the stars.. whiîcbh cornes to Teatro dlLago tbis Fnrday and ýSaturday;In pointed, connetted, dynamic episodes, the picture gives a patio~é~»~Vramic view of one of the stirriflg * pages in the story .~~:of the winnitig of the west. Rated by one of tbe, screen's most severe critics aF Biame Bamet one of the five best pictures o "1Mn. Deedsý Columnbia's month, tbe attracTeatro's is Town" to Cornes tioIn on Suw4ay; yonday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Gary Cooper takes the leading role in a part welI out of bis usual mun of portrayals, as tbe dreamy smnalltown boy who falis. in to a fortune and goes to the big city to look after it. jean Arthur ably plays the part of a reporter wbô tricks Mr. Deeds into a story only to fail in love witb-ýhim. Able Reporter Miriam Hpkins. z/to, zith Merle Oberon ad Jel McCrea, is the star of "TheseTf: rce," the story of 'the li#*.t of a trio :varl'y ruîneed by cornes involved post-war nysteul. Wilkes of John . sets theinlezc when he assassin-. Booth, Lincôlfl's Only throueh long servi-e :to bis felow et~is he. able .to wilm bis freedomasisshown in the.,fim which romes, to, the Valencia- theatre this Thursday and Vriday. Warner ,Baxter 'and Gloria Stuart play the leading. ParaAnother, studio thriller Mystry." Murdr, mount's Preview Itkeeps ,the audienceà in. suspense rigbt *Upto the very end as*Rod La Roque, great mnovie star, is killed big on the preview nighit of his the for nicture. The. filmn is s;cbeduled -Saturda3r. on Valencia screen These Three" will be shown at the. Valencia on Sundav, Monday, and 54d Tusday~. Miriam Ho~pkin1s girl~s' a of Merle Oberon. pronrietors school, and Joel .McCrea, the doctor they both love, are almlot hopelessly ruined by the tales told by- a new little star, Bonita Granville. Joan BlondelI is at ber bei-t as the 1dizzv working giifl in 'Colleenl," the of Valencia attraction on Wednr.sdav Ruby Powell, next week, witb Diclc Keller, Hugb Herbert, and Jack Oàkie. HOME FROM SCHOOL Miss Helen Wigglesworth, daughalter ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wigglesworth, 125 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, arrived home Sunday' fnom MANDALAY Smith coliege, Northampton, Mass., The picture "Girl From Mandala,",ýwhere she bas just completed hçr with Conrad Nagel, was taken firont sophornore yean. She stopped in tthe novel "Tioeer Valley" by Regin- Cleveland for several days as the house guest of a classmate, Miss Janet Zeigler of Lakewood, Ohio. y's attraci Ann witb 'iiC z«aid SBETTER FILMS NS.COMMENT 1-Adilts; Y-Youta, 13 to 'Key age; C-Cihildreen, 8 loa, 12 of 18 yecrs PF-E;itirepamsily. age: of years Teatro del Lage j il june 19 and 20-"Sutter's Gold," for F. june 21,ý 22, 23 and 24-"Mr. ledWs Goes to Town," an exceptional comedy 'f wuvrougo Phbone , .m FOXHUAP 3611 O.Ikton Se., Nil.. Ceuta SALE Co M SEN EmICKSON wilawtte 4092 w a mu. > I