mIc. "nrlé ntijox 1 Bargain. Beautifut new s1x-room brick. bouse. Tie4. bath. At-, tached garage. Fi'aous Bryanlt gas beater. Béat West Bide location. Convenient to transIportation and sohoole. Ocly $13,ýi00. Termes. Choiceet fEast side location. High grade modern bouse. 6 chambers, 3 baths. 3-car garage. Finelarge lot. Bank says offer- tio, vv IIZIWLL, 111. 1 itcnot UluCO vanIIn bebeat R.cre to, at rd 1 ~10,000.f0i e n brand n.e%, Davis Street Greeffleaf 1617 1IILTN6-!ltc 'MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE WISH1E-S TO! rent cottage for about $30. a inonth. i Write A"45, Box 60, Wilmette, Illinois. D)9LTN6-Ilp1 WANTED TO RIENTr-FURIN. HOUSES WE HAVE ýA FAîMLY 0F 2 AIWLTS wbo wish a nicely furnishiec home foisummer months. Rentai, $1 25. CahiMs Thomas at W. G. Ruggies & ro., 517. Davis St., Uni.,6886. 101LTN6,lte" WANTED S'MALL HOUSE OitAPARTment furnished'or unfurnished. Adulte.i ýWritýe A38, Box 60. Wlimette., Ii. _____________101L6-ltp is a charining S UTmO T î askeld. ý..............$1 North Shore. English in atrduNËVER OFFECRED BEFORE iecture and 0-onstructed of solid j 10,750 buys modernhorne in exceillent miasonry tis home typifies thei coîud. 4 bedrms., 12, 4 ths, sunroom nmost miodern ]iractice of fine con- and slpg. pcb., h. w. o11, gar.,. and openstruction. There are three bcd- i îîch. 5 8 ft. of beautlfully Wooded groundg. roois and two and one-haîf baths. _____ On the first. floor Is a, library and i TO SETTLE- ESTATE ri in the basem-ent a spacious, rec- $15j000 or offer buys comfortable r. î*eation rooni. 0f.-course thce home, 1 bik. to Lake, 5 ýbedrxns.;'~ house, is _conxpletely , insulatedj bathes, den, pens., 01 li' t., beaut. wooded andj is air conditioned. Te anda landscaped grounds 75x187. Ground rage is two.-car attached. Th . vle% noteqas-rce oation war home ïs .partlcularly -well buill rants extensive remodellnig. ,A real opfroni the baqemient, to the roof pruiy and, is well worth the, Geê Ot further details today. homie in a beautiful section of t4ie W N E K Winnietka StUcco. 3 bedroome, I bath.' Porci. Furniace heat. 2-car garagé. In excellent condition. Nt,'ar grade and. hlgh âchools. splendid buy at $8,000. Colonial frame. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Ex. lav. lut, fHot waýteroul heat. !-Car garage. Large lot. Section nf new homes. 50. û1 Attractive' stubco. 4 bedrooins, :: bat-lis. Sereened porcb. fHot water oil l eatL Garage. fout1iý. east section. O-nly $16,500. 4,000.41 E FOR . tis e1t o "ALE-^"T. BUILDoiGS__ SALE, OR TRADE UNCSLALLY FINE 2 APT. BLDG.. ecd with 3.bdrms., 2 baths, solarium. g. i.rm.. o11lit. ,Recreation rm. la Englilsh base. Fi ,nanced for 10 yrs.,Trade for gmall home or vacant. Mr. Landaker. -1-n a beautiful seriion of HuiEXCLUSIVE AGENTS biard, Woods this English brick 460 Wlnnetka Ave. Winnetka 1804) home le, excellent v-alue. Th,,r*____ 11LTNei-1t.are tree master bediroonis andi bath. .Tic htome ban, a beautiA FINE HOMIE fui screened . porch. The -garage. . Kenivorth-Engîîsh Architetr.Ol is two-car,-attachied. The lot i.,-, eas od.Brik ad tucc.O cn100x00 nd s bautiull la4i-struction. Attractive first fluor. j-,b,,11scaped. Exceptionally convenii- r0onis, :, baths on seco~nd. floor, .2-var eut terrnis of -Ovcrnmyt 1fane- àtf. garage. Lot 156x10ft.. attractîvely ing wlll aid lu completing tht- iandscaped. Cost $530,000. purcbase price of . ... $22.5010.041 out-of-town, says "Sell Owner, inoved at one' In Highland Park we hv eXceptiona'lly choice woodcd vacatit beautifuilly located sotte ýts low as $32..50 per foot. In Wnetawe WinnetkaEXCLUSIVE.AGENTS iave a. w(-Davis St.., Evanston .