a bathsi. 1Ho~t iloIm iOl4,trf$ close to ll a.n i d 4oîpinig tati<ifl, .w trict . t:j 1 ........ 1C fui homne. at once. 18.55.woooed Roi. nriok. lot. C.11 i#- ' iau.- 2030 CHESTNUT AVENUE Picturesque 6 rm. Engllsh briek j'ust completed. DoiVt miss this. smali' The owner not onIY wants to but must sel this brick bouse of four bedrooms and three baths. It lut w-llocated and sltuated on a lot 5Oxlô76. On the first floor Ws a very attractive sun roo m and also a breakfast nook., The garage kM two-car attached and the beat i&-,blt twateri. Thé borneé la ln g6od eon4it ion and* the oWner will mnake a1 very convenient purthe pnice asked cha-se plan . $18.000.40f 18 .................... tionflof 'ae in ýHubbard shlingl- o Ex. NViods. 3. eroibath.: laviitflry. Hot.,water oil heat. EipClwithe-e c ric refrige-rati)n «and gas range. Nice lag withl many s ized( lot .fl 1, ................. Very Pi nchi. Forceil air h.-at. inifine. condition ig léléated lose to riade ad. sehuol5 <tt stî1 , LýAkEFOREST HOME - On. beautiful 2204 CHESTNUT AVENUE 6 rrns., 2 baths:. Charnilng, eas-t side. 75-ft. lot, 264 ft. deep., 8 Colonial home.'. Well built. ronnmS. 2 bathsq. 011 heat, $20,000.00. G LEN -OAK ACRES, GLENVIEW -V .11One acre of ground heavlly Woocled. Engliqh brick house havlng 8 rms,, 2 bathe, 2-car att. gar. Price $17.000. O.N GLENCOE WOODED HILLTOP 1 ivtblt.- borne QUIN\l-.AN & TYSON,:. mc. ~huv . $A Excuusuve Agts Evanston. 111 1.r71 Sherman Avenueý WI.20 Ui.200 Rog. Pk. 26w .......... ....... .111T'r. 7-lte *NoNv asks t1.5,000. WVell built rmQ.. sun anid slp. pcb., .» baths-.,Secludedclose to town. 790: on over:an acre, b)ut Mfrs, t.%atthewr-, calling by It See Elm ALt, Winn.,2700-Bn-. 1855. VTST Glencoe -\Vhitiouna.4 elalbil hc-dribuniw. batih andi extr-;l&a itory. 1Tît %%-aterù<11 hit.2-1aî gl-ah~ .arvagi-., NI(tfet < Nit h largt,-'trto--5 anti w.-*ll ll witlislifhlilirY.Il. usît litl 1 104ui<i 3Conveientlocil offices EVA'NSTON Genef1855 522 1)AISST. Holiycourt 1855 or PHoxE OSE F TI-TESE wî-s w i t'Il.. . 15 'PO RCED TO SACRIVFWE T. ETA-90 FTS W This t-w~ner-huilt W.innetika. white, CoL. W\inuîeictkea 2700 Bri-argate 1855 We:ther stripped, storm windows. 4 IICHAN PRKSS. ST. JOQHNS\ ave 9xl.5 ~înlliving ri-2xb-ec *I-igland Parik 185,1 gar. 2-car oih. W. H. firefflae, rmsný., sun fl10.lovely trees, shrus and gardr-n. $ ~21,"44 nnd wçont lat long at thisz ON frE SORTIT SHORE ,~î50---F.ltlthStreet, Wilmette. 7 uns OWNER MOvED E:\S THE BEST NTALUE *Witzileen Rea-,ltv Co. M(iIEST Near the lake ln a beautiful secVnnetka thls.,Engllsh brick boufse is an attractive and' excellent value. The homhe Is.very It lut well buhît and laid ýout. romplete in every detail includIng a very fine air condtionlng systemi There are four bed-7 and one-haif, roornu andthe Ioht nterestlngadditions are a Ibrea«kfa's.t noôk and, a beautifui te-rrace -%ith a. colorful awning. The garage lut two-car atThe lot aise lut ample taclaci. forthis4 grand home. An addltiona i flfy feet on t4ie lake side lut available. This home is listed $25,000.00 with us at ......... garîî.Taxgî- e wt ;mil ,-11t-d a .... i-ldscaîîeul u-sl (l n St.). li Iîi ls> 'i . . hrubiild iIit<-..--a ir. uila u.. -1 A "Il-,%'TNETF.X O -Grpe rlir. Id syrvingais. !()%-I. t ~ * ridu, gassporch and lav. onI '4 fl.,. ý hedrns. andl bath on 2nd. C~ar. Oul ht. 5012 itlh use of .10 ft.r. loit Taxe 0,11y *'ýt". an ie boulglit with $1.006cI asli and Ibalance ýlike rent. fl000 1r beter fo'r ca 'h. TIGHE RErALTY CO. * 5Fnilb EXCUSIVEAGENTS Sti-lwilmlette 910 111 T1LTN7-1 tx- hInwustern Wlmette adjacent tto the building activity ln progress there., we have a flfty-foot pileco $1,500.00 *of vacant listed at ... iii a beautiful section of Glen*coe, this irregular lot wlth front aee ,in exve".u of ninety feet ivîll --IlIfor,.............$4,500.06 a NEW \XWHITE COLONIAL rM M'rs. Futller & Wnm Pickard tîli i allî01r10 Z t,age te,. lhaillaînd $15,g~ti 000. hrkifut. 2-er nraie.Pane-d 41libaiurY. Fîr-d Nworm tir gas. heat. Tte:îdv -for ocuauuYll the -r 4 va puni bewt. sleepingS. REALT"Y NO\-RTH1 SHORE innetka 81 \ ,enlu(* 'vnmtk :tl' (jtk1. vt-p..s ,~.---pr.bg Cri-<tilivinig er quiet street. $12,500 LOcVE.Ly CLNA - 4 BEDRMNT'., :; di lit., space for z morer btu,2open pc-hF. New,- (ulIfurnlac-e- 125-car gar., (jeep lot, $15,000 and buot water ileatel. Large lot,.vv nalcsbi wooded. 2 biku. t-ht 585 mue.An ecelentçval e e it todiy. P-ly Pîen o d. FRANK A. R '1071- poré1i, bath. Sun room. Furnace "il h#-at.. 2-c-ar garagje. Locateil oteastWîlmnlette. Financeci 0 . 5 ......... *liv Eugîsihxix- itl) sttucco tnh.ill pot-c, e - droomu.sleeîîin îal hnhut3-car detached -a-' 1Kenhilwortlt 5.546 WILMETTE EW BI il1 TTN7-1 1 c close to tr'ansI). Lot 50X copper gutters. 8 rnis., tile b)aths w~ith showen r o(0 toljlet in ba«senjenýt: garae ery lovely Coloil iîuys this RAVINIA IN HOME MODERN foi-, small(-- er use. Phone v'-iiuled lut. -1 large lbedrnîs., 2kbathut, N\EXV 2 sunroflm, and roonis c Ü ighlandut, -car gar.. "Il. '-utrd. pehut., down. $2,500 uel. 'd il $8,500. Price ai'garage. \VNETKA- SACRIFICE ESTATE SEARS REALAGENTS EpYCLUSIVE - TOHN F. LEONARDI R. B. WHJTAKER CO. 140 CENTER STR~EET WINNIITKA WINNETKA 82fi0 *Neart $2,00 -. I EtENT rovident Ave11 ILT'L*7-ltp *I1ITN7ltCnue,