1630 WAJ4'UT 8 ruts., 2 bas., 3 Pcb.. Small down paymnt. Bal. relit. 1118 F~OREST AVE. A real btuy 0f solid brk. 5 Ige. bedruts. Act qulokly. Mol. 1855. WINNETKA ON LOVELY WINDII4G ROAD 125-ft. frontage. Attr. borne with 8 rrns., 3 bas., dr esslng rm. and sun rrn. 011 ht., 2-car att. gar. very conv. to ail facilities, yet An a quietsecluded section. To inspeet Sili Mrs. Fleming, Bni. 185-Wiflf. 27M0 WHITE CLNAL HOMEý With beau. landsc. lot in choice ne* section of Hubbal'd Woods. Htd. sun and àlp. pche. Lge. scr. pch overlookiiig garde». 3 bedrns., 2 bas. Caîl Mr. PýietBch, Winn. 2700-ýBli. .1855. r .,à 13000 .......... -V4acre 8 rins. ' 8 Frane. Imdern 7,00 Brick, 6 mins. H. W. H. ... -...... Stucco. î rrns., 2 pehs. (east> ... 7,500 Shingle, 6 rms. (east> 1-C. 9. . -6.500 Otber good values, improved or vacant. B$itk, 62Witzleben 62Green Bay Road Keaity Co. 5540 Keniiwortb B. H. BARNETT ll1LTN6-ltc Write for Inf. .Màry Beye, IISLTN6-4tp ReghitrarESTTES ACREAGE ANDo 526 (eert.winnetka 965 l11LTN6-ltP WINNETKA One to Four. Acres THREKE, TRACTS' $OLD. SUITABLE Loeted Improvemrnt. for' finest agcross frorn elegant estates, $tonly 6 acres nicelY wooded. -Price -$900 Per and mile frorn transportation one acre. 3',bocks. frout Hubbard Woods School. _Approxiiflately 3 acr es restricted tol one Sewer, water and streéte aing..Offered sale1 ine lbone with strearni$5,000. at a real bargain for quick cashbefor6 iacre close to station. $1,250. going fast. See tilis prope rty for estate, lI4ee 190 acre farmi, sitble acre. -per streaini$90 afd EASO %voods, ST., DAVIS 9 McGUIFl, 1 1 3740O Wllrette Greenleaf 1166 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS11 Wlnneïka 1111 St.. Evans. Gre. 1000, WIl. 22U Davis 510 -Wiilo.v, Road Eng. estate. hait-acre Wininetka GlenCOe 13 124L1N5-3te Ave., Glencoe Park. 128, on borne rnod. timber,' brk., and CunniflgMr. plan. easy payimt. ON CHESTNUT AVE. IN WILMETTE hbai, Gre. 18È5-1101. 1955. Out-of-town owner williflg to, take 5.0% locss on beautiful Colonial, 5 bedrrms.. BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED LOT ACTLERESRAE T ON GLENCOE-Winn. 2700 large screcned porch. 75-ft. lot.l baths, 2 atWl in mnost exclusive section o t) velue 264 M-ARY ST. this Investiga.te garage. 2-car mette. tween HaIt Day Road (Route '-22 and Red brk. 7 rrns., 2 bas.. on lot Mead. Mrs. once. 2-car Road,. wilionte acre private rrn., 230 ft. deep. Sun This is oné of thex18 buys. in vacanlt O1& Mill road ined with eimn trees leading back gar. 0O1 bt. elecon the North. Shore. to the 20 acres, Lake Foret water, Ideal 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Price $7.500 telephole available. gas, tricity, HIGHLAND PARK-Phone H. P. 1855 3740 Wilrnette <reenleaf l6 Cail'.Mr. France slte for country home. Low price. See 193 WOODLAND 1iLTN6-lte .1166 ou)* sign on property. Cbarrnng Dutch Col. of 4 bedMODTHIS BUY WILL, rms. Prlced to seli. CASH $1,500 AvnueEvastoil 163 j Cicag soMeGUIRE ERIN 4 BEDROOM Colonial House in Ç.08 .*Wilnîette2700 Greenleaf good 22x14; roomi 292> CENTRAL ST. Living condition. 