TheslO iltctilg Iagu-qseaa~'i . the a~ ctupclltte selledutle this week and uight. viiiiage .- Y el,1lU1t week t tThplvrui with an poga attractive frte sumnier h- I t tecu i d1 lroudporanfr sa the Wjîilies wi tbcw first gaine.'lie'NothShores start sla h p gsrtina Tre. oft the seaisoii. They caile f roi be- 1ating the Suiburbatis 34 to 12. The aks-a egsrainathe i second big, a had Shores North sCveil 'witlî i îing iit Ifti the iii hilid Village CAcirs whî lhad lnot lost1 exceeded al previous' years 'accord-. riuns (litSeveN*lîjts t., takc. thc .lead' 0116 rmus I ing to Daniel M. Davis, director in\i vhicli the\ scored Villagers againiin the scasoin so far, -and lito o h 1i h k'1 ~iîti~ltltt u II u 'NT v front the ~ ~ ~ laî<lthe 'Ace Motors thvir iési b ~ ~ gheganeivs ailv lo.1ntl 1u Irecreation. AssistingM.Dvso a tiiorouîtgli* of the andmittny deteat, ttok pa\!grounds this, summer are Glenni -allie. &,ts f iti'Ford l'ITle ,ehacfTer A. C. c ontiiitièd their foiîrth inîî1.11iug Nwhen1 the T.ý N. T*s (;atîe r.coal and. Mrs. Gertrude Fanctirotiscisig at the' is er a\atanPrnd six rîuns anîd caile hack w%%-ith h îiuilg streak 10tc fouir gaules. de- .cre boyvs, 14 to 3. Up to 1tle ,'Sixth i iiig. D)orothyN and bury 'Ma Elizabeth Ralplu Kituge- anid lus teatu lhld flic fatiingt tic Wiliiette N\7at'tilî clagui e'vët more ini the fifth inrinlg. .amisoiî at the Village Green. Tueiv etrtemas muis.-they tei 5to1.Tt'Cmuiy AcrMotors b juttnt)« a1. ié hlling the recr eation board W'PA the: nîatgkilg titrer, '1'le iehii beatiiîg win a *heEast Siders wopn a close gain e .. tated ff w.ith îwnled, for tilt' A&, motor: scoedtýt fronitIlw le crer El.eetric Q to 7. Tue 'e Trier% J21 to 9. The gaine %N-a with a number of worker at both he;.r. i the sith.and four liVyrer F'lectric tiéd lic tîglt : in aie ii thir Nverv close uil iýthe fifth innîing Thc c1lw cildrtn are bus>- with their 1110re tifites i n'thir titial iiunîuii. :uid hlii0 the hlappenied to the' seventhî. but theý East siuetling Trier'saffia. handicraft and have made. seve' held the' CleA1iersý to' titeir two ms sidters caine righitbaàck ini their hall Trier's deieuise. The wîh tw(o muis to win wverc leainig .; to 4 aàt the et.dlOtI eral attractive, baskets. Seventy-fiveoi Ille sî. Thct*.,Stiotîffis sud thle i.' O.F. hv Iii t.flue fourtli iiii- blîdren took part in a costume, parade; Illuethird îining. le. gal Ille goo'fl aoùý nith i' ovîctories for c dtrur nis at Vattinan Park Wednesday moriiing the Center te.a oîîatuthr Y.M.Cs t) 'T [li L.ast weeik thlu mt. ithér teaiti nder the direction of Mrs. Geriin the fftl iiug tiaand the S to ae t lcîi ckegaine mit lu1eyrr artd the, outf.t'îîîe was ini avor oithfe li ~et- after the , New Tiersi triude. Eanckboner. .to -... Selluinler of the T. D. Y.. t Pets of Al Kruidu msoi .ord au honIùe un lit the ,rd pîtchêtr aa \tC' it a i tic dThe ', .?. OF. stee ail kinds and description .of Pets ice. the oun gante thé put wthotit' ontte, pului :teaml out iiîî 12 hîýaid o< flieVillage Iront. Fine 1infield plaved bN flhe iteai âiîthe haîîds f roni odinary domestics like dogs andI tainii The 1resulitS and teain ats té alligators and tropical fish hadj c dt'uiei. 