op - ----- Pet 5c 2 Cream ks kgf 5 2 'Uý 5 ounçes. But ýtIis big cati contains là otances of ýdlicios tomato SoUP' or m4%pore. Remtber it'm. made from thom pize stokely ITomntoes.. Jilusebold, Soap £ Amer. Fémily.....r5 lteinz. Tonato 'q Ketchup.....otle Linýo Wash.,.... 9 14cl Pkgs. V~fl~.dL0o STOIKEI.,Y'S IINEST- j..> 1 the Bath une itrh.2 The 1Btttcr Bhiing 9 Sueur n Con. santas No2 ... Litte Boy lue .. The Niodern Ammonta. 2 Ais 3 FINEST WHOLE, KERNEJI GOI)EZN- Litte. Bo. OMPI,ý A VA 1L.iý ý j ep.---- 2 -. s$Sc 2.C*Ns 3 .15c STOKELY'IS FIN EST COUNTRY GE.NTLEMý%AN- White Corn STOKEL.Y'S FINEST DARK RED 1 KELLOGG' S ÀWHOLE WHLAT 2PKCS-23o They're Shrodded _ __ ___ Kidney Sean.. STOKELV'S FIN EST PURE 3cAs25c Temato Catsup 2 IOT-. 25ci b.1 f &DANCQJ PER ,4c mapfe juNÉ 25, 1936