these daughty craft ~IBni B., Wesley Bowmnani... :57:08. INeo, Pirce-BrandrJff .... . .- .1:57:27 practcally every important iiiland and Flint, Charles Pajeau ..... 1:57:52 coast water on every continent aud I lpôjhin, Emierson Raymnondi... :59 :10 Sagitta, Brandbury brothers .. :00:11 ..... 2:*01:59 aimost ail ports, sailed its second !gsI, Gathany-Mae "Point score". or officiai race SunlSATURDAY'5 RACE h audysrctetido day offi Wilmette Harbor, Wilmette 'Harbor Divisional Fleet '"Srewsa idadadte biknrhwn i ore Sard bids. fair to become. probably the largest, registered' snipe fleeét onithle with foure'en Sa rsktart.Harry iniand lakes ,'if flot in the world, be- Nye:in bis new Gaie VI, flnished first, fore, the ieason is. out. It, bas a ~oehunn iue*adeee îiesTi ihWod weli. organized fleet, staff of, officers, 1 eods race conlmittee, and is rapidly de- Sa w iuefryfu eod veloping under its race schedule coin- 1 hn, petitions: etc., expert sailors o0fteîil Sna' rcteseodo h f rom raw naterial which, scarcel%-Red Series, 'was a triangular course knew "Pori" from ilstarboard." to 'the. northeast thr .ee miles and Last year, practicaiiy its first Yeat homne,. twice rud The winid was on ny eaiorgnîzd feetbass. ht]stillinii the north and strong enough hr ol xdwt fleet had- a champion boat at' the tomk1aln international races, at, Dallas,, Tex. was a general mix-up at the ;s tart, wilmette is 14th with WVoody Pirie's Twin Star getlii the list of several hundred boats tinig the worst of it with a stove i published in, the Rrnlder magaie.; plutrk- jt 'bIbw th¶e ril whkh having nmade 1,500 "point score" r! sitated a hatl out for repairs nhesbetter for the season, Wilmette Har- diately after he had crossed the immefinish bor fleet was l4th with its first boat, hile, a winner. Asterisk sailed by "Silver Hind" and had two other Dick Otter, followed iess than three l)oats "placing" in that verv large minute., Jater inx -second place list of honorable mentions. Strn& North Wisd One "*Snipe" bas recently been A strong nortli wind, freshi and broughit from Lake Geneva I)y it> constant, made an exceptionally fast owner, to join Wilmette Harbor fleet. race, the leading boat covering the Another was sailed down from High- 32 miles ini 35 minutes 26 seconds, land Park Sunday to join and. prob-and the others onnv-ninutes or sec- ~fr\ ;~-, fl0Y8' KHAKI SLACKS Fine quality-cuî -fufl.-and carefully madle forhatd $1.95 wear. Poplar- new« styles4. Sires 8 to 22. No boy should start away to camp without shorts. These are truly eiceptional values. Sizes 10 to 20. . $115 'o$411 Boys. SWEATERS ... ...... .85c_ BOYSI COVERT SHORTS ......... $." BOYSI COVERT SLACKS 0 .0a 66 .a.* try in thme snïpe class lor the Uhicago; Tribune regatta for sinail boats, to be held at 2 p. m. at Montrose harbor. The course is laid out exceptionally close in to shore, affording unusua]' opportunity for spectators to see the. entire race in al its complete details,, from shore and withotmt aid evemi of, crews, such as racing men alwaysi eljo, lit tiqe excitement of getting1 iikad nrcr ie 1lee week-end the last of the "A" series wiIl hè sailed 'on Saturday and the secn of the special series on1 Stnday. .Next POLO SHIRTS 85C and$ Cotton pullover beach shirts in fast color basque stripes. Polo shirts in zipper and button Gaucho styles. Ribs and meshes. 4 to, 18. marine glasses or binoculars. "Snipe." Gaev . ... :09:11 "frostb)iters," "sailing canioes" etc.' Twin çita ..... ... ......... .... 1 :11 :55 :12 :26 _ ......... wiil have separate races. Thiere will Kilt ...... i1:13:;19 ai-o be other special event's such: asi Silver. 8111ay ...-.................... 1:13 :46 Twinkle Ditto .a "Ladv Skipper" race njotor events Ca~rol............ _ 1:14:18 ,.. NIrs. P. en .. .. B. Park c, it is announced. Idt . . . . . ith the fifth of a mile o'val in hi improved shape, longer races be the order from mow on. opel and Sat. Eves. 0p Thurs. e.,