---------- THiS SALE FOR JUINE 25. 26 AND 27 f CLAPP'rS BABY FOOD aider this original strained baby food an invaluable part of children's diet. For e cx:xm 1e:iclapp's LIVER -SOUP Io a bIenid, of finest, quality bref liver, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, rice, cabhage, cèlçry and barley. R ici. i Vitansus A, 8 and G YOur Cho.0of Ji , For hetoltI. .e@nomy mcod. g@odoossé S,&LADS mmod. wINm fiis riel du.silmg Pediatricians evçerywhere cono- OUR~ quo 0RCSAU<>OI ON THE MARIS Newfor Trasparent, F.ecy 4 Sauce or-Piei neRIga.ed DEST 0UR MEATS -GRADE A-U. iSp. IECTEDI. APPLES. MELONS * Vaviti of SOUPS, VIUTABLIS & FRUITS ~mewr, proteot baby'a keaith wtou the r$pht kid of food. i8tock up mow at tAie sale pr4ce. 6mâm itVot are goflg aaBtiOGVLm- J RINSO (w I J k i ORANGES BlETS. CELURY GREEN BEANS e e * e . * e j~, e e- l.29 3-Ic Gmine Spr..Mii r.e b. rot-n 9 LEC 0OLAMB'. s 5 nl35 c îLAMIPAITIES. l-@sy .0preparelb. 2.4c H~om.y Dew. Deuou Vem7 *sltu 1 25ad >, hn dfreilb.4 5c SWIETBREADS resh C tlves'. Calformie Viencio. ROS F ROAS F*prMit Rbýse, i ti lb. 25c 3 3doz..85c Pull ef Juce. OF EEF Ibo33e 6%1 and 7t1 Gardon Growm New Michigan .Stringless DRES1NG SALAD PW sJ« ThOmsand Island DRVESSUNG t x Jar ~ e *e s 3bun. 1Oc 2Ibun.25 C MUÂT FOR CHOP SUEY WHITE FISHO k NTA CLARA *Coe u~l.3I Fish Specidls for Friday Fresh Lake Superior Fresh e e 2qts. 45c lb. 32c lb. 3 c & tlUI1 m£Id The finishlng touch th an Y dressing gurprise Bg umaiier mam. ty ane - Anneme salad drsasing. It'isUMie tfreelY for makIDU, tfued aandwlchos.. delicieul. 1 TRUE FRUIT FLAVORS q *~ m N..S2 fi» coU' ~cans3 0 *0 a TH YORE CRISPIERI -a, Post Toasties. s-il Piti. I CENTRELLA 3 forl25crapefruit ISPLENDID 9UALITY q plss 5C f , M1 ~ ~33e. 7f.] _____ 'I lu 190'ainbo Brooms . row 75Sc OSESuaDime Grapefruit Jucel ~ il 4-46.8 Cmui Avenue WILPMETTE LF UE2,13 21S, 1936 JUNX