Crisp, stringless .. ) GREEN ONIONS. Mild,) home-grown. .2 bunches kc GREEN PEPPERS ....3 for 1IOc RED STAR QUAMJTY BEVERAGES ......... pint 27c' RIPE OLIVES. Extra'larfge jumbos. each 25c ýManzanil1la STUFFED OLIVES., Richelieu, No. I O SARDINES. Sygqn. .Norwegan, smoked inoil .2.1/4 lb. tins 17C ozen 9?c PAPER PLATES. Large ýsize.......... pkg. 9c WAX PAPER. 50 sheets, for sandwiches BAKED BEANS. Richelieui New England style 2 18 oz. tins 25c GRAPE JUICE., Richeleu Concord. Quarts 27c. ... pint 15c ... EER ïD GINGCER ALE & 1RQOTBI1 ivors. . qarts7 5c( IMPERIAL MIXED SALTED NUTS. Extra large. No peanuts... ASSQRTED FRUIT BALLS. lndividually wrapped. Fruit flavors BUTTERSCOTCH CARAMELS. With marshmallow center layer. .. . 04for 25c . . . . . ... *.... lb. 79c ... b. 29c lb. 29C 2 for 21c 2 35c1b OId Engflsh beach 21 2 1/-1.39C I WILME .TTE LITE. ýl '