Famous Number 700, 'As-You :Like. it" Regplarly $1.95 t. $5.95 HQSIýE:RYý pair $1.00 Sligjhl flaws in some,; .ohers sligtlysoil.d Begjinnt.ing Today. ThursdayConfinuing Friday aond Saturday 3 pair $2.25 summer in four warm Chiffons and Toffee, Peter Pan, Beach -Nude, 1. ~r. R.ally superior wearing qualifies. Sclear i Secause the manufacturers recenfly dlosed out summ.rlines proparinq to eimoll fall model.. vo were able to get those adorable dresses t. soit for so tifl.. Each is a dress yoqir girl witl b. proud t. own. Street Floor Shanunips. seorsuchors. mwisses. piques. ginghamus, dhnitles. lowns.. batistes.,raon crepes. sport siNks. Pm'its. dots. stripes. foelas. plai.a celers. A few sixes 2 te 6, sizes 7 te 12. 10Ota 16. junior .ies 11ta 17. Teen INDIES d of course. Smarfty XO0T 1QU E undios. ~ifs, kardly more subthan cobweb, of d Young Foundations, Sn ug,9fle x By Carter' s Second Floor 29 JUNE25, 1936