r advertisers 15 publisnea We ld messages quickly. directory to the messages of of 1ennsylvafia.. HAVE REUNION Chicago sight-seeinig for the conEighit girls of Gniiel college heid vention delegates and guests will include.tour of the 'shopping district, a renion Thursday-.at the home ofý visit ýto the stockyardsi, trip to the Miss Shirley MëGill,,'216 Broadway Miss' Phyllis Richardson, Art Institute, 'Field Museum, Adler avenue. Park,> Riverview. Wolf e,- Miss, Eleanor and. Lois. Miss planetariüm boat ride on Lake Michigan, .trip Steén, and. Miss Mary Speer were through> Chinàtowfl,. visits to radio aniong 1the Wilmettegirls present, stations. and the three others, were 'Miss Hotel theý at Frances.1M.cClain and Miss: Peggy Fraternal ýceremoi1ies DearN. 632 ale of, Chicago,ý and ýMiss Billy H club, Sherman or Moose 4ines, who wias born, will include initiation of- the Rosness of - Des Mo ast M\iss ,Speer'shouse guest. convention. class, a Pilgrimn breakf Fel;Moost, for the highest degree Iowship iÈitiation-thirdc degree, and TO HAVE SUMMER OUTINGS Legion cereniénial-s.econd degree. mr. and Mes. H. E. Ritngholm's two Womnen of the M.ýoos e, meeting in children are leaving the end of the their ninth annual conference at the "Juniorty week to be away ail summer. Hotel La Salle, will hiold a Friendship will. leave, Satiurday for Camp Echo at Fremont, Mih, and Shirley Anne1 Mý'oose competitive events wil1. in- will leave Mna for a camp at clude drill teani, band,' quartet, drun Crystal Lake, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. and bugle corps. The annual alumni Ringholm will be at their home ai associ ation banquet and convention 1539 Lake avenue until later in the hall will be hield Thursday, julý* 2, at summner when *they ill probably take the Hotel Shermant. a trip. Bert W. . Johnson, secretar.y of Greater Chicago lodge No. 3, is genMNrs. J. J. Guinan and her daughter, eral chairmnan of the convention cern417 Abbotsford road, Kenilmittee, and Mrs. Johnsen, wvho is a Marion. rare sailing julv I on the w.c.rll1 mnember of the. national advisory our advertia.rs ADVERTISER A P%1 Food Stores Alexander, W. A. Co. Andiersonl Motel. '1'e, PAGE: .. . .. . ADVERTISER PAGE Lakevle Qualiy anet.... . Beac................8 Lakot *................ îord's .......... L-T Raneh ILymaiî'A Pharmace§es........... m 1 Boluleveard flrug Store Braun Bros. 4, 10 lo, Cover IV MtLanulf, Gormley £Klig.. .41 12 3IelIody Parias Dolry ...... 21 Club....... COUnStry MUinoequa Mission MRIS Golf club 4bre 1UtgrgeUO %orit ...... trattoli College.;:.37,40 Byait 1 lo..... Bneklpey -Resale BurIiiToggerY 40 j -4i-Nook caIEwei Seed Co. -46 le Co.,46 C"n'j Watervllet..0 4 Central shoe RebuIlidlfg :40 .. Chandler'N........... Clk1eago & North IVeSteru RY.. 1S flSience Chureh.......4 Chrisliin 4 Cominidlty Theatre........ .4 ComillCy, Geo. T. CoOp. Te .4 O 011 Weil, The.............. ....... Okean. Dr. L. H. .. . ... . .37 OIieafl, Mf.B. Pagliarulo, D. Pauling, E. G., Peacopi. C,.1). 44 Co. . .... 37 - . .... am e .. . .. . . George Senseney M1ax-well, who just completed his second year at Oberlin college, wvas awarded his varsity "0" in track at thie annual men's dinnier sponsored by the Oberlin college varsity club as part of the commencenment %veekprogramn at Oberlin. Maxwell holds the ali-timne Oberlin pole Vault record establîshed this year. Ameniber of the nmen's glee club, Track. Letter at vberlî has at St. Lake, -oT%ýet-Thirdl street- had as their hoeuse guests last week M\rs. Johnsoni's niother, 'Mrs. Peter Gardner, and her brother, Werner Gardner, of Manistee, Michi. They lelt on Monday taking thle Johnson's son, Gardner, back to 'I Maiistee *with thein to spend b)out. Qialulan EIk Lake Lodfe........ &T:ysol Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson, 121.5 1 4 ... ErlcksOf01, Bel' Esthber Peuuhty SIop...... Eva'listoit AcIIdCUIY 0e4 Fine At;4 EF-lttOflBus,ýiless College ..... EreI3fl'5 Beaty shop Renseh WarebolIse....... hock Island Ry ............ 8 ýs'ok"i4 S IV erico . O rriers ............... ;- . WILMS&Tr 32 UNI ... .Pil son on Fr! be: named