reprsentMonday to drive to.Canada ereetweeks' ,camping trip. orgin igrs Bohth fthe local FHA offilce. Priôr tin Mr. and Mus. Herbert Stark nio«ved preto this time, the month of April from Chicago to 1500 Wiltnette avesented_ a new record, but the currelit over nue about a month ago. figures show. a sharp increase -0 those of the precediflg month. In April, Dv Willard move d, Mrs. and Mr. total applications aggregated $190,00 -to 22 Dupee place from Rogers of which$597,350.was for new constrflc tion. dis-. akreety According té John~ R. O'Connor'. of Illinois, northern trict dire.ctori for H sngAdministration, ~ theeerlH application for insured ini the increase higher, boans for new construction isthan tlhe vîe«Wpoint, percentage a f rom ______________ N uwhose increase in total applications received. enthusiasi, photo. amateur Jr.,Stevensonl, James R. D. has submttedl ij» thi s. -tmagaDifley Medièvol Village>.apj>eared lhuE week Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beck~ 928;S lUnes, chiffig Central YorkNew fts l veU'olanoutbound dmam thî Qakwood avenue, are newresidents for behind-in its station Street this Salle La leain si>eedi in Wilmette, having, moved here heamy asil gathers lit'es,at 13? Oxford road. .sping Stevenson' f Mr. rom Philadeiphia.. cties. asier» toe trne race agaimst h i~oth~ p~er cent of the total number recevea. jr., and George W. Putnaiil,on jr., leu a two ~ Read the. W a tAd _________________ Kenilworth. ADYICE FOR C. O. ýjune toT, WILMFTTE LirE: iarently, the folowing epublican party Platforni Mro and Mrs. A.tDAlbeuefroia 0 BeitflTt:0. Buchaanan noved Park rece ntly. her son, Rodney, whô recently Ash 1005 from avenue to 243 Linden next leave to plan Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dougan, 1506 street, Winnetka, at P. traveling four weeks WaInut avenue, formerly resided 11, 1936. week to spend north woods. Mr. Glencoe. avenue, 470 Drecel throngh the, in Wilmette remain. will Buchanan plank of visit his family on week-ends. was mis- but %vill Mrs' 1 are Nlr. anid Mrs. J. 1. Schroeder 19lAchL- REMODEL HOME "'Caref ree" )s. re CUSare about is suitable for coat lapel wear, to0 purposes.. tributed for campaigu Jdge. -X J.5NJI,Um >~UIunnwer auL z Mrs. Harry Wilson, .1218 Isabella for street, entertained several friends was Sunday-night supper, which her served in the grove at the rear of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Johnson home on June 14. Mrs. Wilson recentavenue from 1ly moved to Wilmette f rom Evanston. moved to 423 Prairie eà*,,-niv-1 ENTERTAINS AT SUPPER Lservof 411 831. 111