Maple av enue, and Alvin Wishwere co-hostesses at a hosiery and hand'kerchief shower at Miss, Buchart Bartholomew, son of Mr. holz7s:borne on June 3.> Mrs. Leo nand( Mrs. john B., Bartholomew%% ard 'Ekvall of Minmette .and lher of 104'Ninith street. 'mother Mrs. .Fred. Rice. of Evanhston, entertained at dinner and lingerie ~ The ceremoniy took place, at 4î shower. Miss -Bernice, Lorber of of Hindley G. John Rev., the o'ciock, ficiatiing.Assisting'hiffi was Dr. Rob- j_______________ !Chicago had a bridge and.nmiscellan'cous shower. Miss Myrtie Lundquist ert Scott Inglis of -Newark,' N.J, a of Winmette entertained 2in. honor relative of the Bartholomnew family. 't', of the bride. Mr. and MrS. Frank Bînelh with dress wedding A white taffeta jfr. and. Mrs. Harold V. Green, 1Hayson of Wilmnette gave a dinner a fullt skirt,> short train,- and, tighton Saturday evening before -the,wedfitting sleeves puffed at the shoulder' 1600 Highland avenue, anflot4flce -the en;gage?îenit-of hoir da«ghtcr, ding. Miss Florencée Melbye. had was worn by the bride. Uer finger-tip Price Grieve, son open bhouse and buffet 'supper. on f enbGoc Veil vas circular in shape and floated Sunday and. Miss Rose Obermieier of from a halo -of braided taffeta, match- JOf Mr.. and Mrs. George G. Grieve t. becil dai iiaý No Joztia. Evanston gave "the. brida4-dmerýt i q w'lb, a semni-oldcarried ing-the dress.She lier home on Mondey. faslbioned round. bouquet' of white Iseli f ir bbcedding gladioli f ringed with white larkspur. I9 After a shortAtnp throughi north'Miss Dorothy -Meyer of MNilwaukee.Wisconsin, Mr. and Mrs. Dorern \Vis., the maid of honor, wore periwill be at borne at 244 Laurel band winkle blue eut çvrtaffeta, made CcfuPlyfrvsfr -W1hnette. avenue. gI.t MY~e w,%ith fuit sleeves and a circular skirt, i Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas Rogt ,ers and à matching velvet sash. Uer bouquet was blue bachelor buttons Wigglesworth and their son, Thom;as, sts and white- daisies. T1he bridesniaids, Jr., arrived Saturday to be the gueý Mr. Mexican Fiesta Miss Jane Hart of Des Moines, Iowa, of Mrs. Wigglesworth's parents, N cousin of the bride, and Miss Autumn and Mrs. Francis S. Graham,e 540 "A Mexican Fiesta" is the choice Bartholomnew of Valparaiso, . md., Sheridan road, Evanston. Mr. à wore similar dresses of Nile green, Mrs. Graham are giving an inforn ma~l of the Chicago conimittee of Arden and carried round bouquets of blue Sunday night cocktail party for t the Shore for its fait' entertainment. It daisies. young people's friends from 4 until il 7. is to be a dinnler dance on Saturhachelor buttons and yellow% day, October , 10, the opening night In place of hats the three attendants wore garlands of flowers niatching the = E t i = i = = = i g ES i. E. i. navy blue chiffon and lavender orchids.1 Kari A. Crane of Milwaukee served11 .Nr.. Bartholomew as best man, and, ushering were John. Bartholomew, brother of the bridegroom; Donald. Minor, cousin of the bridegroom, and, Arthur Van Deursen and Frederick Favor of Wilmette. - .3= i i E "Almoit-fresk" eggi ds o at so munch The Shoes you buy for your child to wear are a GREenI..f 2460 1608 Chicago Ave., Evansfon neriy07 University 0973