'heClvauîcr tw-Ns. still 1. Cs wasa icatuire t Y,. butp the'Ace Ille gatut, and, double play-'frorn sanluritwug idet" the' their inning at tIreý Village-W\ýide Pct' dlW' ,uuîd .lo at V'attman Park last niglît lV lotous gxve theni. Caie baCk E *IUBASEBALI; ct iu H4erbol to latl oSeh1iuîlr liaîu oVIIIaàre t'reefl. Morene S201peu, KF.27to. C. beat thic hn20pt Vdusy.Mr UUbilî e erer 1-lectr'c'-. Nqbrfl Sbor4 0ir a ll' ofi froun the two playentered we\-r(! Kei vivia i ice. h'ae rg 1 t'Ill 'anotliheu The Ace Motor s s.ored \f 'arlon Myrgrotinds. Pedigree or 'lack of it had, no. 1'Iizbt cl îeslure usîXUît tffoi the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wili to thloir uredit by tak iig the the oud Iu t ýduslte tkihi;ii b idedThovaHa. Eii ZPcousideration lin the judging of thu IvrîtFarit, Io0t.' 1. l'hi, nitkeqs *vixor 'iwerr'l~ Tiht Strs x~ o t ~ H,.& t.u~Viee ets;. Thi>eimportant item in the LueleKr isijdgiîug Mr. D)avis said was the e vithe' ViUlagt Clmairs sutd Ace Mtr hid a gvn9i hrîs1 detcaeth xr2r, the and U~s W. W. The' li 1-1 .ouîFaruuus platce. irsî. tir fou Htinhl' 1l<1ad -1Y te Upe den ;iliivhch gante Ilinis paedasec-siaw third plat-e. Sttffrus'M 'nurthant et and the afction evudent lbetweeni tht"Uooluus wo 24 o 23. Asix U-z . l'siiiteir T.N lRpY's< *: iUager'.1 tAlielft ij ma. orist.tplace, a medî mnil rall\ 1w the N\. '11C s%%'res àâlld teai i taliîdigs toileiiLutukt ,-ont. for second v lace an~d a white rihal cdflî see'uth 'utthei ot uî~~i~ ,Th -. 'Teard-tft h uic - y 4eterif if. it F. An- ~ t 4U.~' 2~ 'ti. >~.-4 i,. &tuue~dev r. T~ IIi~W~I~ & ~:~a*t4et l~ ~1uuîaw W.. Hav~ms4' R. >AiI~ ~.. ~. Tc~'Wt'u M. ïuttîti~*r M Sduuit'îdet t'y M ' Sude' Lest 'C feL 5 fu Y l . tesm 1'hutlW, ka.~ T I~. l~a~ r. ~<~4V J. $te*N~s 1~a~. uogs, 3. uats, 4. Bety Hiîslaneous, which included guinea pig,, Dta -hite. inice. field mice, 'tropical fislh -I% hl Kreusetu and' poîties. At the turne this paper me oeîu uent to press the winners, had flot, Majri: Hill been deterinied but they will appea pa othy ravis îxt week'*! issue. Sh;r ey Peasnii çç,-httitl-tçon' This' week t'he children are workPtiu<'Wsi ig liard on pnsters which are to be euîîered mi th( Village \VIde poster, to be lield next week, anîd 'ra..iim;' WOU are also trainintg for the annual playg irouîud track îiueet to be held next tw Trir~ 1 bg Rahbits. _3. Feathered pets, 0. Miscel. uogs,' 2. Stnall, Scoiltest :; bere Philip Corpuvr. wnner of the iot'mth grSade 41-yard dash at the' field day held tor .children of W~ihnette public in.latîvdc ~iidetiied in the' pîcture wliich apIItt$. t fxx a1 « »-RMC C 2a !r SP"SC ismw Àcul IL-