_______________ A' Zà l N i lte RKAI. "TATE LOANS WE ARE' IN THE MARtKET F'OR DE- Construction Loans $5,000 AND'UP on riday to have luncneon at the Agard Rest home. In, splendid condition. Like, new. About 1 rnontlis gUarantée. $75. -irable building béans on well-boeated interest if security warrants. North .shore sproperty. 5% executive committee of the regional bank meeting this past week was reexWVilliam '*Ogden Coleman, 11lI1 of minded.. In- May 1934,> the credit .,L0 MeadoW lane, %who,returned re- tended by- the batik was onty 21. per cent cf, this. year's volume of activity. Crodit at pak also have speial funds avallable tor Immediate coimitment on new or e- We 129LTN6-ltc cently f roni Dartmouth,, wtillsail from New orkJun 23witha Dartmouth WHITE BED)ROO.% SUITE, SINGLE hf friend, to spend the. summer iniGerbed, baby bed, glass topdesr and man' , Etgland, ,Swiitzerland,. fonler, :dressing' table, 2cais .and porch. bed. $35 complete. Wneta1971. RADIO, COCKTAIL BAR. D»AVENport. child'B' twin bedà,.baby carniage, INTEReST TO 5%% o~ae il heater, rumble seat top, etc. Wllmette 1302,-1124 Greenleaf, Ave., (rear). .129LTN6-ltp Over 40 Years of Dependable Servie 50l.ice box. 530 Davis St., Evaniston G reenleat 1080. Side .icer. 127A-LTN6-ýlte Cream and green. Wilmette 5180. 129L6-1tp * $2,OOO to $20,000 M4% McGUIRE & ORR, Ipc. France. 1lis twelve-year-old s ,ister, Kirby, willbe at the Holiday camp in Minnesota for'the, summer, leaving. for ýcamp J une 28. She, will,.return to the village Saturday with a school frienid, Ani, Harvey of Glencoe, after a fortnight's visit ,ii Alton with Levis. Ans grandfather, 0o- Charles GEORGE T Mrs. Bruce' Van. Cleave 'and lier RAL ESTATE LOANS tlhree children, \'an, Lucy Anui, and PIA'NOS, RUGS, CARPETS, REFRIG.- .1ary Jo,-returned to the village Sun- ticaIIy al.of the funds bin placed BROXER COOPERATION SOLICITED erators, anything to ur twnih10 cotby tbe day, after haviîg spen[ theé winter lu' by the ianw1rioday are ue tages. WIli pay highest. price. Caîl any borrowing savings, building and loan WANto.DàTO i NEED FURNITURE UUY-HBHLD. 000DB As of june 4, date of the committee',s meeting, the. credit ýoutstanding had reachedl $19,131,395.39,. highest ln the; history of the institution, Witb good prospects that it will continue tô, move ahead rapidiy. A. R. Gardner. president,, said. As, an indicator of progress in the fiéld of long-term credit usage, a ,basic factor in ecovery, the banks'sMay statistics are particuilarly significant, he stated. Not'only were 66 per cetof ail new loans and renewed boans closedl in May for ten-year periods. but prac- 1580 SHERMAN EVANSTON, ILLINOIS AVENUE.- 'Davis r2233 WiI. 922 the average period of the loans. FOR YOUR USED FUJRNITURE, spent the winter at the Lake Shore 127A-LTN 4-tfc CASH modern or antique, and other biouse- Athletic club. UseaToW l3U8 hold article&s. -oin use by 358 different wvere Funds W111 also Eccept your furniture on conThe Robert _N. Goldings of 1095 associtioris at the end of May. FiftyWE HAVE FUïeDS AVAILABLE FOR signrnsiit basin. *conservative boans on residences and Pine street, witli their three children, six associations bave time deposits CiiOST FURNITURE STORE income property. 4%% to 6% interest Establlsbed 1898 Bobby, John, and Jini, and the, chil- of $2.996,.88095 at the Banik, repre6 to, 10 years. Prompt service and mod- 1004-6 Emergon St., Evanston Uni. 0189 Texas. Thev are at 9 WVarwick avefor the summner and will move associations in making long-termi Kane Storage Warehouse nue back into tibeir owîx bouse at 465 Sun- home mortgage loans ranging from Central 1812 2034 Lincoln Ave. Diversey .3345, six to fifteen years. with eleven years ____________________13LTN6-Itp set road October 1. MIr. Van Cleave tilne. FIRST MORTGAGES - 1 OfirTM4l-tfa dren's iiurse., leit Tuesday for San. I.ASON NORTU SHORE HOMNES, B3orrow up to 60% of value. Conven.lent monthly repayment plan over 5 to 15 years. Full details by inquiry at First Federal Saving and Loan Association of \Vilmette. Mr. Clifton, Secretary. 1126 ý'!ntral Avenue, Wilmette 863. $5. Caîl1 after FmiençoUe n, year old. $20. book. case, '$7. ISTf AIIY CABi, 127A-LTN3-tfc 000DB _ VOR BALE-HOUBEHOLD BARRETT ESTATE :ýWENý\TWORTIH AVE., OLEN. 85ý 2 BOYS' BICYCLES wheLs. $6 Sée Brenton Washburne, 608 each. Arbor Vitae Road. in good condition .28-inch of funds in addition to the investments of individuals in the communNorth Shore junk Dealer lity home lending institutions, in orHIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR .&LL der to meet -the demand, Mr.. GardWINNETKA 1272 kinda of junk. Mag. 40 cts. huiidred. 161LTN6-ltp WTrD. TO BUY-MISCELLANEOUB-- These funds represent one of the. 0oanemalies of the home. mortgage Mrs. Randolph Buck,1 following a money situation not peculiar to this nine nioiiths,' trip. to Iiidia, China, period, but practically always characand japan, returned -, Monday to teristic, the plentitude of funds ini one spend the sunîniier at bier home, 1290 section with insufficient demand, and Scott avenue Hubbard WVoods. theneed in other sections for sources Win»etka 1522