Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1936, p. 61

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wili be ac1) P. M. for .WILMIETTE IFE or ail three papers; Wedne-sday ,f. P. M. for' WINNETKA TALK and Thurtiday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEIV!S Telephones: Wiimette - Casstid\dertise' ýts Deadline for Insertions-ece'pted up to. Tuesday 748 EImn St. 'V 3399 j300, Wlnnetka 2000 (Wlnnetkà 500 after s P.). M ireenleaf 4300 orI Sheidrake 1216-1217. LosTr AND FOUND :-* -UUM JE'1 Wilmette 2171 Fourth &:Linden' Opp. "L" Terni. Davis 7777 M34Davis Evaàniton, 111. 66LrN3-tfe LOST-AN'Sý CANVAS GOLF1B4 %with clubs,* at Verpon Ave. and Green Bay Rd.. Reward -if ýreturned,' no quest iHISis e. 994 Vernon Ave, Giencoe K13. . LT6-tp LOST -PAIR 0F"SILVER-R1,IMMED glaksses, plossibiy near Central Av e., iteward. Phone Wirtnetka 3470. 3LTZNI6-ltp LOSTBLACK SWEATER WITH large "N." Central-Sehool Piayground, '%V"ediesday. Reward. Ph. Glencoe 1413. 3L6-ltp *uS$INEBSS PERSONAL RECREATION SCHOOL.S FOR MAIDS AND COUPLES. GODWAGES POSITIONS OPEN REFINED W 0OMA N WILL TAKE charge of house. and eblidren while parents are on vacation. Also by day or evenings. Giencoe 1047. 7)1,'Nt;-ltp ANTIQUES B1EAUTIFUL NTEEDLEPOINT A N D Aubusson t&pestry chairs and sofa. *#rand piano). Engiish .dining set. Ori1 entai rugs. 9x1 2 and srnaller. Choice Qýi *p;kintings ind b)ronzes. W.Nilnette :1023. 71,TN61-1tp ________BICYCLES * Quality Bicycles-îi.ow pRTEs, <oîpiete line of ail Sizes in Stock Established 26 Years: c OLLEUE, GIRL$ DIRECTINGMORN- We have the followlng appicants availWinn. 1047 799 Elmn St. ingý school for girls ages 4 to 9. For able: further informnation cell Wilmette ý1686. 20B-L6-ltc 4 COOKS WUITIE GIRL, HIGH GRADE FOR 8 MOTHER'S: HELPERS geni. hseWkç., good cook and table. BEACH- AND* PLAY CLASSý 3 COUPLES service. 2, adulte In famlly, pleasant bs- Amer! Edinger ( a former cuclo WVe investigate, references thoroughly. home.' N. S. ref. req. Prefer girl wbo at Stone4iili Camp).. $2.50 wcekly A new agency dealing'-in the better la noW employed. Phone mornings. i. trans. 5 mornings with 1 full day. ciass of help. Kenilworth 4795. ý 71LTN6-ltc Ages 4-10. Winnetka 643. 20B-LTN6-ltp WOMAN 0F CULTURE WHO DEsires to :earn $10 per week ln herown, W. Peterson, Mgr. home. 1137 Central Ave. summiER VACAIONSo Telephone> work. -Social connec1056 ,%rlmette Rockhoid Bidg. tions or large acquaintance helpful. VACAIONON A FARM FOR SMALL 68LT.M6-îtç Write, A-42, Box 60, Wllmette, Illinois. children, startlng July Sth. Private family. $6 »a Neek. 2% brs. drive from Chicago. Plione WVil. 515i week. days i5ALESWOMEN:- WELL XNOWN IN fromin to 5. 20C-LTN6-ltl) WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE their commun ity to seil Venetiau nationaiities. No blinda. W411 4nsret6' IÇaheallVneaur F dopiestic help aý inT.férences exnpioyers. to ,harge Co. 421 S. Wells St., Chicago. INsrRucTrION_____ x-estigated. Under State supervision. 71LTN6-ltc COLLEGE GRADUATE WOULD WHITrE GIRL FOR GEN!ERAL flOUSElike to tutor high schooi pupils in work. Protestant. Good cook. Famlly Winnetka 3399 Chemnistry, Mathemat les, Physics, <48 Elni St. Own room and bath. $15. 'r' Frenchi. Experienoed. Refer68LTN28-tfc of 2 adults. PHONE WILMETTE 1095 ences. "%Nilnette 621. 3OLTN6-ltp! 71LTN6-ltc FRI-NCH AND SPANISH LESCOMPETENT MAID FOR GENERA Heip carefuliy selected with sons wvith an experienced tutor, beln aduit faniiIy. special attention to experig-inniing with eiemientary grade.sand 619 Central Avenue ence, refereuce, a n d gen icluting coliege work. Phione UniW'IJ*ette 944 e r a 1 qualification1s needed versty SI:"]. 3O(LTN6-ltp) s ELl% WINNETI<A 3328 1SrRE ET BEACH CLASS SITUATION, WAI4TED>-'ïFEMAL.E Lindgren Empi. Agency Lucile's Placement 'Bureau EXPERIENCED HELP Reinhart Empi. Agency Carlson's Empi. Agency MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 14B-LTN4-t*fc WANTED TO BUY: GIRL'S USED' h4 e.No deaiers. State price. Write A-40. Box 60, Wiimet.te, 1 11..L6II PRIVATrE SCHOOLS I-riC'e 1for qui(*k sàle -I2.. $340. Phone, Gro. 114;:. PETS Original price 401LTN6-ltp 11I-BBARD WOODS A'NIMAL HOSPITAL Where Your Pets Have 24-Hour Attendance Bioarding - Pluckiflg - Clipping in Hubbard Woods, at j~(SLindeln Ave. Winn. 3737-3454 44LTN5.-4tp D.id you knowl that - - -THE HABIT 0F WORK IS THE GOAL1 0F EDUCATION?" The time, to get thé, habit is now. 1 The place is the North Shore School BY DAY. EX~PERT IN WASHINU ___ ILAJN-Itp BLANKETS. CARE FOR CHILDREN GILFRG-RLHOU.SEWR EVES. AND SUNDAYS. ALSO WORK including iaundry, from 9 until after SUNDAYS. 13EST REFS. WINNETKA dinner. Home nlghts. 1% year old child. 151, 8LTNÇ,-Itp CALL GLENCOE 1782 O. ___ ____71L6-ltp %%'011,1)LIKET'lO PLACE ored i aidI for Jly and Atigtst. Fine WRI,üTE GEdÏNER-AL HOUSÈMAIDco<ok, good disposition, fond of chikir-el. 4 IN FAMILY. NO LAUNDRY. M1rs. Gaffint-y, WINNfETKA 3882. OWN ROOM AND BATH. GSLTN-itpWINNETKA 1376 .71L6-lip. [t1ETIREDIX FANT'S NURSE WL . (1IVE PART TIME SERVICE FORWHTGILFRENA OUE 11OOM ANI) BOARD. *.IwHITE 2cIL FRenGnERmiySA Huetfiest Wn.ref. NWinnetka 86 ý orhc-lre in anle y. Stayf.6Mut WTNNI-ET'KA LiTN6-lLP 415 i 1-t- 69LTN6O

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