StuliiaItYof)Iliistu roi to as the SatandIInoB County ot Cook for a term of tbirty (30> years.comfor the mnencilg.July 1. 1936, a system and. sale of transmissiSon, -distributionheatinfgpower eetrié1tyfor Uihtiiis, and outside and, ther purposes withifl MuficipOlity, the crlOUOlimita .oÉ the and maintain and to coii8truct, opjerate poles, ail such undergr0Ulidconduits, ani oquipwirs. andother apparatus convenieflt ment as mêy be neceàsftrY or. over, for such system in, upon, along, andi ail of acroBS,' above and undereach otlier the streets, alleys , avenuesi and subjoct Municipality, the là places publie t he tconditions 1and regulations bore'ormu 2. AIl elictri(cà- prima ry, wN and house service unes hberesecoual nled or replacei ln, or along after ln, or public places or aflY -St!m s, afloYs, areas ivate propert1 in those meéans on any iii~lty now served by o! the ]y round linos, and ln all nowly territorY xnotprovioulY Sup paratus or faciUity i: public reasonably found anyj use of to Interfere «with the sidiewalk, alley, street, avenue. highway, parkwày orcrosswalk,,or with the construction or erection of any viaduect, subway, upderPass,' sewer. gas, iwater pipe, publie building or other public improvemnen t wlthin sai Municipality, the Grantee, upon request of the Municipality, shall, at its own expense, relocate or remrove euch polo, wire, cable, conduit, anhole, vault or other apparatus or facility. unier thé, direction of the Board o! Trustees, or suclr".otiet- ulyauthorired agent, of t he Mu nicipality. SEClTION1 7. Ail polos erected under than this ordinance shall be not les twenty-five (25> feet in height. ýAil poleés and wires erected- and ail underground conduits, wires,; cables,, vaults and other necessary apparatus,. equipment and facilities Installei hierèunder shall be so iocated as to not injure urnecessarilyr any drains,, sewers, catch basins, ivater pipes,, pavements or other publiecfimprovements now or hereafter exlsting, wires or poles that the. and sali itt; In adjust part,,0f said Grantee. sane Wihl ho way interfere with the1 of failure on -the or assigils, to lessees ccessors, su its ail of the conditions miovilg. of any, such bouse or building,1 or any wlth comnply provided, bowever,_ that .such. cutting,g or peovisions',o! this ordinance, unless removing and adjý of sai wlresi by' saiGrantee. Wfth, time of ýthe comnplianCe and polos shall be donc, at sncbinterferej provi siocn is prohibitei. or condition such an-orier of the' the day or night as wil east unlawfulbY or àdjudged CmmeceCommissio(n-or--by with the public use by 'the Grantee o! Ihhnoi of comsncb wires and poles for the benefitand the orier o! any other body, board, the inhabitants o! the, 11nnicipality of comIpetenit Jurisdiccourt, or missàion * as a forthe successful operation of the Grantee's tion, said. failuré shal opera.te rlghts herein, andI ts its electric light a nà power system. AUl ail feitureof any of questions as to the time' wben lines of-poles, conduits, vaulta, apparatus sai wlres..and poles shalh be s50-cut, and wires shall be subject to removal ýpurpose the for shal then become renfioved, or adjusted the and this ordinalice afores4ali, shal be declded bv .and and -of no force and effect, void and> null officer:s, herein Micilpality. or. its propier and the .rîghts .:and privileges such decistiens sghall be final.-. cease and determifle, shall.then granted succesSECTION 16. Sai Grantee, -itskeep its provided, however, that no) forfeiture of or be claimed sorsi, lesseos and assignis, shall ail such rights shahl exist until due notice entIre distribution'system, and: by propof such failure because et it, erty lnstalled and malntaifled condition, o! sueh failure 50 claimed shall be given itssuccessors, lessees aIl times ln a proper and safe barriers and to sai Grantee, opportunity and shall maîntain proper con&stcioni, a .and assigns, or, r4ng thie thié thit1s eômdfaniger sigtne correct to it afforici perwork repair and remnoval of aIl by sucb corrections duly or- plained of, and forniei under the pro3dision!! o! this and the provisions of this with comply to dinance, s0 as to avoi ail damage .ordinailce. .reasonable good -and ,suMflcent boatl', U'A MunicipalhitY within the service power or1 tain net, remnove aftor - recetivig uch notice, a .50 written, experise, its oWn provided further tha4 in the event Injury to life, 11mb ani property. Said re- indeninify, become Grantee shaîl oeesave harniless sponsible for, ai ail %Mid Municpality from any and and dgmages, juigments, decrees, costs fees, SECTION extefli cessorS, lessees and assigfls shall power and maintaifi its heat, light and 18. 'The Grantee, its suc- attorney's including expenses, or whicb sai municipahitYy May sufer incur or whieb May be. obtairiei against the qadli Municipality for or by reason of use and occupation of; any street, alley. vhen service within the Municipality and .ordered so to do by the President Board of Trustees of the Municipality, to so as to renier adequate service apthen-existing consumers and new to be plicailts for service,. such oi'ders subject, however, to the miles and reguComlations of the Illinois Commerce mission or any otlher State r-egula tor>- et bouse eafter li oflo«% e munic SECTION' 9. WMhenever sai, G shall open or interfere with any street, avenue, alley, public pIs other property saii Grantee r pr'omzfly, at îts own expense, der or by vlrhy any of the 1dthat prompt Grantee of the t. As an addilsaid Grantee life o!f his. Ordinance, Mlage Clerk v' With sureties may arise lni otherwise .and ln is giveli the pow( pow'ers and jurbs enactmeflt or oti pality hereby resE sume ail such po as it may lawfull flot specifically8 dinae. QwA On AI tiive. theenactmeiit Mufllcipality or r to e-capture ,sUch iction by legislative ,rwise, sai Munici-ves the right to asvers and jurlsdictili rassume whether or ýt forth In this or- shalbe thehbe fb c Dr --