,., (11' au. )0 I4300. Wii Shedrake . fr .P. (infe rrîrqEeepa F t~ *~. M.>, ý: Wilmnette eaf 4300 or Il ANDY WOMNLI - fancy sewiflg, fine mend tions,, decorative palnting, IPhone Delaware 1983. PL. Lucille's Placement Bureau 1056 wlMette 1137 Central Ave. ROCKHOLDBLG 73LTN7-ltc LOST AND FMOUND_ Swould like *work of any sort where 818 -Elm st. Wlnnetkça;3328 tUIThr. energy and application kill ýbe ajpprelI.t4L at HubbdWod YOLTN7-ltC Winlewttrd. 69LN7-ltp ciated. Winnetka 3893. ý ,j.y, june llth, 3.:15 P'. 3M. Also older csPhi. Vil. 8,16. WHE(1ID3L7-ltp 44LTN7-ltp fOltSEMAN-SWEDISH, ý34, SINGLE. netka 2879. RISTPARK AND CHIICAGO H IIGH4A.ND b'IT >(T-GIRL'S DACHSHUNDS $1*64 NO1nTH SHORE CREDIT ON :in KeniI-. For sale - 8 *wteks to 61 tro. old. Home REFERE.NCES. ,NORMAL 3564. wth.se Veral .week.- .agt 1Plymtouth or Chrysier. For sale chea.p. t» 69lT.N7-1 raised. A. cre*sing. 3709 N. Hermnitan, offer. Write A-49, Box 60, Make 44LT7-tp age Ave., Chiago, 111. ISA-LTN7-!ÏC Illinois. ,Wilmettie, MN'S LION HIEAD RIýNG; LQST COACH DOGS road Willow at 14,p)ups, splendid Sunday, June Dalmatian Pedlgreed bah.Libe ral reward. Wlnsïetka .comparions for chikiren. Reas3. 427 MOT;OR-WHMEEL M O T. O0R SMITjH 3L7-ltp FOR MAIDS) AND COUPLES 44LT7-1tp 1499. Greenleaf Ave., Wllette. cycle. Completely overhauled. Good SPANWÂGES (JOOD COCKER RÉD K i ÂÙEDAR con diion. WIII1 demoustrate. Price reaitri, maJe, Tuesdaty night, Winji.tîa license. .t Reward . inneirtka 3155. sonable. LeMon Clark, Jt. Phone Qlencoe A DEPENDABLE 16-YEAR-OLD'BOY Pedigre'e( Persian Kittens *CarlsgQn's Empl. Agency Couples'.. . Girls (100D POSITIONS, OPEN POSITIONS OPEN Éntabllahe4 35 Tests ___711TN63-ttc ýw Qjiality, Bicycles-:.' all S1ze in No CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Homes WE INVESTIGATE REFERENCES FPRICES Pauine's Empi.« Agencies SCOMIPETENT HEL? Lindgren Empl. Agency, 7»Elm bt. ivaflhI. 1047 S~tock Complet. lUne of Liberal trade allowafl<e on old 1>k Reconditioned bicycles - Second Hand Bikes $1000 up. Dependablè Repairing. Wilmette 2171 iourth & Linden Opp. -L" Term. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVEUT open Evenlngs and Sundays Glencoe 57 iisVernon Avenlue 14B-LTN4-tfe PRIVATE SCN@OLS that - know you DId ta Davis 7777 634 Davis Evanston, 111 66LTN3-tfe WHiIEGIP.L FO0R GE!NERAL HOUSE, to40i Must serve, Mron and, 1work 2 m*end, be congenial wlth otirer help. Glencoe Bicycle Shop $250. CHitYSLER & PLYMOUTH D19ATU~ Park Ridge, Illnois Wilmette i1105 Central Ave. A new service 77L7-ltp 71LTN7-ltp Ref. thoroughly Investigated. Strictly inder State supervision. GIRL EXPEIENCED WANTED Wlmette 1056 1137 Centra~l Ave. for general housework and cooking PRICE, *85--CASH ROCKIIOLD BLDG. 66LTN7-tfe Care for 6-,.ear-old boy. No laundn-. 62t; ,FORESTAVEý., WILMETTE . -1t $10 per week. Private roorn, ard PM 7 1 DOMESTIC 1I4ELP 1SUPERIoR to North Shore Homes. Lucille's Placement Bureau Partial care of two children-20 mnos., .4 yrs. References required. $40 month. 20 CHRYSLERS & PLYMOIJTHS Write A-47, Box 60, Wilmette, 111. ORt WILL GIVE BIG ÀLLOWAI4CE 71LTN7-ltp on your used car. .Anythlng of aiue as part payment. Save Up t. accepted AROUND ALL EXPFERIENCED ONBIC ,SAVINCG. OBRAND NEW CARS IEAUTY OPJERATOR2066 Chrysler 5 Pass. Sedan mPLACEMaNTr OICoE iidgeAve.Winnetks. 2e82 4à% 4&~ idgeAve.20A-LTN51-tfc T*IE BEST THIS SUMMIER Know that ber la in expert andcbm peteiit handsL.9 Ailcamp. activrities accordin bao0 reo t GIVE YOUR CHILD WE SPECIAIZ domestiC helP. References Incharge to empl ioyeérs. supervision. er Stato vestigated. Unde: 748 Elm St. ~DE1 HOUSEKEEPER E ood home for riddle-aged white wci Agency Reinhart Empi. Winnetka. 3399 6SLTN28-ttC an. 2 in family'. $5 a week. Wr A-52, Box 60 , Wilmette, Illinois. 71LTN7-1 GE-NER2 REKLIABLE GIRL FOR housework and cooking i famlly 2 aduits,and 7 yr. old boy. No launci o". efs. required. Phone Clencoe 2ý 7ILTN7-1 NO SALES TAXI Lsh sport ù tPè udebaker 4 -door sedan.. king ýsedan :.......1... Girl-Genieral Houseworl 3 ADULTS No NVASHING PHONE KENILM'ORTH 3719i uii I)- ..... tekard 4 dr.. sedan ,rdcoupe........ 1 S8alle sedan ................ i [du conv. coupe ............. mdehaker diot. 4 dr. sedan .. i Li lk sedan.................i 2 u10k 4 door sedan .......... eSoto 4. dr. sedan, side mt... 2 3 Ida 4 dr..ied. exo. cdean....... nr , *ltc