t 4 AT Îilter»est., taxes COST and inmurailce SPIECIAIL 5-20 Yeam Le.... Monthly payîniets .of prinicipaL. Nor.EXTRAS. Aisé I i ýFHA ýLOANS Jroker ,.>#eratioit Çoliciièd GEORGE T. REAL ESTATE LOANS ignU sNERmMAN AVENUR DiAVIS a2233SECOND PLOOP COON LEY Centarction Departmont Construa#fl@. Modenuimtl@ o a nd values. inithe future shoulOd e. in the rueide nepofor a emdl as bath jbouses territory on the highway withiti short efor aofraet ot tedne distances of large cities, in other buildings wo fante the therfor ords in tlheir inetropolitan areas, which Donald N.IcPhersoni is bulin Piîie street.acrdn to reetopuIation 644 at piool swinamting bis at properimProved of sale "While oato .Obr, iniprovemient. itedssVIim ties sluimped soniewbat in May frein The cost, of the latter of the report on population changes w; ,w hat we expecéted," Mr,.. Matthews IrInw3ésienc f or' Presidenit, *Ioover's cornmrittéecon as eiec oilly .iew n'as the, this for believe The permît observed,, e"we social trends, and now workîing on a far W.Bur so because, Mr.andMrs.Edwn t matter issud a temporary for the National n eghtroo.; population report wô bot, ae bildng this month, activity bas increased and sca. omitesasi two-carRsre built-iir buseand vener sten the sales closing have- been much ore fte t-eier e garage ;at '478 Sunlset road,, costing lc e.t ra mngmet stt eaiî. architect, R. F. Houlibani isthe -Walter J. Aschenbacb, Jr-, football $18,000. n -rg. and C. A. Heumpill and associates, 1brokeaean real estate appraisal coach at Ne,,v Trier Higb school. by in stitutes and dilJeinggiven. bùildersew Manus in. lot vacant a purchased association oi. National the of A.E. arnburer eckvisions Mr.andMrs Lake Shore Higblands, WNilmette, cooperatien orsin' Ett Real 011 work Byron1 -remiodeliflg for eut the permit from George H. Bodeen. of the'. busineéss of, ýsehool the with street. Cherrv 'l149, at residence their Smi'tl of, Baird and arnrs, \'in-ý Chicago. of. University iietka office .represented bothparties! costing $2.350. \Ir. <()gbii.rn. prefessor of sociology te the. transaction. il Cico, Robert O'Dca purchiased froîn R Home WTiI1 Be Constructed atth two ivrtyo the on special-lectures give Clarence Brown Lot 3 ini the second i genevral. cîîanging famtily and on addition te Raviniia Forcst. WilliamI the coinC. Tackett was attorney' for tbe pur-ý Aniother building permnit for a iiew. population changes. before brokerageestate real ini chaser. Byron Sulith of Baird and reMience. Iocate4 at,48 Kenilwortl ave- ing course of thçt Warner's WVinnietka office represented nue, wvas issued ini Kenlworth during the, given Iby 1the frokers fDivision thv with cooperation lit Associaion out botb parties ini the transaction. week ending Julie 22. A t nas taken Univcrîsitý the of Business of Scheool for calîs and john, J. Boyle purchased the resi- by A. H. \Vechselberger, (if Chiicagýo, opening July 6, and bcdence at 829 Elinwood avenue, WVil- a two and one-haîf story building, of fore appraisal courses opening (asmiette, from WValter S. Campbell. franie and rublile stone construction witb courses) July 20 and Augut 3 Louis Goîdman was attorney for the attached two-car garage. The estinated three17. Discussing these subjects beseller and Mr. Yort as attorney for cost is $21,975. Raymiond F. Houlihan and students of the flrst national Nlrs. Didriksen cf is the archîtect and C. A. Hentphill and fore the purchaser. 1 case-study courses* in real estaft, Evanston office associates, of Evans-ton. contraciors. \Varner's Baird andnow in session, he avýwas the onily broker ini the transacchanges: WVechselberger tlus of populationDeath both MNr. %fýLowest represenîted -Rate A at 48 Kenilworth Avenue ____________management, Ithe 140Cl INERSREE WIN4 INITKA 3250I -Earl -- r MORTAGI Iwest huyer. MNrs. Matthews , of Bairdi innetka. office. repanîd \Warner's both the buyer and the r-ene seller ini the transaction. E. Brad,.way purchased frein Christian J. Golee cf Evanston part of the 'vacant property at the north-j netka office, togethe~r with Hill and;t reaciy have oeen rate reactiin was Il per i when the deatb Stone's office, handled the sale. lias gone rate deatb The thensand. Baird and Xarner's Xinnetka of~reason The tries. coun few a ini lower Smith, ice, represented by Byron bce prôbably will rate deatb the vacant a Evans C. sold to Richard thai is now from lot at the soutbeast corner cf Wood- biglier a generation lawNv avenue and Skokie laixe, Glenl- the population will contain a larger j proportion cf the ages where the cee, ovned by E. R. Hinrichs. chances cf death are greater. Thtthe purchased Kneip Helen 'Miss corner of Aslhand oplar residence will increasie at 645 Ostermani avenue,! nuniber cf clii people 'Will rise. rate death the then and WVarner's and Hrtwell.' tEBaird Fvret* of ra manager r)e i.ll be I 01.l' NSEN- 11MbHa orne ave ..Gates. hI n replaceri bave asy b tno name but v tiow cal mietropolitan:r< ç we -