At a simple wedding witnessed by mernbers of their fanulies and a few close friends. the former Eunice Mary Wilson, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Richard Eisenherger. 674, Bluff street. Glencoe, was married. to Melvin :W. Roberts on Saturday. Juneë 20. at the First Baptist Church in Evanston. The cerernonv-w-Performed by the Rev. Charles Heimsath. The. bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Albert and by ber Bates of Racine.Wi. MrvnT. niece, Teiallie BRates. Roberts came np> irom Foley, Ala.., to serve bis twtin brother as best mnan. and '.frs. W. T.; Roberts als5o was. here, for ber son's -wedding. Mr, and M rs.-Roberts are not taklingtheir wedding trip until later, and are ai present niaking their home in Evvan'.ton. for Eveletb, Mnn.te attend the wedding of. their son, >Jack,- and Miss Elizabeth Gillett on.,July .4.. The ceremony 1will take place at -4« o'clock, at tbe.home of the bride's parent s. Nfr. and Mirs. Arthur ILX Giilett. and w ill be a smaill informai weddinig for the famîlies only and'a few initimate fiends. Miss Genevieve Gilattend bersister as maid ot lett will11 bonor. Both tbe bride and the bridegroom are graduates of the University- of '%Niscollsii.ý Miss Gillett w as a member oi Kappa Alpha Theta sororitv. andM. Nason of Sigma Phi. fraternity. 4 w Mlr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kréiner Lauirel avenue, WVihnette, anxiounce the engagement of therir dauKihter, Eleanor Louise, to If/illiaiîî Douglas Barclay, son of Mrs. S. A. Barcla. of rivanston.~ The maIrriaqe zuill tOi, 'Placi, lhie latter* ol723? 1531 Speccr <avenue, !'latca' nlfteCh arlotte ElizabthîI~i c d lo Pr, Paulf. R.Basson of Mr. 1~* . Bass ofOh . .irs. ( ot Chicago, tormeriy or \Vi nnetka and Glencoe; announice the marriage of their daughter. WiIla -Marie. to Richard Stanley Peterson on june 18. in New York City at the Little Cburch Around the Corner.. Miss Snyder attended the University. of Wisconsin and is a graduate of Miami universitv at Oxford. Ohio. Mr. Peterson was graduated from .Miss Julia Mason and Miss Ilc>tcr Reillv of. ý'Vinnetka lias beeriýct abead one day, andi will takc pilacc Fridav afternoon, Septenîber 18. at the home of Mr. and Nfrs.. John Rht·,( ReillyI, 640 BIaçkthorn roa(I: MI', * Mason. with lier inotixer. NMr,. klo-: well 'B. 'Masoiî of 315 Ridgeavu. and lier yotinger sister, Svlvia, lia, left for their sunîmiier home at Camp W\ip)igaki, Lac (lu Flamibeaui. \Wijî Miss Annie Mason lias Ifoli to Pceu- *Mrs. Craig B. Ketcbam., 611 Abbotsford road, Kenilwortb, entertained her bridge club last Friday aftermoon. Mie bIr Abbotsford road, Renilwortb, over the Fouiih of July. On the Fourtli the Aares witl enteritain at a family dinner.