Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1936, p. 16

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The boys by beating. the ,coiumn for the' village-Wide territory contest wininingShores 0-, The New to 15 North paLrk. Which is to be' held at. Vattman raily:in the batting a on put this week. The boys and girls of Triers in seven brouight that, inning fifth Vattman park and Village green are. gamne. the Cincbed runs. holding. daily practice for the track The Villagers won :à one si.ded meet to be held atthe Village green, game from .the Suburbans. 29 to 5. in the near future. Meier pitched an air tight Marion: Last Eriday morning a bike racing. bail for the winners. park. coitest was- feld at 'attman comiplete Th eam tading There Was a thr e, heeled bike race scores are as follows:,for the junior class, and two wheeled C. Peekel bike races for the initermediates and B3.Currie M. Bruckbauser Bouchlkas' B. ribbon blue A c'hildren.;. class senior M A. Miller Leal B. was given for first place, a red for A. Wagner. P. Cross *B. schaefer second and a white for third place. 1). Vogel B. Steffens Patteirson M. A "weenie" roast was held Thurs- B. Schrieber J. VoDrhies 1 te 12 A. Kishoflas day at Vattman:park fromn E. Pattersoni Scorer-Rober o'clock and was attended by over 75 children and their. parents. mis. .and gamnetor the' wïnners ana 1'! were on hanci to witness the évent, au t to Daniel M.. Davis, direcsupport. accordinig excellent weelç. this short and the T. N". T1:5 won 22 ro zu. village-wide poster contest One. big inning . gavre the Twilite1 tor of- recreation. Pets of al descripThe NewÏ Triers .-broke into the have been practicing liard .. posters wnacn arc tew nte Lin.U -- at Vattman every Thursday at 12 o'clock for the children and parents. Friday froin 12 to 1 o'clock a weenie roast was held for the children at the village green; this will also be a weekly event at the village green for the children and parents. Y.YQ Coptest Thoac.. te Fanckboner plans a "weenie. roast Villagers O98 D. Heck B. Huber B. Heck M. Kuja H. Lýentula H. Huber G. Hoffman M. phiiiips G. Birlauf L,. Krause Umpire--Huck Suburbans 5 M. Meer H:~ Hermes B. Kiel included: Stars a 20 to 10 win over the Hood-1 tions 'were entered. whichwhich bad smnall:dogs, and dogs large -runs 12 lums. 'The Twilites scored rabbits., -occasion, the for bathed been on -Il hits in»te sixth inning. mice, and .chameleonS., cats, ,turties, *"airg the Monday- night, Winberg were; Well .behaveýd, -pets -the 'of Most bail" artist of the East Siders, and and did, aiàl the. tricks théir master Jake' Hoffman- the Ace pitcher of called: for. the, T. D. Y. M. C's met. The East Pedigree or lack of it received no0 Siders started, off, with thriee1 runs- in' consýideration froin the judges and the first in ning but:the T.D.Y.M.C.s' was given on the évitheir'decisioni came ight back with five runs 'in, between the ýpet and affection dent by runis the, second, inning >on, home judges were Mrs. The master.: George Huck and Tony Schinler. The itsý John C. Baker. Mrs'. Leach, Herbert East Siders staged a four run rally and George Lea1. Blue ribons^ were in' the seventh but it, fell short of given for first place winners. red, to winning- the gam e. place winner .s, a nd white fnbThe W. W. L's won a ioosely play- second third place winners: The to bons ed gaine. fromn the. Twilite Stars 20i winners were as follows: to 11 t bit The T.D.Y.M ' dCs'scored nine runý1 lst-Jeannette Kaines.. Village Green ini the first three innings i their 2nd-Paul Stade....... Vattman Park Vattman Park gaine with the Willies'and coasted to 3rd-Luella Ottinger a 14 to 9. The Willies were held Smnali Doga scoreless until the' fifth inning. Vattman Park Panclcboner . SLOW PITCHING LEAGUE Teila Standing New Trier 15 -Northiore 8 be a vfl tonptcûntest T.D. Y. M.C. 4East Siders .. .... 2 Hoodlums ..... Beyrer EIec. ....... 2 Team Scbaeffer A. C. W. L. .... 5 0 1 ... 6 a 3 1.000 pet. lst-Bili Village Green 2nd-David Wallers_.. 3rd-Jack McAlljster .. Vattman Park ... Rabbits 2 .857 lst-Marjorie Kendal.. Village Green .667 2nd-Barbara Roberts Vattman Park .400 3rd-Mary IHelen Arns Vattman Park .400 .held a funny costume parade îast ý ' Monday. Over 80 children took part in the parade. Several athletie contests have been played between, the two parks. ".'KOeer-DWtYLmo . umpre-Die-oh an lst-Billy Van Zuylen (FIj 1 .... Squirrel> ....... 2nd-Graham Burnide (Tt 3rd-Bob Matson (Chainele C. Grater C. Gibson J. Lechner J. Stein J. Brown B. Haley Spe9i Millel Pieti .Kivba . nanPark' man Park T. Hopkins J. Norris R. Cole Huck W. L.Pet. D. Russell Teaul R. Halliwell B. 1.000 0 -2 T.N.T.............. The Vattinan park boys interChiccini, Borre H., .500 1 1 Centers Community mediates teain defeated the village UMPIRE-Windell .500, i Shor'es ..... .500 i1i1 green in an exciting game 15 to 14. North ........ Villagers ........ -H1oodlums 10 .500 TwiIIte Stars 20 i1 1 The village green senior girls won New Triers ......... Miller Huebner H. .000 2 O .... Suhurbans GIRLS' SOYT BALL LEAGUE Teum Standing man Park from Vattman park 13 to 7 and the village green senior Boys defeated B. Wade Yeoman D., Torrey Self l Kaspi Kirw] Borrê ýal league. Each of these tc oge gaine Iast week. The ;Wski Cileaners ........ 6 ............. tors 4 Farms ........... . . . .. .; - . . . . . 2 ... . .... ]IlK. I Harmann ,I UMPIRVI-1 1UKr

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