paid byv the governnient. lie stated that the appearances already booked wvouId carry the organi7ation through to March, >1937. Lt hasý appeared, in many cities,.and townis throuighouit the state in recent.months. At the conclusion tif M r. Kalnberg's remnarks. it wias deterimined, %%ithionti dissenît ng voice, to,,accept: the proffer nade byý hini. ai d. thte discussion m turned to. ways and.ineans.. It ýwas reveaIe(I that approximiately 4,(À0 would *Ve required to defray the incidentai e«penses, wh-iich mustbVe b.orne b!,y the community.. These include transpor*tation of the '75 meinbers of the orchestra. alidtheir instruments, seatinig. soundi anplifying, Systeni for car-. ryinig Uic îmusic to the b>each, and other niecessary items. C. Of -C. WIlI Aid C. F. Clif ton. jr., secretary of the Chaniber of Comnmerce, reptorte'd that lie hiad mnade a partial canvass of 1l*ocal inerchants. and hiad received mnany asurance: of financial support. The: conenss.howéver. wa.s that the burdeni should îlot Vie ptaced upon that organization akmne, but that the affair .hotild ie.'village-wide. participated in myiany organizations and villagers alike. Thsview wvas expressed by Dr. 1). M.. Gallie, Elmer D. Becker, Robwr A. Zirnmervrt F. Ricksen., Mfrs. David J. Davis. N. P. Linde nan. m aud others. Organization tool, concrete forîn when, MNr. Clifton of, the Chambe.r of Comnmerce, Robert E.. Rickseil, presi-1 dent of Wihnette Home Owners asSociation, and Elmer D, Becker, repre-J ,;etiiig the Wilmiette Civic league, pledged their groups as sponsors for ' the series of. concerts. *The tbree -were appointed as a com-ý nîittee to uindertake direction of the, affair, with power to add to its membership) by accretions f rom other organizations. l'ie committee immediatelv set about its job by arraniging for a meeting Tuesday night to enilist TII! HUB"S Summer Clothes Are. Cooder and Smarter PAL M 1-BEACH SUITS TROPICAL WORSTEDS $1850 s.$6 5 er, Mrs. W. D. Marq ;R. W. Heebig of 1 an to leave tomorrow day> 1) mnotor for Logan Mil Sy will spend two wec wheve Orriugtooe sand Church Open u 4sdUy, -EYANSTON Thursday and Saturd.y Evoulap