Besides Mrs. Davis and Robert Borgfeldt, she is survived by a son, Frederick of Middlebury, Aisw, two sisters, Mrs. Paul Heinsen of *Win-ý netka, anil Mrs. Hermnan Hossmann 11>uskegon, Mich., and two brothters.ôf the, American Revolution and of ers, Mark Remington of Chicago, and the tProtestant oa's Service Carson Remington of Milwaukee. club. ù- Wil mette' Mrs. Borgieldt was Mrs. Blower is survived bv her husband, George loiver, no01 in England., and by two, brothers, Charles Frost Lewisof Berwyn. -and Earl S. Lewis of Palm B9each. Fia. Slie wva a. member of' the Dauigb- burial in IJakridge cerueterv. A ri tr"o.thé~tUn PourtL. FreeL. drosed 19S %ri Lb:27C, Funerai Services HeId for Mrs. Ruth J. Schulte church and Eastern Star, returningPO to the :vi.llage -frequently for these meetings wbile living in Chicago. _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _beef.. Funa srices :for- Mrs. Rutb Jackson Schulte, the *wife of -Theodore E.Schulte. Jr., 850 Valley road, Glencoe, were held Saturday in St. Elisabetb's church. Burial took place, at:IHuùbbard WoodsHOMe -NIonday at ' Mount Hope cemneteryý, Michael N. Angelsberg, 76. years Mouint Hope, N. Y. old, died Tbursday of last week of a Mrs. Scbulte, had been ailing bute heart attack at the home of his steptiot seri-ously iii until -a %%,eek ago daughter, Mrs. Henry J. Iýlauke, 1148 Mjonday when she was .±a1k. to the. Scot~t avenue, ~Hmbard Woods. Mr. Evanston bospital. She died at the Angelsberg went to Florida tbis winhospital Thursday. ter because of bis, poor bealth. but ji esides, ber husband, a meniber of ivas not taken seriously iii until Farwell-Chapnian & Co.. inive-,tnent shortly before bis death. secuirities concerni with offices at 8 was a pioneer Chicagoan, bornUs South La Salle street, Chicago, s he in He the city, and raised ini Rogers Park. is survived by two sons. Theodore'E.* III. and David Roberts Schuilte, and Fifteen years ago he came to Winlier mother, Mrs. Jane Root Jackson1 Klauke, preceding wbicb he lived ini oi 'New%York City. Evanston for 30 years. He retired in 1935, after being in the same line of Tender native . . . . . M T IO s l.£5 i. Michael Angelsberg Dead 1U5 ROAST BER, BonsIeSa rhlsd 2 e h SUMMER SAUSAGE or .. SALAMI .. ...... LIVE1R SAUSAGE. Srumoisnd ..... ... . ASSORTED COILW 7mbe Chroice - Brst Byve 230 .... lb. 29,c MEATS ......... . cuned....... h c*0e s s AftMOUIS CLOVERIO Butter ZOOS StwIcty freah Do. 6 ex jw 331C 1 SP.ciII1 Lb. 26J Kavenswoocj hospitaI atter a- briet ilns.Funeral services ivere held* Saturdav afternoon in the chapel at ,Ï70l N'orth Clark street. with burial iii Acacia Park cemetery. Dr. Eccles. a dentist, bad offices in the Sheridan Trust Bank building at 47,3 Boadavin Chicago. He was a inmbe ofSunset Ridge Country club and the Mediinal club. Dr. Eccles wvas 56 years old., and had Requpiem higb mnass wvas sung at Sacred Jleart church ini Hubbard WVoods Saturday morning. Burial ivas in St. HenirNys cemeterv. NMr. Angelsberg is 'survived' by M.\rs. Klauke and a brother. Mathias. of Wilmington, 111. He was an honorar-, memiber of the Newman counicil, Knights of Columbus. .COwvuZ iHighiest quality coffee at a Iowr price tha you eau lad .IlsewL*e. Laloeview brand, augaw-cur.d, .au,I hickory sm@ked WIuole or shamk half MONARCU4 MANOR PIRAND eeHOUSI carlet rever 1; whooping cough 1. 'Nr. and '.\ have arrived XIrs. Edwin Hedrick,, 304 Meirose for a two w venue, Kenilworth, will entertain of Mr. Hg er, sewing club to.morrow. afternoon.ý Phi.lip Hugue mother. Mrç Lake avenue.