California by ber parents as a graduation present. Miss McNulty, accompanied by Missý Betty Kenardinc, formerly ofKenilwortbý, hose xother is'in Sani Diego,.Ieft Sunday to spend several tniontbs as the guest of Steenberg of L~os NIrs. Grace Angeles, formerly of Evanston. She wil also, visit San Diego and Sani -t'ncisco, and wiIl return boneby way of thé, Canadian Rockies. She' left after attending a number of par-, ties, teas and dances, giv'en in lier bonor. Mrs. Edward T. StatIer of Montclair, N. J. Mrs. Statier camcto be a 'Patienit in tbe Evanston bhospital for. about ten days and wiIl be.bere mlost of the summner, and, Mr. Statier will returu to Montclair in a week. Mr. Snow and bis brother-in-law. .Milton H. Otte- of the South> Shore in. Cbicago, and R., B. Buswtll of Oak- Park, a business associate of Mr. Snowv, left Monday .for nortbe ri Wisconsin for a .veek's fisbing. witb Piný, Body of Green Bay,. wbolô bas a. cabin iin the north wood s. Hostess to Reading Circle Miss Rbert$Peteron 0-1 WMlmtte is the delegate fromn the active cnt umiversity to, the national convention being held ini Ashevile, Ar. C., Jtme 29-Jtd3f 4. Luncheoe Hostess A trp Jo Caoifortia is the graduatson present givcn Miss Bet ,McNulty of 1609 Tenth street, b% her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliai'.t F. McNulty. She leit Wiliiiettf Sunkday. 'hopter of Delta Zeta at Northwest- .The Reading circie wil bave for *Mrs. Frank C. Nason, 733 Cumits next bostess, ILrs. Henry Justin miiigs avenue, Ienilworth, entertained at uticheon Friday, of1ast, weekç bers at her hione, 220 Hazel avenue, for Mrs. Arthur J. Lindsley of KenilGlencoe.. Monlday, junte 29. at 1 wortb and her bouse guest, Mrs. FEvelyn Lansdown of Los Angeles. o'clock. Goes Eat on Sapfisi' Women Plan Choir Party on Lawn On Tb'ursday evening, June 18. eLdhu n Mr. an M rs. WV.F. Bra *formai, each person bringing ber own lunch, the hostcss furnishing coffée. Mrs. J. C. Blaylock, 1115 Lake street, will be hostess for the first meeting Friday, June 26. On july 10, Mrs. E. H. Kerr of 125 Sixteenth street, will entertain, on july 23, Mrs. A. C. Youngberg of Hibbard road (lance"i ntit.,openi. uninese Ianterlis added to the' festivýity of th1coccasion. More tbaix forty. guests werc present. For the past year Nlr. Bradburn bas been the director of. music at Henîciînway and in addition to the Senior choir bas organized' a 3,oun.g people's junior Hi choir. This latter choir biad a dedication service for its new robes at. the Chiildren's.. da%, service at the church, June 14- sin. and -gr il a £4 throug Sm. roe o ana s ast g~ e ami the lir. and Mns. A. F. 'Biser,. 423 Greenleaf avenue, have as their bouse guest Mrs. Arthur La mb of San Francisco who will be here for several weeksý.