Jdate. determinatedl upon. will be an-7 Sodas: at Peacoc k s ci«us, funl of V"o mad fresh'froit ~ flavors. Tvy on. In the nieantime, -Township Collector Sa born Hale bas volunteered' to. obtain the exact figures on valuation on whichJithe'levy will'be based, and wbich' h wààs explained is approximately $40,000,OOO, while Mrs. Beulah Robinson,, director ýof the Wilmette Welfare board will ýcompile figures showing tbe case load.,in'the township, as set up by the County Bureau of Public Welfare. The, present load in the 'townsbip, whicb, it is explained, is a minimum figure, is 89 familles, while the town.ship peak load, reached'in- 1933, was approximately 285 families. Present at the meeting Thursday M»*Mhmum Figure past master, and world traveler, will explain tbe wonders, of his native land, Australia. Dr. Marshall, declared Holland F. FlaHavhan, worshipful master, il] aninounicing the event, is possessed of a keen sense of humor anud is a;I mogt pleasingtaiker. "lie brings ftrm his homeland a reniarkable collection of,,colôred pictures depicting the innumera'ble o&dities of the oldest continent, where, -Christmas ÎWis inmid-summetr and where most of the, people, bave niever seen snow. wFacsPoo "Primitive mni» stili roam, and lbunt Mathe, inthic;s strange land, with its vl Dr. Btrice Hawki ris, divisional camels, water buffalo,,and gorgeously child'w;lfarechairmn ý tteAmeriïtn céoe aves,", Mr. Fiaîcon Legioyt au..riti îry, prsided avhan said. yesterday at Mte iall-dd ay conference Outstanding f eatuire of 'Austral 1ia is held at DeKalb. Dr r.Kiptg Grier the fact that. animaisfound th re -arc Woodwpard of R.Ock ~fod 'a a found nowhere-'else in tbe world and Prominent speaker,. sing the sitbthe animais of other parts of the. ii ject: "Child Guidaici ~ an Metal world are not native to Australiia. Peacock's c. Creaun Liaden Avenue WilmmI*e 4122 I413 Different Land Other gpeakers obtaintied by Dr. Haw' Tbis is the land that is different: kins to appear at thec onference were the land wvhere trees grow tail andl .Miss Florencé Monaha Miss Maryose their bark but not tbeir leavces: S. J. W. school for girls at Gene luva ev;is Mrywhere brilliantly colored .Vwr a Relief Macafee, National Cha with a carpet: as eartli the cover tbea8 Bul, LcU and 40; Miss Constan< f teBula eads where birds built playgrounds anid dance-halls, construct lawns anid Mis the Chie' Departient of gardens, paint their houses, and hatch out like reptiles; .where mainin-f mials lay eggs and carry their Youngi tà-W 4, directorý Wilmette the Semulsedrpeetn Çook coutic bueau ofpubenlc welfare.theircolor Welfare board; test at the Legion conventions,.o Northi Shore Girls Go 1a.1.. - --ver-lme-e,-Vi-et- E F PICTURES F~RAt4ED ~Evanston Tuesday evening, for Camp IdylelweeKoaurslub"M.Fa 'Wyld, Three Lakes, Wis., -where they Havhan's announcement reads. will snend the QIlmmer. h hrt raee;weetr mites build skysérapers and ants keci, dairy berds; wbere lizards change disconnect jumping anmI to Camp on Speei sqiieaking and: tails; wliere swans are black a- Iand parrots are brilliant; vheie "teddy girls boarded a special cari bers" liv in taî lagm tresFa- j Tnclude in Harry J. Richtcer Fla., will arrive the ctÔ spend the sum-. on and daughter-ir;Harry Richter., 622 G..regory avenue.