thri*ftb*minded housewives wil read the food adver-o tising in WILMETTEllf LIFE FIRSI and save money Houseie cannot say, ici wili spena just thls much 1ur m aDi)'L no more!" The best she can do is to strike an averagey keep her fingers crossed, and hope to stay within lier budget. turers. Baked goods are.fresh and tasty. Such reliable merchandise is the kind you want to buy. It is the least expensive in the long rmn. A dditional People ... Additional Costs! Somjetimes it works and then along corne unexpected guests and food costs skyrocket. Soon the chidren will be homne from school . . . vacation youIlI go on outings which will guests will visit you.. . Shof i jWILMETTB LIFE WILMETTE. LiFE arrives eàch week just in timê to guide your week-end food buying activities. Let its food advertising suggest delightf ul menus. Sit riglit down, with this copy an d plan some-