150Davi.s St., Evansýton Greenea-f 1080 fineN-'-',LT 114 Glencoe 13 A fine. buy, including 5 bednins., H. W. litg. plant; att. Ihtd. garage. 38Park Ave., Glencoe 011 2 bas. Real value. -124LTN6-ltc Extra toi. & lav. Porches overlooklng garden. Lpon inspection you will find .21 PRINCETON this îplace lias sound inarket value t NW 21st & G-reenwooçl, 70 ft., $2,5(m new 6 rrn. Col, well situated in Geenwiood W. f 2st st. 0, S. front.. WINNETKA section. Éasy finance. CLOSE IN -NEAR eold A very desirable tract, forrmerly Kenil. Av. ur. L.oust Ri. -)0 ft., $.0 now offered is purposes, e~state for WINNETKA ' 500 725 ELM STREET in 1-atre hornesites àt one-third- former: (ASK FOR MRS. PITTMAN) for cash. Two parçels have. dtîy 11ILTN6-ltc Hill 1Estates at $300, subWect onlY to côst, Excellent location and conwatçr !n. taxes, otherwist- clear tflUe.. 5618 vénient to transportation. A fine place P. A. Odellindv and an excellent in114=T6-ltp to builci a hôînw Priices $1.250 per acre andI up. E'XQIISITE FRENCH HOME WITHT vestineft. slate roof. 12 rrns., 4 baths, pan., lib., rmi., beau. approx. 1 acre. A Perrecr. riDE-SIRA1BLE VACANT CESIIALY LOCATE[) I N GL Phone 3500 fect home. Just placed on the market. 1-lin St.. Winnetka Ravini frontage. t. 65-ft. near school and SkokieClub 42, coe, Hart. Mr. adj. frontage rnar-ket. 360-ft. at seli to $2,000. Owner willing Size 75x1*00 lake, wooded. WiIl divilè. Per $125. foot 'Mr. Harper aI Phone 18-55 Hol. 1855-Gre. 522 Davis St. 11IlLTN6-ltc ORCHARD. fif03('icga Avenue, Ev-an1'ton WHITE FR. SHUGE SH-ADE TREES. FOR SALE -MODERN 60q RernodielWilme-tte 2700) bedges-~gardens. located <;4reenleaf Weil Flowerlng Wds. Hubb. in Colonial 22 large baths, 2 .roorns, 8 i 14LTN6-ltc ST. depat; and fartnhouse, DAVIS stores etI chul'ch, for schools, EVANSTON OFFICE-5 Large( heat. water Rot w. porch. h. 1855 baths;* 2 screened with Hollycourt 2nd on corner b. r. Greenleaf 1855 HILLT..ROAD ST-. -4 barn. 3-car garage. (i'uc.st cottage of 1heat with ol; ready to be had at a WINNETKA OFFICE-790 ELM 19'U, Briargate 4 rooma and bath, $22,500. asked. ; sacrifice-$13,00.0 Winnetkat 270() S. ST, JORNSý n OFIC-5 i-ni-UP NOW I9 THE TIME TÉO BUY A HOME. We ean'bffer 50 bouses i Evanstol and Wilmette for,87,500 Or legs, which cash may be purcbased wlith partial ecelpayrnents.. These tinelude .sorne lent barga-in9. -CalilMr. Uhler. USE, YOU R BONUS WEST O0F WINNETKA THE BILLS REALTY 9mc. NEW OFFE RING & ORR, minC. 1 LEWIS T.. DODDS. OVERLOOKING LAKE THE BILLS REALPY, Ine. Shore-To-wNs Realty & ORR, mnc. WILMETTÉ CORNER FIRST OFFERING E. SAWYER SMITHJ SPECIAL' NICE WýTOODED LOT Shore-Towns Realty E. SAWNYER SMI TH BAIRD & WTARNER, Ie. I3ARD& WARNER, bIc. "'Five, Aýcre Country Place". west .of Glencoe te 'r f on tage 'o r a d-ja130 cent 27, June aturday, ACHEN, MANAGER Pettit. Auctioneer ODH REALTY CO.' r. 9 w est cannot of th e afford N-o rtb S h ore. nlcè--d ,o lse Pout. to you 0W 25i 27 Milton E Reid & CO. I 156 Center St. * WINN. i15 Mundelein 161 Wlnnetka 16LTN64ltp I124LTN6-Ite Il1 LTN6*-ltc