THRBB TIMELY SUiU '.jiýa FJIaint, rapv' alt$ndajaigwork. $;bathroom enatieIed, eafed p ARDUtINS5 gereflU, paining, pia...ri -, $6 up. 5 rB DUES~KIN painted, kitchen tre up; easy $~ furu.. e-,t cemneit work; BETTER )}IVEWVAYSl.* tirs. washied, varnished. $8. Outsid& B7Lt 1wE 1ÂLN-t .4181. Nelson B. Place, Wil. ,.4yd. loads. $1.50 d5yd. 75,,, 'Windows, $15. porches, Peat mloss, fertilizer pa!iiting, FreÉyd. lper ReTs.. reas. 1loads,$1.35 done tiàh i) -mAkEnS s&Iccn DEINSAD o sand. la and limen Gns-Wrapi,-Sute - Coats < estiniates. Materials furniished. WINN KO.PE BiOt Altered 27LTrN6-4tP *-Restyled vil. 341.3 Original - Copied 8%vi ietWinnetka 1611 'KOIfolh" k -Nielvin CEMET AI) MSONCONTRACTOR 42LTN6-îItp I-tp Basements 83EnStet22ËT ClMýTA1DMSI lIPTNiLTVTN.FowERi _______________ shîubs tt61 Wlme 1714 Washingtonl Ave. Triaispres.*foweriflg beds. l5Aý-LTN6-t _______________________________ ov. sale: atnlual, eenilplants. FAita »Pcc M'I PAPEREFD, $3.50, .R O O any OK RC ~ .. idferY1ier. ovaof, Wilmnette 452. ROO.M ALuAfqONRY AND -starched,.$3. -We do and washied a-Tecil 27LTÈN5-4tP te.'paix Weli Chirnleys and Fireplaces :w;indows uede oie. t<l kUUFIJRTI _____~Une h10 used. a .<4mal OTTO J. OTTEN 1 O.Onff ADpAT ,*RDEY 3439. QT. 15AilwjtN6107 RECRIRAM 30o rec. LOUIS, Wilniette 625 Exmioor Rd. ____________________ UP' CEILING CALC., $2 Rni. Wall.j COLLETTE SOEUR UR$kso 0,,SEPH KNEIP CEI IILK ROOFS CERTIFIED 'BY NÉw rett Co.. Perr-y Rfg. ,CO. 1045Clo 15XA-LTN41-26tP Ave.. Davis: 1616. Hibbard 9-a. mi to 10 p. m. JOEBOROVICKA, -PROP. 805 idg Ave *.Wllmtte ih1R.el. Winnetka Ave. and Corner MP. 7 to 4 in., to 12:.0 a. -z,-1t Woods Hubbad WiI. 1677 908 Linden Ave. __________ ,DCRTNCR B. Braun 9 to, 12 a. m. UUN ,of Glencok A 676 Vernon Ave. Nwork, ineluding reniodéliig M-01 penter REPATRING - -'WORK, CARPEMNTER m. a. 12 ta 9 Lwl'cset~ok. Prairie al kiwids. E spe-cialfY. Work done reas. 629 24LN6i MARI~jES DIET &RI1ES~T H ~stsatof.*INTA2w,.. ~. iA-LITN4r- 4 tii eeus le AV#.,W4hwtt~. In liaès a vacaflcy for soi( oéC>ho 42LTNi1-l1i var. good food andi lovîng 509WILMETTE GARDENING n ecrtn in Pi VERY 1REASONABLEF. -4Z_'P XEIRF1~ 0412. l'.\Ni) -jINTEI-OII DYOR CON'rRACT. flEST REFS. NUBRSEIS Phone Wilhnette 271.5 or university PAY <,kallîbgaatt(.Wi -REclous~ 15A-1,TN-5-4tP) REAS. PRICES. FRFEFESTIMATES. RNCSDA 271TN4-4tl WINNETKA 3859. O;EO. A. THURSBY Çiood care given to*17.4LT~î N>DCRTN Mothers! ilTN Attention under 4 yrs. by trained nurse. RIEPAIRS' ______________-_______l_ children ivaT ClZGANPDWORkTNq BROS. 11 PLASTE-RINOÇ &STUCCO ilnittW information ICE-THORNiHTLL F V further 3.387 For P W rce Very low rates. îaîairs;k *1716 Highlanld Av. 41A-LTN3-4tP lôA-LTN5-4tp SEE A, TNDER TREE SURGEUY 35". Wilnmette eau Ph.e w'ilinett.. 4tý1 27LTN3-4tv 1'. ~. A i.lsu.f Locust Farm ROOF LEAKS REPAIREbr-,D SUNDAY AND 1!OLIDAY, ]BAR125Wlette :Ave., ,Pernias-Afualsý fOURS Phone Wil. 5468 ii'uxuI~4LX-t LVESPaitigaf(Deoa ~ Road Gardens g ltCA~WR . :s,!~'l~pices. Etmae r~ UTN06 2TN6lL STUCCO PAIN TING SUUUNESSERVICE Painting ail EL-E C TR J C WELDING.BIE anld welding. automobile mainle shlop parts jolibers. 41-jo 1,2 .T -NA4- PAVLIK BROS. PHONE KENILWORTHl 280-820 I6LTN 5-26tp CNES AND DIRT BLACK crushied Stone, filling, nianure, truckReasonabie hIg and generai haullng. l6LTN6-t13 Olencoe, 858. prices. of Advertisers caii make these columnis a source under profit by running their home service offerings various heads. Look them over today for suggestions: Ads like: and have your ad on this page next week. these are littie but they produce BIG RESULTS! EXPERT PIANO TUNIN4-, $:, REPAIR work guaranteed. 22 Y-at-s'Fa<'t',l'Y iS-uSnil experience. H. C. Tlionris. 5T2' Prospect. Park Ridge 1477 RADIO SERVICE SERVICE - ALL MAKES - ANYTIM.IF 12(»ý Prices reasoiiable. Willnette;0!,TN4-4ti) EXPERT RADIO REPAIR Ask for Ad Taker 61Rdg iorIt, s642 22LTN6-Itp