<reelc f S> loeated lot in an extrcmely nicý IL-6li *neighiborliod. 50 feet of front-_ .1LT -i< aget for .......... f.0êINDIAN 01, A<TEQI-T'A THIS 7 n--%[. HSE. with ?. baths and eamplete lav.. located ~J~A nly 4 short biks. froni El St. Sta. A-ýtt. gar. Ohil lt. 4 .t.16x2l1 with arch47d -SION WITE CL'SACK<penilngs and generous fireplace. '.Nas- j -1LTN16-It.ý ter b.r. - l16x24 lias privâte bath. Suitn aînd sleeping pelhs. Private. yard sur-' rounded b'y graceful plantlng. Lovely UY rees. Long terni nirtgag<. of ,5s11,-6.' ()N THE NORTH SHORE l: <'ffr. Akn lb0 twobali ad mlW ron i«ll A: Splendid Investrnent THE BILLS REAI.TY, mnc. FOR SALE-HOUSSE ri29* DAVS fr., P*%vA'rONGreenleaf 1166 Wllmette 3740 IOSL1TN6-1tc QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. AUBURN ROAD, WINNETCÂ I1% acres of heavhly thnbered property with beautiful landscaping wlthin short distance of grade school and conv. totransp. Solid brirk biouse contalnlnig 10 rnis,, 2 baths. Priced. to sell. WILIMETTE New modern brick, * home wlth 6 rnis., 2% tile baths, in, perfect condition. Roonis are all sunny. aud spacious. Nice yard and 2-car gar. Nr. schools, and, transp. Prlced at $13,500 for only a few days. Don't miss seeing this exceptionally beautifui home at once. LAKE FOREST HOME - On beautifal east side. 75-ft. lot, 264 ft..deep. 8 rooms, 2 baths. 011 beat, $20,000.00. GLEN OAK ACRES, GLENVIEWone acre of ground heavily wooded. English brick bouse havlng 8 rnis., 2 baths, 2-car att. gar; P'rice $17,000. PRICE: $26.000 MeGUIRE & ORR, mc.ý Glencoe <ColoaiaI brick. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. Sun rooni. Sleeping porcli. Hot water coal heat. Garage. Ou a large niceiy landscaped lot in niorthieast Glencoe. $10,500. Fraine Colonial. 4 bedroonis. bathi. -un rooni. Hot watee oil lieat. Loeated in vory desirable. nelghborhiood. West Glencoe, NoewI' ii(erated. Exceptional buy at................ $12,00e HILL BARGAIN cr etHEi 7441 Elnx St., Winnetka . Holycnttri 17!'ù \%-Vinntka Il_ 11LTN6-1tc, 56,00GEORGIAN 51 leetiS..WlV tc 2120 THORNWOOD AVENUE ms.2 baths, 2 blks. Central and 4 bedroom.e, 2 baths, lavatory lQt floo. St. Franc-is Schooîs. Muchler Climator Ileat, tlfeatilator. 1427WiletteAve Wimdte $6500 flreolIact, Apex binged sash, recreatio 1 r47n%ili., sUn vü W niuteroomi, fireproot garage.. MNany intcrestarin. gi are; olnil, hrnring . features. Small .cash payment. balGET THE 'MOSTr VALUE CO P R OMPARr . iNrs. Fuller -& Wi, claracter of thitsb Pickard Iligland Park Colonial .stucco. 6 roome >and sun .parlor;' Attachiad garage.' Xcwly decoratei5. HOLC $4,800. WVant otfer for cquity or wil accept, residential . vacant. Colonial t>h)- brick. 5 bedrooms, Rw. 3 bathsý. Sleevinz lirc.h- FOR YOUR $$$ COLONIAL. .,.,.. = est. Gt f urtner netails today. ire than vlue of QUINLAN & TYSON, hic. 1571 Sherman Ave. UnIversity 260wilmette ~600 Evanston, 111. 2602 11LT1N6-ltq ei lanJ. E. E. Stults Realty Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 460 . Wlnnetka Ave. *- Wlnnetka 1800 I 1LTN6-1tc T & GOLEE, Inc.' Eva-nston Wil. 2486.A3S 11ILTN6-ite,